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mazingerz88's avatar

If you don't support Trump, who is scarier, him or the people who agree with him?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29344points) February 12th, 2016

As asked, thanks…

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21 Answers

Tropical_Willie's avatar

It’s a dead heat. Sometimes it reminds me of Adolph and the Brown Shirts.

Jeruba's avatar

I think he is.

Der Spiegel published an article calling him the most dangerous man in the world:

And they should know.

Mimishu1995's avatar

I think his supporters are more dangerous. He wouldn’t be a threat without them.

Seek's avatar

Trump himself.

His supporters are always there, but without him they’re disorganized and powerless.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Tough call. He’s the canary.

Zaku's avatar

The people who agree with him. And the politicians and journalists who treat him seriously.

Trump himself, I still suspect of just doing this for fun, publicity, stunt mania and randomness.

ibstubro's avatar

The people that agree with the shit that comes out of his head, hands down.

He’s a bullshitter. A con artist extraordinaire. He’s used to telling people whatever they want to hear in order to get his way. It works for him, big time.

What’s really scary is the number of people that want to hear the racist, misogynist idiotic bullshit that he’s forced to spew in order to keep his following.

To an extent all politicians are con artists and snake oil salesman by nature. That doesn’t necessarily make them evil. Just narcissistic.
The fact that Trump’s followers are clamoring for just shy of white pillowcases and lengths of rope is what’s truly frightening.

I could be wrong. He could just be selling needful things.

Jeruba's avatar

Who is scarier, Kim Jong Un or the people under him?
Who was scarier, Pol Pot or the people under him?
Who was scarier, [fill in the blank with any crazed, narcissistic demagogue with unchecked power] or the people under him?

Blind, mindless, hate-driven followers are scary as hell, no doubt about it. But they’re the ammunition, not the weapon. Without the gun, the bullets just sit there. Even an empty gun is a threat.

Cruiser's avatar

The people that hate him.

I have seen hateful groups of people in my lifetime…KKK, Westboro Baptists, The Aryan Nations Knights…but they pale in comparison the the hatred and vitriol spewed forth by those opposed to Donald Trump. Reminds me of all those heads that exploded over Barack Obama winning the nomination 7 years ago. When will we all ever grow up?

ibstubro's avatar

Kim Jong Un and Pol Pot were elected, @Jeruba? People living under a brutal totalitarian regime are followers??

Exactly, @Cruiser.
Trump is right on a par with the KKK, Westboro Baptists, and The Aryan Nations.
Dangerously ignorant and hate filled invective.
Modern day George Wallace.

Pachy's avatar

For my money, both Trump and everyone who believes the hate and garbage he spews belong in a cryogenics.

Adagio's avatar

Thanks for that article link @Jeruba . I may not be a US citizen/voter but the whole globe should be concerned about the rising of this narcissistic man. The support he has been getting scares the hell out of me.

JLeslie's avatar

A portion of Trump supporters I think are scarier than Trump. It depends why someone supports him. I have two friends who plan on voting for him, and neither of them scare me.

What’s the scariest thing about Trump? The scariest thing to me is him meeting with another leader and saying something that gets a missile pointed at us. I don’t worry about Trump on domestic policy. Of all the Republicans he will likely be the most tame on domestic stuff, except for possibly immigration, but even there I’m not sure. I don’t believe Trump is racist, I’m not so sure about some (definitely only some, probably very few)) of the people who support him.

ucme's avatar

The fact that you lot will be relieved to fuckery & back if Hillary bags the gig at the white house.
Well, she’s a fucking nightmare but she ain’t Trump right?”
Scary because making do will never do.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

Neither ate too scary. Nobody is bucking the status quo these days despite what they say or want

ragingloli's avatar

The supporters and those who defend him.
@JerubaAnd they should know.
We certainly should. And in this case we do.

ibstubro's avatar

I’ve been struggling with who Donald Trump reminds me of – relates to – during my lifetime.

I was just 11 when George Wallace’s last presidential run was ended by an assassination attempt in 1972.
I was from Missouri, a Confederate state, and my dad was a staunch Wallace supporter. Even at the time, I knew that Wallace was wrong. I believe my dad knew Wallace was wrong. But Wallace was a bully, and he represented the white supremacist status-quo. My dad, and bigots like him at the time, didn’t care right from wrong. They cared about slowing the tides of change as long as possible. About glorying in being “THE MAN” for as long as possible. About keeping everyone of a socioeconomic below them, beneath them.

To me Trump represents the modern day equivalent.
Yeah he knows he’s wrong. Yeah, his followers know he’s wrong. Everyone just wants to bully their way into a last hurrah.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Regardless of the obvious stakes and the gastric distress derived from envisioning President Trump, it is really fascinating to witness so many of us unable to see what is right in front of us. When Palin was all the rage on the right,

filmfann's avatar

Trump is a manipulator. He is far more dangerous than the weak minded followers he controls.

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