Which is your favourite Hollywood pair?
Not necessarily a pair in real life but those who have acted together and share great chemistry / you look forward to seeing them together?
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42 Answers
Marilyn Monroe’s boobs, best supporting role to her bra.
Fatty Arbuckle and his “date.”
For me it’s a draw between Spencer Tracy/Katherine Helpburn and William Powell/Myrna Loy.
Are you scratching your head about who these actors are? ;-)
I liked Maddie and David on Moonlighting. (Sybil Shepard and what’s his name ;)
Fox Mulder and Dana Scully.
I’ll second @Pachy‘s dilemma. Two great duos. Although Newman and Redford are pretty high up there too.
I agree, @janbb. Though I never saw them flirt and kiss like Spence and Kate. At least not on-screen.
Romance was not specified in the OP :-)
Meh…to heck with human couples, I’m a sucker for the animated animal couples. Lady & the Tramp, Pongo & Perdita, Simba and Nala, Dutchess & Thomas, Black Beauty & Ginger, Spirit & Rain. What can I say being a horse/ animal lover? haha
@Coloma Lady and the Tramp are high on my list too.
@Pachy – you seem to be old movie lover..no favorite in the new lot?
Slightly off topic but…I saw ” The Final Hours” yesterday. Wonderful true story, 10 thumbs up!
Laurel and Hardy were good. Abbot and Costello were good. Martin and Lewis, not so much.
@imrainmaker, yes, I’m hopelessly addicted to movies of the 30s and 40s, but I do like newer ones, too. I thought Sandra Bullock and Melissa McCarty were great together in “Heat,” as were Julia Roberts and Hugh Grant in “Notting hill.” And I loved ALL the matchups in “Love Actually.”*
* I’m a hopeless movie romantic, too.
Clark Gable and Claudette Colbert were adorable together in It Happened One Night.
My serious answer :
Lemmon & Matthau
Rathbone & Bruce (Holmes & Watson)
Newman & Redford
Wilder & Pryor
Woody & Buzz
Ooh – Cumberbatch and Freeman!
A lot of great answers above. I would add:
Chris Farle & David Spade
Han Solo & Chewbacca
Kirk & Spock
Felicity Huffman and William H. Macy for current couple.
Hands down.
George Burns and Gracie Allen
Until his passing a few years ago, DeForest Kelley and his wife. They’d been married for 54 years, and they were virtually inseparable throughout.
Justin Timberlake and Jimmy Fallon
James Spader and Maggie Gyllenhaal in Secretary.
Dear sweet Lord, that movie is better than porn.
Bogie and Bergman.
I also liked William Powell and Myrna Loy, but in the later Thin Man movies, he starts calling her Mommy, and that creeps me out.
I like Chevy Chase/Goldie Hawn, as a couple, but their movies were weak.
@Coloma We’d be remiss if we didn’t mention Ralph & Alice Kramden.
OMG, I nearly forgot my all-time favorite couple… Bogie and Bacall !!! Their on-screen chemistry from their earliest match, “To Have and Have Not,” to one of their later ones, “Key Largo,” has never been topped (in my opinion).
Slim (Bacall): You know you don’t have to act with me, Steve. You don’t have to say anything, and you don’t have to do anything. Not a thing. Oh, maybe just whistle. You know how to whistle, don’t you, Steve? You just put your lips together and… blow.
@Love_my_doggie Yes, and Samantha and Darren and Charles and Caroline Ingalls too.
@Pachy I loved Lauren Bacall, Bogey not so much. haha
@Coloma, watch “Key Largo” and “The Harder They Fall”, his last movie). He played good guys in both. You might change your mind.
Here’s another terrific pairing… James Garner and Julie Andrews in “The Americanization of Emily.” A wonderful movie, if under-rated.
In total agreement about The Secretary.
It’s the one mainstream film I suggest to those new to the kink realm.
Can’t have them getting their first impressions from the big wad of cheese that was 50 Shades of Grey.
At the same time I don’t want to scare them off right away with The Nymphomaniac films.
The incredibly classy Ann Bancroft and the incredibly brassy Mel Brooks.
God, it’s hard to believe she’s been dead 11 years.
@Seek that movie IS Porn.
Meg Ryan was adorable in the day before she went under the knife and botoxed her lips into sausages. lol
You just reminded me of one of my favorite clips of all time. Mel and Anne singing, in Polish yet, “Sweet Georgie Brown” (from To Be or Not to Be) Their chemistry is obvious, their enjoyment infectious.
If this doesn’t put a smile on someone’s face nothing can.
I was thinking of that movie when I posted Mel and Ann, @Buttonstc. I’ve enjoyed that very clip from TV many times.
What an incredibly beautiful woman.
Rene Russo and Pierce Brosnan in the excellent remake of “Thomas Crown Affair.” Very sexy chemistry.
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