Meta Question

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Is "Questions for You" WORKING AGAIN ?

Asked by Tropical_Willie (31562points) February 13th, 2016

Just had a question for me in my queue. Did the software muses fix it?

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57 Answers

filmfann's avatar

Not for me.

dxs's avatar

Did someone send you it or did it just show up on its own?
I haven’t gotten any.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

It came on its own. @dxs It just showed up.

dxs's avatar

Woah! I’ll keep you posted on any Qs 4 U that I get. Hopefully a mod or @Phinotpi will show up to say something. Im’ sending it to him now.

ibstubro's avatar

Are you certain someone didn’t ‘share’ the question with you?

Anything’s possible. PhiNotPi was in recently and Mariah has volunteered to work on Fluther a bit.

I’ve not seen anything to indicate updates, however.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Okay it happened again but came back to this question. Whaz happenin’ ? ?

Soubresaut's avatar

My guess there is @ibstubro sent this question to you just to see if that might be what it was? That, or the Questions for You gods** are having fun… or else Isaac Asimov’s ghost in the machine, and all that jazz…?

**correction: software muses ;)—that is much softer on the ears!

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Don’t send Issac Asimov, I remember when he didn’t have gray hairs.

rojo's avatar

I got one a few days ago.

ibstubro's avatar

I sent a couple of ‘share’ invites.

longgone's avatar

Sorry, guys, no-one fixed anything. We’re aware, though, and working on it.

rojo's avatar

Quit messin’ wid da system! If it ain’t broke dont’ fix…, never mind”

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

I got an un-forwarded question in my Questions for You this morning. I haven’t had one in months. (I also got a question that was sent to me by another user, so I know the other one was not sent by anyone.)

ibstubro's avatar

I believe I got an unforwarded Question for You this morning.
Forwarded notices are always accompanied by an email, IMExperience.

I also got an email notification that someone and answered one of my questions…something else that’s not happened for months (if ever).

Changes are afoot.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

And I got a second question automatically sent to me in Questions for You. This was definitely not forwarded by another jelly.

zenvelo's avatar

Just worked for me! I got a question about farts!

ibstubro's avatar

Well, deserved, @zenvelo! I promise that ‘kiss’ wasn’t from me!

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Same here. Farts!

ibstubro's avatar


RedDeerGuy1's avatar

I just got my first question for you. It was the fart question.

Mariah's avatar

I also got the fart question just now, lol. I haven’t done any technical work for Fluther yet, although that will be changing soon.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Hooray for farts!

rojo's avatar

Old ones?

Cruiser's avatar

This one just popped up in my for you section.

ibstubro's avatar

I seem to be on the cutting edge!

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

I just got an email that someone answered my question. Someone is fixing Fluther.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

The plot thickens!

I also got ibstubro Q.

dxs's avatar

I got the fart question, too. There’s something strange in the air…

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

I’m getting awards now. Thanks to whoever is fixing the site.

PhiNotPi's avatar

Stuff seems to be working now.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Yeah! The awards and Questions for you have come back!

dxs's avatar

I got two more questions for me!

Soubresaut's avatar

The farts question was in my Questions for You too! Haha… it is, apparently, quite the toot hoot!

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Okay it WORKS.

I’ve got 6 new Q’s in “Questions For You”!

Who do we thank ? ?

Mimishu1995's avatar

Who else but Phi?

ucme's avatar

Received pure spam in questions for you, utterly pointless.

NerdyKeith's avatar

I’m only a new member since yesterday and it has not worked for me at all.

rojo's avatar

Hey @NerdyKeith welcome. Hope you enjoy your time here.

NerdyKeith's avatar

@rojo Thank you so much, happy to be here. Very unique Q&A website Fluther is.

dxs's avatar

@NerdyKeith The more topics you add to your profile, the more “Questions for You” that you get.

ibstubro's avatar

And people you follow, @NerdyKeith.

Questions for You are sent based on the topics you add and the people in your fluther.
Or if someone chooses to “Share question” with you using the red link under GQ.

How did you find Fluther?

NerdyKeith's avatar

Thank you for the information @ibstubro, thats good to know.

I was looking for an alternative to Yahoo Answers, someone on Yahoo Answers recommended Quora. Quora in its defence is a very efficient Q&A site, but they have their own way of doing things I guess. Any of the users can edit the questions posted and merge them into other questions. They can also edit your topic tags too. But the main thing that was a deal breaker for me in Quora was the real name policy. I don’t feel comfortable with that information floating around the web.

So I did a Google search for Q&A websites and Flutter was mentioned. What I like about it is, its not as serious as Quora. Quora was too serious for me. Whereas Yahoo is pretty much falling apart.

rojo's avatar

@NerdyKeith Overall, there are a pretty good bunch of folks here. We may don’t always agree and sometimes feelings are hurt but overall it is pretty tame; more like siblings irritating each other.

I would also like to give a shout out to our mods. They are terrific, They seem to be a pretty laid back bunch as long as you don’t get too snarky and remember that there is a difference between there, their and they’re (hint: their is possessive, they’re is a contraction) keep that straight and they will pretty much leave you alone.

Cruiser's avatar

@NerdyKeith Welcome to Fluther. Question for you…are you a liberal or conservative?

rojo's avatar

@NerdyKeith whatever @Cruiser says, don’t listen to him. He is one of them.

NerdyKeith's avatar

@Cruiser Thanks! I’m very liberal on a lot of social issues and a humanist.

Cruiser's avatar

@NerdyKeith dang…I had my hopes up and will go sulk in my very lonely corner~

ibstubro's avatar

Yeah, @NerdyKeith, @Cruiser had high hopes you were inhumane! ~ ~

NerdyKeith's avatar

@Cruiser Sorry to hear that buddy ;)

Yeah @ibstubro I’m about as humanist as they come. #FreedomPeaceAndLove

Cruiser's avatar

No @ibstubro I just expect him to at any minute start barking like a dog :P

rojo's avatar

^^meh, not as good as your Bernie on Bongos one, that was/is a keeper^^

dammitjanetfromvegas's avatar

I don’t like questions for you. There are so few questions there really is no need for it.

The only thing that questions for you did for me was make me work during my time here. I had to decide what to do with each question. I had 1000 questions in my activity with my jonsblond account because I got tired of looking at them and deleting the ones I wasn’t interested in.


NerdyKeith's avatar

It seems to be working now. I probably get about three questions a day there.

Mimishu1995's avatar

@dammitjanetfromvegas how about the remove all button? I use that whenever I want to clean all question for you in a row.

dammitjanetfromvegas's avatar

It’s still added work Mimi. I enjoy a lazy Fluther experience. :)

dammitjanetfromvegas's avatar

Also, there’s no remove all on mobile.

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