Meta Question

tinyfaery's avatar

As some flutherites approach the 10,000 luve mark, should fluther consider adopting some sort of special moniker that lets the collective know how valuable these members are to all of us?

Asked by tinyfaery (44297points) July 25th, 2008

What could it be? This is definitely not my specialty. A special color? Maybe instead of a star they could have a different symbol? What do ya’ll think?

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24 Answers

poofandmook's avatar


dragonflyfaith's avatar

Maybe a little badge/banner that says “Fluther Expert” or something along those lines.

PupnTaco's avatar

I think the number would be impressive enough.

scamp's avatar

PupnTaco I agree.

Dog's avatar

An icon or such would be cool- but it might look like they are mods on first glance.

jrpowell's avatar

I think they should cap it at 1000. It would read (1000+) and never go any higher. But you could see the actual score on the persons user page.

edit :: after a thousand it doesn’t really matter anymore. You know the person is established.

wildflower's avatar

but then people will stop giving GA’s and GQ’s after 1000 and then you won’t get that warm fuzzy “someone liked what I said” feeling any more :(

jrpowell's avatar

I don’t know. I see where you are coming from but I don’t know if that would happen. I was just tossing out an idea.

shilolo's avatar

I think the special mark should start at 3452 lurve points… ;-)

dragonflyfaith's avatar

@shilolo Awww now you’re special…

poofandmook's avatar

LOL Dragon, did you do what I did and GA him to make the number go up?

shilolo's avatar

Thank you, thank you, I’ll be here all week…

dragonflyfaith's avatar

@poof Yeah! I hit the button and it went from 0 to 2. Jinx!

Singing “Can you feel the love tonight…”

swimmindude2496's avatar

I think it would be a good idea if you could have your lurve a certain color like instead of blue it could be red and have the symbol a fluther jellyfish symbol!

@poof and dragon I did the same and saw it go to three!!!

paulc's avatar

Yes, we’ll want to be able to identify the smart asses quickly and easily when the revolution comes. Excellent idea!

swimmindude2496's avatar

@paulc You can obviously see most of the people who answered have at least over 1,000 in lurve. Coincidence huhh

srtlhill's avatar

to all of those people who take the time to help others thank you. I have been helped by many people just by reading responses. Thank you and best wishes to those who deserve the golden star by their name. Your time spent helping others is much appreciated.

tinyfaery's avatar

@srt That’s so nice of you.

wildflower's avatar

That is a nice message srthill – and happy fluther-versary :)

swimmindude2496's avatar

@wild What do you mean Fluther-Versary?

wildflower's avatar

Have a look at srthill’s ‘member since’ date

srtlhill's avatar

thanks for letting me know, the past year flew by. Partly because of all my fluther activity. I love this site. Best wishs to you wildflower. Keep up the great work.

crunchaweezy's avatar

Being a new Flutherite it might take a while, but I’m trying!

swimmindude2496's avatar

@crunch I know how you feel. I joined about two months ago. And not doing so well in lurve as you might have noticed.

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