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NerdyKeith's avatar

What is your religious affiliation?

Asked by NerdyKeith (5489points) February 17th, 2016 from iPhone

Just curious. I’m a deist by the way

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56 Answers

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

I am an immortal god. With bad spelling.

jaytkay's avatar


I was not raised in a religious family. I’ve never seen any reason to become religious.

Mimishu1995's avatar

No religion at all. I don’t believe that God exists, or at least not the God people are glorifying.

filmfann's avatar

Baptist, but not currently attending a church.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Nondenominational and hostile about it.

kritiper's avatar

Raised Catholic, now devout/hard Atheist.

Seek's avatar

Atheist and apostate.

Brian1946's avatar

I am a suicidally crazed worshiper of RedDeerGuy1!

I think the above is an answer that doesn’t need a tilde. ;-)

MollyMcGuire's avatar

Presbyterian Church USA

Soubresaut's avatar

Atheist born and raised. I feel a sense of spirituality, for lack of a better word, in dance and in science—the emotive “energy” that gives dance its beauty and power, the molecular energy that drives our beautiful, powerful universe.

Usually I can lie outside at night, stare up into the sky, and feel a sense of awe deep in my gut. The other night I was lying outside and realized how disconnected I felt from the sky. I think it’s because my two conceptions of “spirituality” are connected—when I’m not dancing I feel less vital, and so less a “part” of the universe. But that’s as close as I would ordinarily get to a religion or religious affiliation.

JLeslie's avatar

I don’t know if I can say I’m affiliated, but I identify as Jewish.

Mariah's avatar

I am an agnostic atheist.

Welcome to Fluther!

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Born Catholic, ten years of Catholic school, but we really weren’t all that religious. I’m an agnostic, but I’m taking a serious look at The Church of the Red Deer Guy.

Welcome to Fluther!

Mimishu1995's avatar

Maybe Red Deer Guy is the real God that rule this whole world? ~

DrasticDreamer's avatar

Agnostic with atheist leanings. However, I’m still “spiritual” in a way (for lack of a better word), but I define it as more of a very deep sense of awe and respect regarding many things.

Kardamom's avatar

I am an agnostic who loves to celebrate Christmas with all its trappings. I don’t believe in God. Jesus was just a nice fellow.

Darth_Algar's avatar

Buddhist atheist.

dxs's avatar

Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

I am a recovered Southern Baptist. My parents are rabidly fundamentalist. I gave up their church in 1990. I gave up all church in about 2000.

I am very happy with daily meditation that connects me to something. I do not know what that something is, nor do I care. My daily power walk is part of my meditation. It connects me with my breath and my heartbeat.

I have other spiritual beliefs and practices, but I don’t talk about them on this site. The majority of jellies are intolerant of anything short of a mechanistic view of the universe.

kevbo's avatar

Recovered Catholic now practicing a flavor of Advaita Vedanta.

It’s something I fell into, and I couldn’t be more content.

Rarebear's avatar

Atheist Jew.

janbb's avatar


ucme's avatar

Pure atheist but claim agnostisism…agnostisisity…agnos…to be agnostic just to cover my arse.
Best of both worlds.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Religion is a personal attribute.

LostInParadise's avatar

tooth fairy agnostic

Misspegasister28's avatar

It’s hard to explain. I don’t believe in God specifically, but I believe we aren’t here alone and that something made us and the universe. It just doesn’t make sense that the Big Bang just happened out of nowhere.

To make it easier though and to save everyone I talk to about religion the big explanation, I’m atheist.

NerdyKeith's avatar

@Misspegasister28 Interesting. That sounds a little like deism or possibly pandeism. But then again you could simply just be agnostic atheist.

Misspegasister28's avatar

@NerdyKeith Yeah! I’m not sure if there’s a name for it! My dad is the same way and he just calls himself “spiritual”

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

@Misspegasister28 that is close to my position only I just say “agnostic” to make things easier. There are so many interesting possibilities yet we still know next to nothing. ....except that religion is probably complete nonsense.

Misspegasister28's avatar

@ARE_you_kidding_me Yeah, it saves a bunch of time to just say “agnostic”. Yeah! I agree! I believe religion is just a way that people way back when tried to make sense of the world.

Coloma's avatar

Agnostic/atheist but enjoy the eastern philosophies.
I’m all about possibility vs. probability. Anything’s possible but I somehow highly doubt an omnipotent “God” is probable. I had a very diverse religious upbringing and prefer to worship the interconnectedness of everything in the temple of nature.

JLeslie's avatar

I’m an atheist too. I didn’t think of it as being an affiliation, so I only answered Jewish above, but more specifically I’m an atheist Jew.

kritiper's avatar

@Misspegasister28 That is just the thing that would make no sense if people thought that way. So many must think there was nothing before the “Big Bang,” then there was “something.” The universe as we know it was created in the “Big Bang,” but I think all of the matter was already here to begin with. I have my own little theory: That our “Big Bang” wasn’t the first.

Mariah's avatar

The idea is that time itself was created in the Big Bang. Meaning that “before” the Big Bamg is a nonsensical concept.

kritiper's avatar

@Mariah If you can buy that notion. Time is endless. No beginning, no end. Like the Great Void itself.

Mariah's avatar

Time and space are very closely related. No space, no time! That’s what the science says. I do “buy” it.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

@Mariah Time gets quite dicey though. Apparently the present can affect the past. Some very interesting implications here.

JLeslie's avatar

@Misspegasister28 To me, you are a theist, not that I insist you use the term, because from what I infer from what you wrote, you believe in a creator. A creator of the universe. The beginning if many Hebrew prayers: Our Lord our God, creator if the universe. Some interpret it as King of the universe.

Even the Catholics believe God created the universe and within His creation evolution took place. I’m not sure what they believe about the Big Bang, but they don’t see science and God as completely mutually exclusive, but rather God put in place what was needed to create life on earth. The Catholics, and all the Abrahamic religions for that matter, go further by believing God is up there watching over us. Some feel he judges us.

I do understand why you call yourself an atheist though, because I am guessing you don’t believe there is some sort of God up there who is creating miracles and punishing people for bad deeds.

I call myself am atheist, because it’s the easiest way to get across that daily God is simply not a part of my life. I don’t look to Him, think about Him, or worry about what religious leaders think we should be doing to please God. However, I also don’t insist there is no God, so in a way it can be interpreted that I am agnostic, but the religious love to run with agnostic as being unsure, or that everyone has some sort of doubt, and that isn’t the case, so I don’t use the term agnostic. I’m simply what I consider to be an average atheist, born, and raised, and it stuck. I’m not a fanatic or extremist. Fanatic atheist, fanatic Christian, Fanatic Muslim, fanatics are fanatics. Not to be confused with someone like my MIL, who is simply very religious.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

@JLeslie not to me. Theism implies a belief in some system of theology where simply leaving the door open for some sort of creation since it can’t be disproved is a firmly agnostic. Actually believing in some non-theological deity is deism. Theology is defined and has specific rules, like going to hell or whatever.

JLeslie's avatar

Like going to hell or whatever. Lol. :)

Darth_Algar's avatar


I’m fairly certain that the Vatican official holds the Big Bang theory to be true (indeed, it was first postulated by a Catholic priest and mathematician, Georges Lemaitre) and fully compatible with the Christian faith.

kritiper's avatar

@Mariah The space (Great Void) has always existed. So, by your logic, time has always existed.
(Keep in mind that only Man can conceive of the existence of time. Otherwise, there is only now.)

kritiper's avatar

@JLeslie I agree with your response to @Misspegasister28 . Agnostics that hold out some hope that a creator exists, are theists. GA!

Mariah's avatar

@kritiper Eh, I’m by no means an expert, but I believe the theory is that space itself was created during the Big Bang.

LostInParadise's avatar

It is all very difficult to imagine. There had to be scientific laws that in some sense preceded the Big Bang. Is it possible to have scientific laws that exist outside of space and time?

Seek's avatar

Our scientific laws are based on our observable universe. If we are looking outside our universe, our very definitions of “law”, ” space ”, ” time ”, and even “fact” would have to be rewritten.

CWOTUS's avatar

Confirmed (apostate) Episcopalian agnostic atheist, occasional Pastafarian (Fifth-degree meatball) and some other former things that I’m not going to get into here and now.

dxs's avatar

@CWOTUS Marinara be with you!

janbb's avatar

@dxs Pretty saucy remark.

dxs's avatar

@janbb Just using my noodles.

Sneki95's avatar

I believe in an existence of a creator and that’s it. I’m not religious, as if following a religion. (I do find religions very interesting, though), and I kind of hate churches as organizations (churches as buildings are breathtakingly wonderful).

Kardamom's avatar

@Sneki95 One of my hobbies is photographing churches, especially stained glass windows. I don’t have a religious bone in my body, but I know good architecture and art when I see it.

Sneki95's avatar

@Kardamom I adore churches, many of them are amazingly designed, both inside and outside. Often times I have an urge to draw them, hopefully I’ll get skilled enough for it! :D

Coloma's avatar

I worship cats, I should have been an Egyptian. haha

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