@Misspegasister28 To me, you are a theist, not that I insist you use the term, because from what I infer from what you wrote, you believe in a creator. A creator of the universe. The beginning if many Hebrew prayers: Our Lord our God, creator if the universe. Some interpret it as King of the universe.
Even the Catholics believe God created the universe and within His creation evolution took place. I’m not sure what they believe about the Big Bang, but they don’t see science and God as completely mutually exclusive, but rather God put in place what was needed to create life on earth. The Catholics, and all the Abrahamic religions for that matter, go further by believing God is up there watching over us. Some feel he judges us.
I do understand why you call yourself an atheist though, because I am guessing you don’t believe there is some sort of God up there who is creating miracles and punishing people for bad deeds.
I call myself am atheist, because it’s the easiest way to get across that daily God is simply not a part of my life. I don’t look to Him, think about Him, or worry about what religious leaders think we should be doing to please God. However, I also don’t insist there is no God, so in a way it can be interpreted that I am agnostic, but the religious love to run with agnostic as being unsure, or that everyone has some sort of doubt, and that isn’t the case, so I don’t use the term agnostic. I’m simply what I consider to be an average atheist, born, and raised, and it stuck. I’m not a fanatic or extremist. Fanatic atheist, fanatic Christian, Fanatic Muslim, fanatics are fanatics. Not to be confused with someone like my MIL, who is simply very religious.