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filmfann's avatar

If elected President, what book would Bernie Sanders have his hand on when he takes the oath of office?

Asked by filmfann (52620points) February 18th, 2016

Bernie was born into a Jewish family, but says he is “not particularly religious”.

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24 Answers

Seek's avatar

My guess (and it is only a guess) is that he would take his oath on the Constitution.

zenvelo's avatar

Does he need to have his hand on something? How about the Constitution?

If he feels particularly tied to his familial spiritual connection, he could put it on a copy of the Torah.

Jaxk's avatar

Given his position on spending, I would think he’d have his hand on your wallet.

Seek's avatar

Alas, the only image I can find of him taking an oath of office is from his induction as mayor of Burlington in 1981, and it doesn’t show his other hand

ragingloli's avatar

inb4 “Das Kapital”

Seek's avatar

It bears mentioning that nowhere is it required that they place their hand on anything at all. Teddy Roosevelt didn’t use a Bible. John Quincy Adams and Franklin Pierce placed their hands on books of law.

Teddy Roosevelt also left out “so help me God” from his (saying “and thus I swear” instead), and Franklin Pierce said an affirmation instead of swearing at all.

The nerd in me would absolutely love Bernie to put his hand on the Constitution, and end his oath with “So say we all”.

ragingloli's avatar

not “make it so” or “live long and prosper”?

Seek's avatar

Eh, those aren’t really “end of oath”-type sayings; they’re too imperative.

NerdyKeith's avatar

Maybe he would have his hand on a copy of the US constitution or his heart.

He could just affirm, as one does in a court of law.

rojo's avatar

Just so long as it is not on his parts…

stanleybmanly's avatar

“The Prince”

SavoirFaire's avatar

Photography is banned in the Senate Chamber, so any photos you see are of reenactment ceremonies. (Similarly, House members are all sworn in at once without anyone taking the oath on anything, so all photos you see with a Representatives hand on a Bible are reenactments). With that said, Sanders’ past reenactment photos have been taken with a Bible. I don’t know if he brought it with him, though, or if he was just using whatever was provided. He probably wasn’t expecting the photos to get a lot of scrutiny. Every aspect of a presidential inauguration is subjected to scrutiny, however, so there’s really no guessing whether he will continue using a Bible for his swearing in ceremony. It all depends on which of his PR advisors wins the argument.

kritiper's avatar

The Boy Scout handbook.

ucme's avatar

Mein Kampf?

ragingloli's avatar

That would be Trump.

elbanditoroso's avatar

“Mad Magazine”

NerdyKeith's avatar

Lol @elbanditoroso that would be awesome

ucme's avatar

@ragingloli Nah, the “Don” can’t read, he’d use a DVD copy of The World at War, big fan of Olivier apparently.

SecondHandStoke's avatar

Marxism For Dummies. (Large print edition).

SecondHandStoke's avatar

Sanders, I assume would have no issue with being called a Liberal today.

One of many problems with Sanders is that he favors Socialism (and this detail is important) on a Federal level. (This conservative has no problem with Social systems on a municipal level).

Earlier in his too long life Bernie openly espoused Marxist ideology.

Cruiser's avatar

I don’t see how he could manage to keep his hand still on a bible (or wallet) while talking. I think a bongo would be a better choice for swearing him in.

Seek's avatar

^ That would be AWESOME.

I love people who would not be able to talk if you tied their arms behind their backs.

rojo's avatar

@Cruiser Great.

Now I have this picture of Sanders acting like Sheldon

“Hello America. Do you like my Bongos?”

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