Do you believe world peace is possible?
Asked by
NerdyKeith (
February 19th, 2016
from iPhone
Or at least something close to it?
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31 Answers
Not until every single human lies dead.
No. Well, yes. If a ruling class were capable of arming themselves with arms and a security apparatus so horrific and thorough, yes. That is entirely possible in today’s world. That is the danger of pacifism, or peace at any price. That is what the Soviet Union and her satellites had. Nobody, except possibly some Communist Party members (representing 10% of the population at best) were happy, but for about forty years they had peace inside the Soviet realm. Extrapolate that to one world government, and you will have world peace. Very little freedom, but it will be peaceful— as it was in the Soviet Bloc and as it is now in most of China.
Otherwise, without an enforced peace, no. Man is as yet too unenlightened. There is always opposition of ideas, desperation, hunger, injustice, and especially the disparity in resources—which we can expect to become increasingly disparate as the world population increases.
Yes. But not any time soon.
It’s possible, but highly unlikely, such is the way of things.
Sadly, I tend to be with @ragingloli on this one.
I don’t think world peace is conceivable as human society now exists.
I’m sure there are scenarios where it could happen, but I think it would require such a reduction in the human population as to make it unimaginable today.
No, never.
Socratic philosophy tells us man is a rational being and this ability to reason is why there is any peace at all on this planet.
Darwinism accurately documents the survival of the fittest process of evolution and why man has survived and evolved into the higher life form it is today. But the evolution of man was anything but peaceful and persists today and IMO it will forever because….humans are emotionally flawed and lack the mental and moral discipline to completely resist and not fall prey to the 7 deadly sins. Anyone of those sins creates conflict within the concept of keeping the peace within one’s immediate circle, then community, then country and ultimately the world. All it takes is just one greedy, lazy, envious, horny, angry, boastful person who wants more to eat than their fair share to upset the peaceful balance in the world. Ain’t never gonna happen.
This has been a hard nut to crack for this gal that came of age in the 70’s and being highly influenced by the counter culture movement, the Vietnam war and the vibes of that era, peace, love, and of course, sex, drugs and rock-n-roll. haha
I was very idealistic as a younger women, chose to move on up to the country and raise my daughter in a rural and healthy environment, farmey pets, gardens, nature and promoted kindness, care for the environment and good will to all. Sadly the star crossed sentiments of those days are long gone and at this juncture of world issues, no, I do not believe world peace is possible. I also don’t think owning more guns and arming oneself to the teeth is any way to solve these issues either.
Too much greed, egos the size of Australia, rampant capitalism, ( which is fine, within reason ) but not when it promotes an ” as long as I get mine I don’t give a flying fuck about anyone else” attitude. Admittedly I am quite jaded these days and think the best thing that could happen would be the total extinction of hominids and a return to the garden by all other living beings. Bless the beasts and the children, the rest can go to hell for allI care care. lol
I don’t know if simultaneous world wide peace is actually possible.
I imagine even cave men fought with each other over basic things so maybe it’s just in our nature, but on a larger scale it’s terrifying to think about. All I can hope for is that the most thoughtful and empathetic people are put in charge of the most powerful armed forces to at least minimize the damage we humans could potentially do.
No. People tend to blame this on human nature, but there is constant violence and conflict within the animal world as well. The price of existence is eternal warfare.
“Never” is a very long time.
Yes, it is possible. I don’t expect it soon, but it is possible.
Not possible. It is Man’s nature to wage war. Peace might be possible if all humans were given frontal lobotomies, but who would perform the operation on the doctors??? The only sure way to have total, everlasting peace would be to kill ALL of the humans.
Of course it’s “possible”, it’s just very unlikely.
Left to their own devices, even children will form cliques and castes of one kind or another. Then they grow up, build that kind of grouping into political parties and eventually armies to ensure that “their side” wins whatever conflicts arise. And there are always conflicts.
Do they have to be military conflicts in nature? No, I don’t think so, but… that’s kind of what we’ve done for thousands of years. Could we change that aspect of human culture? I’m certain that we could, eventually. It’s possible. We came down out of the trees. We developed large scale agriculture and cities. We can do lots of things that change societies, and even if we don’t “change human nature”, it’s not inevitable that we have to have wars, I think. It’s just very unlikely from the way we do things currently.
If by your question you mean “Can we have zero conflict?”, well, who would want that? Zero conflict sounds so incredibly… boring.
I think so. As soon as some countries pull their asses out of the dark age.
World peace as in no wars? I’d say no. There are always going to be corrupt, evil people who find their ways into control. Or maybe it’s me being a pessimist.
@Misspegasister28 Well yes there will always be evil and corrupt people. But should that always necessarily result as a success to their intentions? If enough outrage is caused by corruption, it is possible to impeach a world leader or chief of state. In fact it has occurred before in the past with US president Andrew Johnson.
Theoretically, yes.
Practically, no, not with the clowns we have running the various sovereign states, and with the bad influence of religion governing how people act.
Not on your life. I can’t find peace on this block where there are fist fights over parking spaces!
I don’t expect to see it…..........peace all over the world at one instant. No.
Only if we can find us a galactic enemy to turn our antagonism toward.
me against my brother, my brother and I against my cousin…that sort of thing
Whirled peas like “pea soup”? ;>)
Nope. Well, if aliens come to earth and demand it, maybe. Be peaceful or else…
Of course it’s possible if enough people wanted it.
@NerdyKeith That’s true, but to me it seems a little far-fetched for that to happen in all 196 countries.
It happened with Bill Clinton as well. He still served two full terms. A lot of people misunderstand what impeachment actually is. It’s not removal from office, it’s just an official legislative ruling that an elected official has been naughty.
@Darth_Algar I see. But can it sometimes lead to an early removal from office if the offences committed by the president are serious enough?
Theoretically, but it hasn’t happened yet. At least not with a US president.
Granted, with Clinton, by the time impeachment was ruled on the nation was getting tired of hearing about Bill’s blowjob, and the man who had been leading the charge (Newt Gingrich) was, by that time, facing charges of ethics violations of his own.
Nope, not enough profit and gain for from it.
@SQUEEKY2 Don’t you think if we had world peace, we’d be able to combine our recourses more effectively? And thus create sufficient profit.
Nope, because that means the wealthy would have to take a cut in the pie, and you know that aint never going to happen.
The wealthy want it all and could care less about the rest of us, and the have proved that time and time again.
If you get down deep enough, it is literaly impossible. Which some people might be sad about. But i find it comforting. Because a life of pure peace would be terribly boring.
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