If you use any Yahoo products or services, are you afraid of losing that capability as Yahoo deteriorates?
Asked by
ibstubro (
February 22nd, 2016
I use Yahoo Sitebuilder and they’ve change the name and the service. I spent half a day accessing the new service, and as far as I know Yahoo could sell or discontinue it at any time.
I also depend on Yahoo email accounts.
At one time Yahoo was striving to be all things to all people, internet wise, and many of those products are still hanging on. Are you still using any, and have you made provisions to take your information somewhere else?
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24 Answers
I use yahoo mail as an alternative email address for anonymity (I use gmail for most of my mail). If I lost yahoo mail it would be a minor inconvenience.
I still have a “my yahoo” news page, but it has become so reduced over the years, I wouldn’t miss it after a week or so.
I still have Yahoo as primary email, but I gave up on the new feed when they started embedding the ads, @zenvelo.
I can’t believe they’re still doing that.
A group I belong to uses it as its mail list, but I’m sure the administrator will be happy to switch to something else if/when Yahoo goes. Which would suit me just fine—I hate the way the list functions and looks.
I only use Yahoo mail. And I don’t even check mails there days, Yahoo is too broken. The only thing the email serves now is accessing my Facebook account. I think I can just change my email on Facebook.
Not really. I haven’t had email with them for years.
I used to use Yahoo Finance, several times a day. But since they started throwing commercials in the middle of news reports, I have been weaning myself off.
I feel sort of sorry for Marissa Meyer. She took over a decent company and ran it into the ground.
I still use Yahoo Weather. For many years, I’ve had my city’s weather report bookmarked on my desktop, and I check it at least once per day. I haven’t seen any decline in service or quality.
For a long time, I used Yahoo Finance to research securities history – daily prices, cash and stock dividends, splits, spinoffs and mergers, and other historic information. That service fell apart ages ago.
Yahoo seems to be a dying relic of a smaller, more orderly internet that existed during the late 20th century. Yahoo’s goal was to organize websites into a sort-of electronic Table of Contents. Such an idea seems unfathomable in 2016.
I don’t know how many of Yahoo’s troubles can be blamed on newer management, and how many are just symptoms of changing times.
Nope. A club that I’m a member of used Yahoo groups. I was forced to get a yahoo email to sign up. I ported the email address to my Gmail.
After about three months of using the group message board almost daily through Gmail, my yahoo email address was deleted for inactivity.
It was terribly inconvenient.
We switched to Google groups shortly after that, and I haven’t used Yahoo since.
The only sites I use are Yahoo Answers and Yahoo News. I’m slowly migrating a lot of my Yahoo Answers content to Fluther. They will probably discontinue YA.
Yahoo News they will keep, as it’s a core product.
@NerdyKeith – they may keep News, but they have damaged it seriously by injecting those sponsored ads in between real news stories. When they started doing that, they lost me – and a lot of others.
My yahoo mail predates google and gmail. II’d hate to lose that old address.
My Yahoo page has news and finance. I like the feel of Yahoo finance better than google’s or my broker’s. I also like that it is not connected to anything. I can do some research without leaving breadcrumbs to my accounts.
@elbanditoroso I agree they have made a lot of interface and commercial decisions that have really lowered the standard.
I look up movie schedules on Yahoo but I could easily do that elsewhere.
@janbb Yeah you can just look that up with the cinema’s smart phone app (if they have one). We have Cineworld Cinema in Dublin and I just use their app to look that info up. I don’t think Yahoo even give movie showtime information for Ireland.
I already have lost some services from Yahoo, such as my personal 360 blog and a game function they used to have. I will just move on, as I did before.
I suppose the other Yahoo product I forgot to mention is Tumblr. I think however they will do their best to hang on to it; or possibly sell it to someone else. Maybe Facebook will buy it off them.
For me the end began many years ago when Yahoo Groups made adult content unsearchable.
Not long after they disallowed content in posts.
Haven’t been on Groups for years now.
They re-named Yahoo Sitebuilder and spun it off into a stand-alone within the company. I think they’re positioning themselves to either sell off parts, or sell to someone that wants to sell off parts, @NerdyKeith.
Tumblr might be the bait to get someone to bite.
I still have a Yahoo email acct. but when I snagged at an invite to GMAIL (remember those days?) I jumped at it for the huge storage and promise of never having to delete an email again.
And right out of the box, their spam filters were so good that I can’t remember the last time I ever had to delete it from my inbox. Never even gets close.
Meanwhile, Yahoo became a spam magnet and it was such a chore to deal with. So, I just used GMAIL instead. I don’t care if Google spies on my content. Nothing worth looking at.
The only Yahoo product I ever really used was Yahoo Instant Messenger, and that was rendered obsolete years ago.
Oh yeah, good ol’ Yahoo Messenger. I forgot about that :)
The last time I used it was back in the days before Internet phones or tablets and I was actually using a computer.
That was a long long time ago :)
And I also remember that they used to publish a monthly magazine too. Interesting.
Anybody remember Yahoo Answers?
Once upon a time, the service was a great place to exchange ideas, get information, and share opinions. It was much like Fluther, but huge and vast. Over the years, it devolved into a forum for insults and idiotic questions/answers. I can’t remember the last time I logged-on or even cared to do so.
Yeah, we here at Fluther definitely remember YA. Every once in awhile there would be a newbie asking if Fluther was like YA. (More like YA with a few graduate degrees and standards ) lol
This was towards the end when it had degenerated into a largely unmodetated cesspool so we didn’t exactly hold it in much esteem.
It’s been a long time since anyone has asked us that.
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