Wow! I thought Ab was over moderated, but Fluther is so bad you can't even have a different opinion here. WTF?
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136 Answers
Example please? Or are you just trolling?
Aggressive, spiteful or vindictive answers will get you booted, disagreements will not.
Your question was not deleted. It was sent back to you for editing and will reappear as soon as you fix the mistakes and return it for approval. Fluther does not hide it’s high editorial standards, which you agreed to when you signed up.
Hands up everyone who has not had a question sent back for editing!
Anyone? No?
It has happened to me at least twice, and I don’t ask many questions.
Happened to me a bunch of times. Sometimes on purpose.
(Cathartic aggressive question-asking)
Check the email account you used to sign up for Fluther. There should be an email there requesting that you edit your question. (From what was said above.)
Alternately, there should be a yellow banner/box appear at the top of the page, maybe between the forest green and rust colored boxes?
When I joined I wasn’t using my email much and I wouldn’t notice the yellow box asking for editing. Some of my questions would go hours or days, just sitting in limbo, waiting for me to edit.
Calm down. Take a deep breath. Find your question and edit.
Yes please give examples. I consider myself to be outspoken and I have not experienced any censorship whatsoever. I know I have only been here a relatively short time so far. But I have posted a lot of content and none of it was flagged for its content.
If you have however been intentionally spiteful just for the sake of a reaction, you may be asking for trouble.
Perhaps you should spend a week posting content to Quora, you shall then perhaps appreciate the flexibility you have here. On Quora, you basically have little control of your content. Users can change the topic tags of yiur questions to whatever they want. Users can edit any of your questions to whatever they want. On top of that they have a real name policy.
Honestly, you need to realise how good we have I here in comparison.
Answerbag over moderated?!?
The utter shite I last saw on there suggests total freedom of wankery.
Some days I can’t spell or be grammatically correct , like the other day (three times same question). ;>)
According to your profile page, you’ve given no responses and asked only this one inflammatory question. Do you have another profile page that you would like to reveal? How about enlightening us so we might be able to answer your question, or would you rather reap the slings and arrows incurred by your infantile attitude? We have some awfully good archers here. I myself carry a flame thrower.
@Espiritus_Corvus He’s asking about a question that is currently in editing. Questions that are in editing (as well as answers that have been moderated) don’t appear on profile pages until they are restored.
Relatively decent writing standards and not being a complete ass hardly denotes “over” moderation. We can all slip up on occasion, say something that either is or could be construed as a personal attack, fail to format a question properly and/or be modded for going off topic, but none of this should come as a surprise. I had an exasperating moment with someone a few days ago and left a whisper text that was not appropriate and it was removed. Not like I didn’t know my remark was off base.
Fluther doesn’t cater to individual dissatisfaction, you either play by the playground rules or you find a new playground.
Why, I had a question sent back for modding just a few weeks ago, for a comma being in the wrong place.
Fluther is very tolerant of different ideas and philosophies, as others have said. However, if you come on here and say something totally off the wall, inflammatory or with awful grammar, it will be booted. If you come on here and start calling names and saying bad things about others, you or your posts will be modded. We enjoy a certain level of civility here, unlike other sites where people are just bad mouthing each other all over the place.
Trolls come on here all the time and say crazy things, try to pick fights with people, post spam and stuff like that.
Maybe if you tell us what you asked or how you worded your initial question (the one that is presently sent for editing), we could help you understand. Furthermore, the email you received or the edited post itself will have more clarification on it as to what exactly you did wrong.
I’m simply trying to express my undying love for Apple. Who need’s the FBI anyway?
Apple will protect us!
Terrorism, smerrorism right guys?
If the question is important enough, just make the minor grammatical modifications and re-post, if it is not then don’t. That is the way I do it and I have let questions slide before.
@Appleman4ever: You don’t specify how you worded it or what the question was.
Actually, it is pretty much a requirement that you have a different opinion on Fluther, or what’s the point of having it at all? The opinion that is. Or Fluther itself, for that matter.
For the record, the question is still in editing. For whatever reason, @Appleman4ever did not take the opportunity to fix it when he came back to comment.
@SavoirFaire: And he’s not telling us what the details were, either.
My comment a few people back is pretty much my question.
”I’m simply trying to express my undying love for Apple. Who need’s the FBI anyway?
Apple will protect us! Terrorism, smerrorism right guys?” was what you wrote and how you wrote it, @Appleman4ever?
Well, at least you’re leaving the regular members here little doubt as to why you were moderated, @Appleman4ever.
If your goal was to ask a question, you’d edit.
Continuing to post here, instead, is just pointless, as this question has been answered: you simply need to edit.
@jca He had no details. That was one of the problems. Also, there were some pretty big typos. They were simple fixes, and the person who moderated the question—which, for the record, wasn’t me—gave very helpful suggestions (something we especially try to do for newer users).
And yes, the question is still in editing. It hasn’t been sent back, and it hasn’t been abandoned.
^^ True, they can be helpful. I cannot recall the question or how I edited it but I do remember getting a response something along the lines of “Nice Try”.
full disclosure – I was being a smart ass with my editing
My mistake, I thought he did but maybe that was pushed to editing, too, or disappeared in some other way, @SavoirFaire.
Yup, pushed to editing. who really knows why? Maybe I’m controversial, but for all the bs on Answerbag at least they let me ask whatever question, however I wanted. I guess I miss the wild, wild west mess that was Answerbag sometimes.
This probably would’ve never happened if Apple’s rights were being respected. Elected officials, what for? Apple makes the rules in this country and that’s how it should be.
@Appleman4ever It was pushed to editing for being a duplicate. One of the original rules that goes all the way back to Ben and Andrew (the site founders who used to do all of the moderating) is that you can’t just resubmit a question to get around the editing procedure. There is nothing “too controversial” about the question itself. All you have to do is make the very simple edits that were asked of you. Are you actually interested in having your question discussed on Fluther? Because if so, it would be pretty easy to fix your question.
And yes, the question is still in editing. No attempt has been made to fix it and send it back.
What we all really want to know is how good the pancakes are at the party.
You won’t let me post it until it’s exactly how you want it so why don’t you guys just edit and re-post it?
#Apple rights
@Appleman4ever: That’s now how Fluther works. They won’t edit your post. You have to do it. It’s your post.
They’re still controlling my edits so I feel oppressed kinda like how the government has the nerve to want to investigate terrorism, but doesn’t seem to care that our lives are meaningless without iPhone privacy.
So what are we even trying to save right?
#Donate to Apple, They deserve it!
We each and every one agree to this every time we come on the site.
The Internet is a very big place. If you don’t want to participate in a site that has some standards, then find another one. I’m sure there are many out there. Try Reddit. It’s good, too. It’s also much bigger. Lots more users. More discussions. It’s a busy place.
Now, make me a pancake. Extra butter. Light on the syrup.
Well, like a wise man once said- You take the good, you take the bad, you take them both and there you have the facts of life. The facts of life.
# Apple knows more than the FBI about national security!
@Appleman4ever It takes a little getting used to. I also thought the say anything ask anything of AB was the norm for all social Q&A but when I joined here quickly realized I was not in Kansas anymore.
I will however will disagree with you on Apple knowing more about national security than the FBI. One of the FBI’s tasks is to stop terrorists before they hatch their plans. Apparently Apple now sees it’s role is to prevent the FBI from doing their job.
We’re not controlling your edits. You have to been asked to fix your spelling (which is pretty straightforward) and to add some details to your question. We have not given any specific orders about what your details must be. All you were told was that a good question title is one that lets the reader know what the question is about while still being succinct, and that a good approach is to put the main question as the title and the remaining information in the details section. Beyond that, it’s all up to you (within reason, of course). If that’s too controlling for you, then you might as well be upset about us requiring the question to be in English. So why not give it a try?
Just checked around. Apparently the OP still hasn’t done anything to the question yet.
I saw that question before and to be honest I didn’t understand what it was about. Only a “cryptic” title and no description. At first I thought it was some kind of secret reference to America and the FBI that I have no idea, not a praise for Apple. That said, @Appleman4ever, the moderation isn’t for anyone’s own interest, but for this whole community benefit. The mods have tried to make sure everyone can understand what you are saying so that everyone can give you answers. In the end it’s all come back to you. If the mods were oppressive, they would have deleted your question altogether and not just given you another chance like this.
Why is everyone compelled to argue? Edit, or don’t.
You guy’s say that I just have to fix my errors, but while I take time to think about it you go ahead and delete an answer I gave on a different question as spam.
I think maybe you don’t love me anymore Fluther? Maybe our relationship just isn’t working out.
Apple never treated me like this. I will love Apple blindly forever no matter what they do.
@Appleman4ever Clearly you are here to stir things up and obviously you don’t seem to find this community a good fit sooo…looks like you might need to saddle up and ride on off into your Apple sunset.
Obvious troll is obvious.
We still need someone with fruit and whipped cream, though. You know… for the people who like dessert pancakes. Not for {ahem} anything else.
Although the Fluther mansion does have a lot of empty rooms. Just saying.
I think they should be apple pancakes. lol
I need more butter for my pancakes!
There’s never enough butter.
And I want butter! No margarine!
Have some popcorn, fourteen times daily. There is plenty of butter on the popcorn.
When I make popcorn at home, you can be sure there’s lots of real, melted butter.
I can accept a lot of butter. How many pounds are in a lot?
The trolls are dropping like flies lately.
I hope the Marywn imposter never returns. haha
I kind of regret arguing. Just look at his name.
Another one bites the dust. Funny how so many champion their desire for open borders to our country…but when it comes to protecting the sanctuary of the pond here torches and pitch forks hold no quarter to those for what ever reason emigrate from afar. “Trolls lives matter~”
@Cruiser Fluther, like most of the internet, has completely open borders. That doesn’t mean you don’t enforce the law with regard to those who choose to enter.
You say +5, but I still see a 0 next to “Great Answer!” Just saying… ~
I’m not sure what you think your point is that I am silver-plating. The point I made was this: just because people support open borders doesn’t mean they think the people who come here are allowed to get away with murder once they are allowed inside. They want to alter one law (the law governing immigration), but keep the others (such as what it is acceptable to do once inside the country). So it seems their views are perfectly consistent.
And of course, it would not be unreasonable to argue that websites and countries need not have exactly the same rules. I neither expect nor require people to begin conversations with a question in real life, for instance.
Way to jump on someone new.
Great job!
What the heck?
Looking around, reading different things, and then….wow.
Lots of nasty right off the bat, here for this person.
Perhaps the methods were new.
Take a stroll through… Say 5 days of questions. (Lots of religion-?‘s…what?)
Take a look at the ‘back and forth’.
Someone stepping in to take a look, this may appear as bad as what some are looking to get away from on other sites.
Isn’t it?
Proved a point the ‘Q’ above asked – just outta the gate.
Then jokes.
Yea… .. ... .. .?...? ... . .. . .
Oh, yes.
“Whispers” or not. “You have a nice day too”, as I quote your reply in PM.
I took my own share of responsibility.
Never mind.
Skip it.
Response moderated (Personal Attack)
@Cruiser: Are you saying you think trolls should be allowed to stay and troll? I think of you as a logical person so I am hoping I’m misunderstanding you.
Hmm, well, lets see.
A newbie asked a question about the site and nearly a dozen members posted before the OP had a chance to respond to a single one.
The discussion was not defined by the OP. Neither the question nor the details mentioned a previous question, or explained the OP’s reason for frustration.
“Your question was not deleted. It was sent back to you for editing and will reappear as soon as you fix the mistakes and return it for approval.”
Appears to have defined the question, and where did that information come from?
If you look at the activity between that post and the first response from the OP, I think you can get a sense of where the pile-on, rough-on-newbie sentiment might come from.
Granted, it was probably a troll, but did we discover that, or make it self-fulfilling?
@Cruiser & @msh are right to have some reflection on that, IMO.
No one jumped on this user, unless jumping on a user means asking to clarify their question. good grief
Um, the user was AppleFan4Ever, and the question in question was not a question at all, just some sarcastic posturing about Apple’s response to the FBI.
It would have been a perfectly acceptable comment on any of the existing questions on the topic, I suppose.
@ibstubro Assume that the OP wasn’t a troll, I think the story went like this: the OP ask a question that wasn’t very well-worded and had no description (I’ve seen the question myself. I didn’t understand it). The mods put it for editing. The OP thought that the moderation meant that Fluther didn’t agree with whatever they were saying and this question appeared. Guess some newbie just get butthurt when their questions are modded, eapecially their first.
And I guess not many of us here have seen the question because it was posted when many were asleep.
@Seek did I say “look at their name”? :p
@jca My comment was in regards to the shoot first ask questions later approach to newbies that stir up the waters when they first jump in to the tide pool. 7 years ago a very large crop of AB’rs came over here I was one of them and the reception was anything but welcoming and it seems nothing has changed. Granted many here offered up obvious solutions to @Appleman4ever to fix his sequestered question while others essentially told them if you don’t like our rules then leave. Time and time again I have witnessed this less than warm welcome push many a newbie away. Only the mods know for sure if apparent rabble-rouser’s are trolls or jellies with multiple accounts wanting to push peoples buttons and otherwise simply cause trouble and I have faith they will do their job. My point is that it takes time to adjust to the rhythm and pace of Fluther and IMO newbies should be afforded the time to adjust instead of shaking fingers at them and publicly chastising them. IMO it sends a very standoffish signal not only to the offending newbie but to others who are lurking and trying to get their bearings here. I am not picking on this thread either and my comments are more directed to the overall “atmosphere” and approach to newbies I observe time and time again.
Attention seekers thrive on attention and if simply do not give it to them they more than likely will get sufficiently bored and either adapt to life in the tide pool or move on.
@Cruiser was your experience a bad one upon joining here? I’m really curious, because I was also part of the AB Diaspora of December 2009 – probably the same time that you joined. I recall finding a perfectly welcoming group. Yeah, there was some natter and chatter about how “all of a sudden GAs are appearing for answers that amount to nothing more than, ‘yeah, I agree with that post’, and that’s not how we do things here”, but aside from that things were fine. At least for me. I had thought that was more or less universal.
As I said (above) to Appleman, I had a questioned modded just a few weeks ago for having 1 (one) comma in the wrong place, in the question itself. Should a new Jelly be treated any differently? Or should Fluther relax its standards? I just fixed the comma and reposted. It was explained by mods repeatedly in threads and probably in email and/or pm’s how he should edit his post but he chose not to go that route.
@msh When new people immediately start off complaining about the guidelines and standards here they have two choices, comply or leave. It really is that simple. Expecting special treatment and/or to be above the standards is not something that is going to be pandered too. by the mods or the members. Everyone has a choice here, whether or not to comply with the guidelines as well as whether or not they care to engage in some lengthy pm ramble with another member over some minor frustration.
I’m sorry my reply to your pm was not to your satisfaction, but, quite frankly, making reference to that exchange in this question is not appropriate. Has it occurred to you that maybe I just don’t give a damn about engaging in some behind the scenes correspondence? No hard feelings here, no offense, no grudge holding, I simply do not care. Sorry if that is a problem for you. If one is ultra thin skinned they are not going to last long here and it is rare for most of us to be outright assholes to anyone. That’s something that is earned.
@CWOTUS My experience when first joining was indeed welcoming with many gracious introductions. But that warm fuzzy feeling quickly faded when it became clear that our AB rowdiness was scaring the kids and many times told to tone it down a notch or 3. Many of us were an obvious headache to Auggie and Dog who I got to know quite well back then. As I said it took me months to get used to not saying or doing things the way it was “preferred”. These rules, protocols and public and oft rude scoldings are why a lot of good Jellies have left and I am sure others have joined and quickly left. I know Ben and Andrew own this place and find it interesting as to how many other Jellies act as if they own Fluther.
I was part of the AB diaspora of December 2009. I quickly asked a question about gorillas and Froot Loops, which was quickly pulled for being too silly. The experience scarred me! I’m scarred, I tell you!
I always have a hug Jake.
Good heavens! You’re crushing me! Gaak!
(((((((Hug hug hug)))))))
So, did you ask the question here, or, would you?
The gorilla-and-Froot-Loops question? Yes, I asked it. It was pulled for being ridiculous. I think the official reason was that it did not contribute to a thoughtful discussion. Whatever.
That was a fun thread. I have no memory of that.
What day is today?
@Hawaii_Jake Man, you really milked that one to death. Let it go, Jake, let it go.
I like how it started out as an 800-pound gorilla and after a few re-tells it became a one-ton gorilla. Typical islander. Been hanging with those fisherman too much, pal. Gotta watch that.
I think I’ll go drink a coconut.
I’ll take a nice Samoan guy with a big banana please. lol
@Hawaii_Jake LOOK! You don’t have to ask this question…just hijack a thread instead! lol
Everyone on the floor! This is a hijacking!
@Coloma – Double standard? You brought things up in several places, and conveniently twist occurances and also what you fail to include for all to see. Now here also??? I never saw you as a long- suffering martyr. If it truly ” I haven’t even thought of it… ” and you Still keep spreading it around here- hand backward to forehead? C’mon! I asked you to leave off in the responces during that exchange- and besides attempting to try and continue make me look bad even now- you are still going on about it. Wow. What is up with that? I will gather the sticks and kindling since it speeds up beatification. And FB??? Seriously?( Thank you again, my friend- hugs )
No I’m no ANGEL (as was pointed out by another) yet I did appolgize for My responces in reaction to your attacks. (Others got the jist of the question, sooo.)
No dark place. Nope. Just plain and simply sick of personal attacks you so gleefully attempted. Period. This one’s on you.
Oh. Please do check your responces. No thin skin here. Manners, yes. Responsibility, yes. Others and your continued bashing character for what they’believe ‘in reading? Nastiness? And obvious thumbs down in the Coliseum for all? At least be honest when disparaging, please.
Wow. Truth vs——I don’t even know what. I guess we are all left with our own perceptions, truth, and conscience. Good luck with that.
You’ve done enough.
I grovel…...............tsk…I’ll have to work on that one.
^Again, I have no idea what you have said. Very disjointed.
And how are you involved?
That’s what I thought.
No one is making you look bad but yourself @msh . Anything you write on Fluther is for everyone to see and comment on if they please as long as it’s not a personal attack.
Response moderated (Personal Attack)
Response moderated
[Mod says] Flames off, please.
Hey….don’t insert me into that fight, this cats had her rabies shot. lol
I thought @Appleman4ever had gone and the fight was over. But no, it continues… with Fluther oldies as the main fighters! WTH? It only takes one frustrated newbie (possibly a troll) for Fluther to go berseck like this?
The butter on my pancakes is drying out.
Fluther isn’t going berserk. One user is.
and all the pancake eaters
Wow, this is just like old times. Any bets on when he returns under a different moniker?
And there was no piling on until the OP had about 8 chances to think “Oh, ok, what a polite explanation of how the site works and what happened. I’ll fix that and get my oh-so-important question up” The ridiculous repeated rendition of his reality and the complete disregard for help offered screamed “troll”
And I’d like some pina colada pancakes like I had in the Virgin Islands – with pineapple and toasted fresh coconut and rum.
@Hawaii_Jake needs another hug….group hug….but not so hard this time, he just ate some pancakes…)
Catnip anyone…rowwwwrrrr.
It was hard to eat those dry pancakes. Where did all the butter go?
When he comes back, perhaps only the nice people should respond.
@CWOTUS Haha…classic, yes, only the nice people.
Gonna make some pancakes now, watch me, pancakes, pancakes, but only for the nice people…. like… Randeeeeeeeeeee
I would have been here soooo much sooner if I’d known there would be pancakes.
Don’t listen to the Mods.
Continue appearances.
(Yes, thank you for the support. I appreciate the good wishes.
No, DON’T, it isn’t important.)
No, I appreciate it, but like I’ve said, it’s mind over matter.
Don’t mind, doesn’t matter.
Hide the written apology and continue martyrdom.
Hugs. ;)
Huh? I’m developing a bald spot where I keep scratching my head.
@msh It’s customary on Fluther to address the person you are talking to so they know the comment is directed at them. If it is not directed to a certain person, then it is assumed to be addressed to the OP, who, in this case has left the building. Or it will look like you are holding a conversation with yourself.
@chyna , perhaps such is the case?
@Coloma How am I today? Pretty good, and myself, pretty good.
I’ve been out. I’m just now reading this thread. I would like to offer you all a piece of Cake. Cake always makes people feel better.
Moans of desire Now I must have one of those.
That cake looks amazing. The recipe seems to be available here.
There will never be censorship here. Or anywhere else for that matter. This is because the people who stay are self-selecting: the set of people whose opinions are either sufficiently orthodox that they don’t get censored or sufficiently servile that they don’t mind being silenced. People who find this (or any other place) oppressive just leave. The net result is that any complaint about censorship will be pooh-poohed. Unless you have the time, energy, resources, and wherewithall to organize a fight-back, there’s no point in even bringing it up, since people will either call you a liar or attack you for defying the ruling cabal.
@SmashTheState And yet, the irony is that you keep coming back and we like you.
@SmashTheState Maybe it’s just not that complicated, maybe we all just have FUN here!
Maybe this favoritism you speak of is mostly in your own mind.
It’s not that hard to just get along and play in the sandbox without gathering up our GI Joes and Barbis and going off in a huff. Everybody gets a little sand kicked in their face from time to time but, for the most part, we all play well with others here.
We really do like you @SmashTheState. You bring a different view to Fluther.
Very True!
I like it!
Or more formally: Bravissimo!
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