Social Question

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

What are the technicalities for Canada joining the USA?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25106points) February 23rd, 2016

What are the hurdles and pros and cons of doing so?

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27 Answers

Here2_4's avatar

Give ‘er a shot! Let’s see what happens.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Well giving up universal health care would be one.
Having to deal with their wild west politics would be another, ours is Mary freaking Poppins compared to theirs.
No thanks I will stay with Canada.
Their country might be worth dying for ,but get hurt or ill your on your own.

Here2_4's avatar

Yayyyyyyy! Real maple syrup on my PANCAKES!
Great comedians and actors don’t have to leave the country to find work.
Trump would have a running mate.

ragingloli's avatar

The only way that would happen is if the colonies forcefully annexed Canada.

Darth_Algar's avatar

Well not being a sovereign nation would be a start.

Darth_Algar's avatar


Funny. Of the United States and Canada which still considers the Queen to be their monarch and still has a Governor-General appointed by her?

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Canada must renounce the Queen and give up all those OBEs and MBEs, etc.

ragingloli's avatar

She is your Queen, too.
You are just living in a state of permanent treason.

Darth_Algar's avatar

Nope, the monarch lost that claim long ago.

johnpowell's avatar

@Here2_4 :: I’m not clicking on your link since it will be fun to guess what it is. Is it Rob Ford?

ibstubro's avatar


Let’s give Chicago and Detroit to Canada.
If the buggers can assimilate that bloody mess, I’m willing to cede the rest of the US to them.

(But first, we all want to see Justin Trudeau beat down on The Donald’s ass!)

Darth_Algar's avatar


Ever been to Chicago? Just curious, because that sounds like what I hear from folks who have no actual experience in Chicago.

Here2_4's avatar

@johnpowell ding ding ding!

johnpowell's avatar

A match made in crazytown…

dappled_leaves's avatar

#1. We don’t want to.

JLeslie's avatar

^^That’s what I’m thinking. The only reason I can think that Canadians might want to join the union is Florida.

dappled_leaves's avatar

@JLeslie GIven all the hand-wringing over how Americans are about to ruin Cuba for us, I’d guess Florida wouldn’t be our first choice for a tropical province. ;)

ibstubro's avatar

Canadians might give up sovereignty in order to be part of a union that includes Florida?? @JLeslie.

JLeslie's avatar

@dappled_leaves Ruin it how? Raise prices? Have you been to Hollywood, FL? Or, west of Orlando? Tons of you are here. Just 5 months in Canada and you keep your benefits. 6 months and a day in FL and you get your homestead exemption for your property taxes.

josie's avatar

They would have to start saying Toronto, instead of Tarahnah

janbb's avatar

^ I was just in BC and heard two people talking about being from “Trono.” I thought they were talking about some place in Ireland.

MollyMcGuire's avatar

I spit iced tea when I read that question. Technicalities?

Buttonstc's avatar


There isn’t a whole lot about Donald Trump that I like but, at the risk of being a Debbie Downer here, there is no way he would ever choose Rob Ford for a running mate.

I realize that your suggestion was a comic one, but to be just a little serious here, this is my reasoning on that. And it’s one of the few things which I genuinely admire about Trump.

His older brother was a lifelong alcoholic and died an early tragic death because of it. Seeing this, Trump decided to never touch a drop of booze or go near drugs in his life.

That was a smart thing for him to do and admirable in its own right. I respect him for that.

There is no way he would ever be associated with Ford in any way because, simply put, he has no respect for someone like that. He has previously mentioned how he has observed business people he knows become totally out of control with a few drinks in them and he knows to steer clear of dealing with them in business.

Whatever else one can say about Trump, he does have the self discipline and smarts to learn from the mistakes of others.

I just draw the line at him running the whole country, that’s all, ha ha.

Here2_4's avatar

^^ You are absolutely right, but, from the comic point of view…..
1. Rob is popular in Canada, and if we joined, that would be a fast foot in the door.
2. Rob is very well known both sides of the border, a celebrity like Trump.
3. Nobody would dare take a shot at Trump with Ford next in line.
4. He possesses the people skills which are a bit rough for Donald, and would make him a good ambassador.

Buttonstc's avatar

Very good points. And therein lies the paradox. Many alcoholics/addicts have excellent people skills. Oft times its their charm that helps them find enablers willing to cover for their disfunctional behaviors as their disease progresses.

Rob Ford is a thoroughly charming and engaging guy and I’m sure he’s quite popular up there with good reason.

What’s he doing nowadays? He’s not in the news much down here so I guess no news is good news?

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