Social Question

Dutchess_III's avatar

So what will happen when women no longer carry purses?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) February 25th, 2016

I quit carrying my purse whenever possible, about a year ago. I just stick my DL and credit card in my pocket, and I’m good, although I do still have my purse in the car.

It is SUCH a relief not to be toting that thing around! I don’t know why I didn’t start doing it earlier. I guess because carrying a purse is / was kind of a rite of women passage. I’ve always carried one, and everyone I know carries one. Most of them are big honkin’ bags that can hold a litter of puppies along with everything else. And there is a reason for that…“Honey, stick this stuff I just bought in your purse.”

Plus I carry things like chap stick, hand lotion, eye drops, etc. When I was younger I always carried personal feminine stuff with me at all times, for unexpected emergencies.

How will it affect you if you, or your SO quits carrying a purse?

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18 Answers

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

A long time ago, I was married to a woman. She never once ever carried a purse. It was not a problem. I can understand it might be a problem for some, but it is a simple thing to adjust to.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I ordered a wallet case for my new Note 5 phone. I think that’s all I need to carry, but it sure will be an adjustment.

Coloma's avatar

I do that too. I also carry decorative shopping totes that double as grocery bags. Often I just take my wallet and leave the purse in my car too. Lugging a purse around hurts my aging shoulders anymore. haha

kritiper's avatar

They’ll carry back-packs.

josie's avatar

The men will carry them. Except for me.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

All our clothes will need to have pockets. Many of my dresses and skirts do not have pockets. Also, I have a brush, phone, wallet, notebook, pens, personal hygiene items, business cards, tissues… and a multitude of other things in my handbag. That’s before I even get to the stuff I need for work! No wonder I walk lopsided (joking – I don’t really).

Jak's avatar

But…. I have stuff.

syz's avatar

I haven’t carried a purse in years. Decades, maybe.

jca's avatar

I think the majority of women will still continue to carry purses for a long time.

In mine, there’s wallet, another wallet-type thing that has ID, work ID on lanyard, keys, lipstick, business cards, receipts from shopping, artificial sweetener packets, gum, checkbook, and a whole sh**load of miscellaneous crap that migrates to the bottom. If I didn’t have a pocketbook (or “handbag” as they’re now called), I’d have to have a tote bag or backpack.

Dutchess_III's avatar

So….why do women come prepared for the apocalypse and men don’t?

fluthernutter's avatar

Never really carried a purse. Carried a diaper bag with the first kid. But I ditched that too.

dammitjanetfromvegas's avatar

@Dutchess_III So….why do women come prepared for the apocalypse and men don’t? Women are usually the caregivers. Caregivers need care giving things.

I use a very small purse with a long strap that will cross over my body and hang on my shoulder so it is hands free. It holds my bank card, id, cash, lip balm, tic tacs, phone and sometimes a very small brush.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

@Dutchess_III, women often wear cosmetics, need to brush their hair and to maintain their appearance during the day. Our clothing is often not designed to carry lipstick, brush/comb etc. Many of my skirts, dresses and outfits have no pockets whatsoever. I have to carry a bag. If I walked into a meeting looking like I’d been dragged through a hedge backwards, people would notice. And while we shouldn’t have to wear any cosmetics, I think it’s an unusual woman who participates in a professional setting and doesn’t bother to wear any cosmetics. I applaud those who don’t, but I’d feel like I had neglected to present myself well.

My husband brushes his hair before he leaves in the morning and I’d guess that’s the last time he bothers until the next morning! He doesn’t need to apply lippy or perfume. He carries his wallet in his pocket, he has his keys and phone and packet of chewing gum. That’s about all he needs to carry.

jca's avatar

I forgot to add (to the list of contents of my handbag) cell phone and hand cream. Now that it’s winter, hand cream is a must. No way could all that shit on my list fit into pockets.

MollyMcGuire's avatar

I stopped many years ago. I carry a red leather soft briefcase…...........I have a lot of stuff that I want to have with me at all times. :)

Kardamom's avatar

That will never happen to me. I love my big giant purse. It’s full of everything I and everyone else needs.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Fewer robberies.

More female-instigated fist fights.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Why would there be more female instigated fist fights just because we’re not carrying purses?

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