Can you tell me why, in the face of everything that has been reported and evidenced, you support Trump?
Asked by
Jak (
February 28th, 2016
I could have a thousand links here, I will only have one. So he is a known blatant liar, he objectifies women, refuses to learn even a few scriptures to quote for the press, knows nothing about foreign policy, is disrespectful to his own supporters.
The list of negatives is is endless.
I do not understand why the people who support him forgive his blunders and wrong-doing. Or turn a blind eye.
One expert after another has come forward and denounced him, stated that he is a narcissist, he lacks empathy and reasoning skills, that he has proven track record of shady dealings in his business ventures, a racist, etc.
I am completely unable to understand why anyone even listens to him. I saw the commercials about his show and never once watched. I have heard so many inappropriate things come out of his mouth that it simply staggers me that anyone could think he had the level of simple maturity to interact with others, much less be in charge of anything more than his own bathroom needs.
It seems to me that we the people would have one unpleasant surprise after another if this childish person were actually given power over us.
How does anyone look at what he has already said and done and say; “Well yes, but….”?
I can not wrap my head around it. Please help me to understand your reasoning. I don’t want to try to talk anyone out of anything, I just want to understand.
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45 Answers
I think you should have asked this in General, because I honestly would like to hear answers to this question without the opposing point of view.
I know the opposing point of view.
I am the opposing point of view.
For once I’d like to hear serious discussion from Trump supporters.
I can’t fathom it, but I’d like to know.
I’m never sure which section so I use social to encourage people to say it like it is. But yeah, I know the opposing POV too. I don’t really want those, just honest reasons why.
@Jak if indeed “I am completely unable to understand why anyone even listens to him” then I humbly suggest you take a step back and find other activities to occupy your time than to fret over something this obvious. Bottom line is that Trump AND Sanders have such an appeal to voters is they are fed up sick and tired of the lies, broken promises and back room dealings of establishment Washington because of the control exerted on politics by large corporate donors. Trump and Sanders do not have to rely on big Corporate donors to be in this race and is what is driving so many bat shit crazy.
Please watch the above hilarious video featuring The Trumpster dancing on SNL to “Hotline Bling.”
Not a Trump supporter but how many presidential candidates would do that? It’s quite amusing, I assure you.
@Cruiser thank you for the unsolicited advice. I will give it all due consideration. I was hoping for a more substantial answer. As I stated, I don’t want to argue or try to talk anyone out of their opinion, just to understand. As Stephen Covey said; “Seek first to understand.” This is how I choose to spend my time. I will refrain from making any suggestions to you about how to spend yours.
btw, if it were “obvious” to me, I wouldn’t ask.
Because he appeals to every white ,right wing,wealthy red neck ,Obama hater.
I have heard that Trump is not far enough to the right for many Republicans.
I’m always surprised to see Republican friends on FB calling Obama names like “Barry Hussein” and saying he’s Muslim. Ridiculous.
I’m sorry, I should maybe restate. I don’t want this thread to deteriorate into a bashing session. I can understand the appeal for white males. I get that. I don’t get why any person of color would support him. Or any female. Really, any minority group at all has much to lose with at the helm. So why would they?
Let me state up front that I am not a Trump supporter. If I’m reading the polls correctly I will eventually become one because I will not vote for Hilary. There are however a couple of things that Trump proposes that do sound appealing. It doesn’t take a membership in MENSA to see that our trde deals have not served us well over the past decades. Trump talks about, not free trade but better trade. Reducing or eliminating the massive trade imbalances. Luring companies back rather than futile attempts to punish them once their gone. I don’t know if he will start a trade war but I’m not sure it wouldn’t be worth the risk. Hw talks about getting other countries to pony up to support their own defense. I kinda like that.
As for most of your issues in the question, they seem to be Political Correctness. No one supporting Trump gives a shit about political correctness. He calls everyone names which I don’t like in a presidential candidate but he spreads it pretty evenly. The screams of Racist, Bigot, Sexist just don’t have much impact anymore after 8 years of it.
And mostly people are tired of Washington business as usual. With Trump, it will be anything but business as usual.
@Jak Have the moderator move this to general and we might avoid the comedy portion of the show.
ok, if someone will tell me how. Is it like praying? Dear mods, please move this to General section! :-)
[Mod says] Moving from Social to General is typically not an option if a thread already has “Social-style” answers.
@Jak You hit the “contact the mods” button at the top of the screen and ask them but it seems like the mod has answered already in this case.
@Dutchess_III: If voting becomes what dictates Fluther decisions, then it’s going to deteriorate into popularity contests (popular Jellies get their way, unpopular Jellies don’t).
@janbb thank you. Done. I had already pm’d @Espiritus Corvus.
To me this borders on being a troll question, but I’ll answer anyway:
I’m pretty much in line with @Jaxk Another way to put it is that enough of us feel that Washington has become so fucked up that at least Trump can’t make it any worse.
“Have the moderator move this to general and we might avoid the comedy portion of the show.”
This mentality is harmful to the Internet. It makes the Internet not a place for education and the introduction of varying views but instead a place to hole up in one’s own corner for the big circlejerk..
The most extreme example I’ve found out there is /r/feminism, where anything but falling lockstep into it’s philosophy gets one an immediate and permanent ban.
We all can do better to make the Internet a place to learn about others, ourselves and the world.
@Jak My reasoning for why Trump is appealing to so many people I presented as clearly and as unbiased as I possibly could offer to you. I am sorry if my answer did not cater to your expectations but if you turn on your TV for just a few minutes you will see and hear ample evidence that Trump and Sanders are both popular because many and I mean MANY voters are fed up with establishment politicians so much so that they would do the unthinkable and support candidates such as Trump and Sanders. I am sorry if this is so hard for you to digest.
@Cruiser I wanted to know personal reasons, and as stated in a later response, I already get why a white male would support him. You really didn’t address any of the reasons to the contrary that I listed but I have your reasoning. I don’t like to repeat myself, so I will refrain and keep looking to see if an actual supporter from any minority group will give me their reasoning.
@SecondHandStoke I can assure you that my reasons for asking are as stated. I really want to understand and am looking for some common ground. I listed some reasons why he seems to not be a good representative for most demographic groups and would like to know thier reasons for overlooking them to support him anyway. I’ve never in my life considered myself a “troll” and was certainly not leaning in that direction today. My curiosity is genuine, as is my desire to understand. And in light of your extended response, I fail to see how my desire to learn about other opinions that differ from my own makes me troll-like.
I think Jaxk & Cruiser have the basic gist. If you’re waiting for a logical defense from his supporters of Trump’s “qualifications” for the job, you court certain and unavoidable disappointment. It’s natural when watching the masses of lemmings rushing toward the edge of the cliff, to ask yourself, “what is it they see that I don’t?” My answer is don’t waste time searching for a SENSIBLE motivation to suicidal behavior, better to take note of the unexpected numbers of those so afflicted, and reflect on what it portends for our future.
Wow. Trump is willing participant in that corruption. He uses his billions wherever and whenever he wanted, for his best interests. He even bragged about “owning” congressmen and women.
@jca I was thinking that the majority wins, not the cutest.
@Dutchess_III: I get that, but I’m saying if the OP is liked by the majority, they would get their way. If the OP is not liked by the majority, they’d not.
I’m not sure I see your distinction between ‘White Males’ and everybody else. I’ve heard Trump discribed as a ‘Blue Collar Billionaire’. I think that description is quite appropriate. He works for a living mainly in construction, and allows the average worker to identify with him. Unlike most of the Washington elite that have never worked a day in their lives. Maybe you don’t agree with what he’s done but he has done things and he’s done them with his own money instead of our money. If you don’t think that birth control and Gay marriage are our biggest problems, Trump becomes a fairly attractive candidate.
@Jak My suggestion then would be to be much more specific when wording your question….you asked “Please help me to understand your reasoning” I did just that not once but twice and then you chastise me because I did not provide an answer from a minority perspective that is not even hinted at in your OP is frankly rude.
If you truly want to know why ”an actual supporter from any minority group will give me their reasoning” for supporting Trump then again I suggest you ask this in another question and do specify that you are looking for answers from a specific minority and state which one(s) they are.
I agree with @Cruiser. “Minority” is not mentioned at all in the OP’s details.
@Cruiser chastise? Where? Again? When did you first make that suggestion? I must have missed it. I thought I stated what I wanted in my original question, then tried to make it more clear a bit further on down. I don’t want generalities, just an honest answer about why a person would support someone who seems to be against a demographic group of which you are a member.
I’ve read all those answers in other threads; people are sick and tired, etc. I gave some specifics and asked why, in light of these specifics, would you….etc. I did not want to list a bunch of links repeating his comments, we’ve all eard them already, so I am guilty of just thinking everyone understood that I was thinking; among other things, his comments about Mexicans, Muslims, and women. Ever since the post from @JLeslie I’ve been kicking it around in my head. And I did link several in response to her. I’ve had in my head that saying about “first they came for the….” For that reason I just didn’t feel the need to be more specific. That was my bad, but it was not intentionally done.
I still have seen nothing but generalities, and I did ask for reasons in specifics. Worded like “Well I know he said blah blahblah but I still feel…” that is in my original question. I feel that you are a supporter and are being defensive toward what you perceive is an attack. I don’t know any other way to ask and have yet to see an answer that addresses any of the inappropriate things he has said that a supporter acknowledges and chooses to overlook for whatever reason.
Again, I am looking for common ground, not a pissing contest with you or anyone else.
A couple of points. You’re on a very liberal website. There are only a handful of people here that would vot for anyone with an R after their name in any event. None that I’m aware of have offered any active endorsement of Trump. So now you want to limit that handful to only minorities. I don’t see an audience here for that question. Maybe you should attend a Trump rally and ask it there. Otherwise, you’ve limited the answers to quizzical looks and cat calls.
Because bears like honey even though grubs are so much better for them but getting grubs takes a lot of hard work and even bears like to take the easy route and why bears will vote for Trump.
I don’t support Trump, I’m not voting for him.
As far as women, he has stated Planned Parenthood helps many women and he won’t try to close them down. He has many women in high positions in his companies. He is thought of as a great father. He does not drink, drug, or smoke.
As far as minorities, I think it depends on the minority. Most minorities are Democrats first of all. The ones who are Republicans, probably a good percentage are businessmen. If they are already citizens they aren’t too worried about the wall that will be built.
I think everyone likes the idea of trade laws that would be more fair and help America.
Lastly, everyone ignores the bad stuff about their candidate. You dislike Trump so the negatives are blaring. To many Republicans all the suspicions of Hillary breaking the law are blaring. It’s partly about what people focus on.
@Jaxk Great Answer.
It’s so surprising to have such a conversation about Mr. Trump. If you cared to know about the Clintons you would not only refuse to support one of them for any office, you would be talking about how the hell they walk free among us.
And, that proves my point. Lol.
Not so fast. I want to know more about this supposed conspiracy amongst us to keep the Clintons out of jail. 30 years of nonstop uninterrupted crime and not one indictment?
@JLeslie Trump said PP does many good things for women but he did say he would not fund PP.
^^Among the Republicans that is taking a brave stance. You’re in the Bible Belt; I’m sure you hear how much hate there is among Republicans regarding PP. They still go in about eugenics, baby parts, and on and on. They want PP shut down. I wish it could be expanded. I know many women who have used PP for many different things. It’s like a safe haven.
Yabutt he’s not a Republican. Not in the Republican’s eyes, anyway.
He’s not a politician, he represents a rebellion against the establishment, the liars, fakers & bullshitters…choking on the irony yet?
Most of all though, lots of stupid people are eligible to vote & he’s saying what they want to hear.
I would like to hear @Here2_ 4’s answer to this question. I think it would offer some enlightenment.
I believe it was Albert Einstein who said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. I believe that the majority of the American people have finally come to see the truth in this. Voting from Trump is voting for change and I believe his supporters (can you call them supporters or are they just status quo opposition?) are banking on him making capitalism work for them as well as the elite. Voting for Bernie is voting for change and his supporters (same question) are hoping that he can make the world better through a more people friendly socialism.
I think @rojo brings the first real insight into Trump’s supporters with his definition of insanity.
“Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”
I disagree, however, that Trump’s supporters are banking on much more than that.
Trump supporters are spoiling for a fight, and he promises them that. He takes on all comers, and they want to see that happen in Washington.
So be it.
Trump taking on Washington is fine.
Trump taking on the world is a nightmare.
Americans are egocentric and believe that our position as the world’s only Superpower is unassailable. Our “God given right” as Trump supporters would likely say.
It is not unassailable, and our domestic prosperity depends on it.
I’m glad this question is back. We can review the fool’s report card.
I admit I never thought he would last this long.
money has a lot of pull in your country.
@SQUEEKY2 F to F-. It’s even worse than we thought it could be. The country almost went to it’s knees, but it staggered back up and now we’re working out the logistics of running a country with no leader. He’s just a formality.
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