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rojo's avatar

What is Donald Trumps view on Dominion Theology?

Asked by rojo (24187points) March 2nd, 2016

As it relates to the necessity of having Conservative Christians ruling the US because of their understanding of biblical law.

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15 Answers

Judi's avatar

He is so ignorant of anything Christian, either genuine or cultural that he probably hasn’t given it a second thought.

elbanditoroso's avatar

That’s a very scary concept for those of us who are not christians and who chose not to live in a theocracy.

I fervently hope that we are not subjected to a religiously-motivated government.

dappled_leaves's avatar

That sounds like the purview of The Family. They would probably reject Trump as a pretender.

Link (you’ll have to add the closing parenthesis; Fluther hates brackets in URLs):

rojo's avatar

I realize it is the Huffington post so some will not bother to read it but it appears that Cruz has quite a few ties to organizations that promote this

dappled_leaves's avatar

@rojo Yeah, Cruz has been chasing after these guys for ages. Some of them are very scary. How he can sit through a sermon by Kevin Swanson on how gays should be put to death… and still be a viable candidate for president… is beyond me.

Brian1946's avatar

Didn’t work.

rojo's avatar

Wow, did I screw up. This question should have read:

What is Ted Cruz views on Dominion Theology?

Sorry for the confusion.

I will ask it in a different question;

Judi's avatar

The real question for me is, If Obama’s Pastor’s words can be held against Him, can Cruz’ Fathers words he held against Cruz?
If a gun were held to my head and my only choices were Cruz and Trump I would have to choose Trump. Even though I am a Christian, Cruz scares the begeebees out of me.

dappled_leaves's avatar

@Judi That’s a fair question. I’m not American (and not religious), so perhaps my own reaction to Wright’s “God damn America” is milder than it would otherwise be, but I think there’s a big difference between someone stating that one’s country should be condemned for doing terrible things, and someone stating that 10% of the population should be executed.

SecondHandStoke's avatar

Trump, like me prays to Market Fundamentalism.

This is not necessarily an endorsement.

stanleybmanly's avatar

If there is any plus at all to Trump’s ascendance it’s that there’s a total abscence of any spiritual pretensions about the man. Indeed, from all appearances, worship is bestowed on himself exclusively, and no other deity need apply.

ragingloli's avatar

Trump has only 2 gods.
Himself, and his money.

Jak's avatar

He isn’t capable of the depth of thought required.

SecondHandStoke's avatar

Okay fine.

This particular conservative despises the religious right.

Time and time again a conservative candidate has spoken words that were music to my ears. That is until they started spewing about God.

I was sooo ready to vote for Alan Keys until he started brandishing the Bible on his TV show.

There has got to be some way to stand for (some) conservative values without threatening yet another theocracy.

“He isn’t capable of the depth of thought required.”

Yeah, success in real estate happens overnight.

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