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XOIIO's avatar

Trying to find a comedian who talked about tough guys in bars?

Asked by XOIIO (18360points) March 2nd, 2016

Hey all, I’m trying to find a bit by a comedian who talks about the tough, desperate, “alpha male” type guys, and in one part mentions them in bars, with muscle shirts, and something about them flexing showing off how veiny they are because they are full of cum.

I know, it’s odd when I type about it but it was thoroughly hilarious.

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10 Answers

Seek's avatar

Louis CK. I believe his exact words were “cum up to their eyeballs”, and he mentioned them roaming in packs, ask hoping to find some giant pussy to walk into together.

XOIIO's avatar

No, it’s not Louis ck, though I did forget he also had an act like that, it’s a different guy but I can’t remember.

I wish I could see youtube history by week, then I could go back a few months to when I watched it.

Seek's avatar

Oh oh, also, Ron White has an act like that. I think it’s part of his bouncers bit. “The guys that go home and watch Road House and fondle themselves”.

Seek's avatar

I watch entirely too much stand-up comedy.

XOIIO's avatar

Not him either unfortunately, it was a skinnier white guy, damn it’s driving me nuts, and it looks like youtube didn’t keep my history while I was out of the country.

Seek's avatar


I’m not a fan, but Dane Cook steals a lot of material. Could always be him. Christopher Titus, maybe?

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Christopher Titus?

XOIIO's avatar

Nope, not him.

Coloma's avatar

Thought this read, at first glance ” tough guys in bras.” lol

Seek's avatar

I’m keeping this in mind. My most-listened to Pandora station is seeded with Hedberg, Titus, Minchin, Bo Burnham, and Jimmy Carr. If there’s vulgar white boy comedy to be found, I’ll find it.

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