Social Question
Suppose that Trump was trying to be the head of a Mafia 'family' instead of running for President. Do Cruz and Rubio act like other mafia dons?
Asked by elbanditoroso (33635)
March 4th, 2016
I was watching The Godfather last night, and it struck me how there were similarities and parallels between the move and Trump trying to control the Republican party (and the country).
In the movie, of course, the various crime families were fighting for control of NYC organized crime. The republican parallel is that the Rubio and the Cruz clans are going up against the Trump mob.
Will we see them all “go to the mattresses”?
Of course, it didn’t turn out well for the other families after Vito Corelone died and Mike took over the family. Who is the real life analog of Mike? John Kasich?
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