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Dutchess_III's avatar

Should I insist that Best Buy replace my brand new laptop?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) March 4th, 2016

I bought an ASUS laptop on Feb 20th. The next day I played with it for a couple of hours. I loaded Facebook, Firefox, and played with some of the settings.
Then it sat on my kitchen table until today.

First day of work was today. I was finally able to down load my yahoo email account…and after that I was just hit with pop up after pop up after pop up.

I received account info so I could log in to the MLS. When I’d try to set my cursor into the ID field, it hit me with a pop up. When I tried to set my cursor into the password field it hit me with a pop up.

I ran the anti-virus software they gave me with the computer. It found a lot of bugs. It said it cleaned them up and asked to restart. I said, OK, and it just hung up, on a screen that said not to turn the computer off.

After 2 hours it was still hung up.

What would you do?

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17 Answers

elbanditoroso's avatar

Same thing will happen on the new one. I doubt they’ll take it back. You could have them ‘clean it’ – get rid of everything but the OS and also clear all viruses, but they’ll want $115 for the service.

If it were I, I would reload the operation system from the rescue disks. But that’s sort of a pain, and you need to know what you’re doing.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

They will not take it back, one of your downloads put the malware on the laptop.
See if you can download and run something like Malawarebytes.
Pay someone to clean it up.

Yahoo is known for the “pop ups”!

Dutchess_III's avatar

The guy I talked to said something like it’s possible they’ll replace it, since it’s within the 15 days….today is day 14.

They didn’t give me a rescue disc. I’ll ask about that. I had to reload the OS on my desk top once. :(

Shouldn’t they have instructed me to run my virus program before I did anything else? Or run it before I left the store?

Anyway, I will bitch. See how far it goes.

MollyMcGuire's avatar

I have not bought anything from Best Buy in many years. If you had bought it online at Newegg or Amazon, you would have been able to ship it back with no question asked. I’m sorry for your predicament.

Rarebear's avatar

Take it back. Throw a fit—you’re good at that.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Waiting on Rick as we speak.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I’ll remember that @MollyMcGuire. I was just wondering where else I could threaten to go.

Lightlyseared's avatar

I’d take it back and ask for help but I wouldn’t pay for that help.

If it’s a Windows 10 machine it won’t come with rescue discs as the OS generates its recuse partition and if that won’t fix it you can download windows 10 to a USB from Microsofts website. It should reinstall without the need for a license key as it was already installed and activated. Just bypass that stage in the setup and it will sort itself out when it boots the first time.

Cupcake's avatar

I doubt you’ll have to throw a fit. BestBuy has an excellent return policy and you are within 2 weeks. Just take care of it today! And make sure you know how to prevent malware with your next one. Or buy a contract for them to maintain it for you.

janbb's avatar

I would also humbly suggest that maybe you don’t use Yahoo for your professional e-mail. There are better and safer e-mail programs.

Seek's avatar

I agree with the above: Take it back. It’s within 2 weeks, and the Geek Squad is just going to reinstall the OS and put the thing back on the shelf.

chyna's avatar

Be sure they don’t try to charge you a restocking fee.

Dutchess_III's avatar

It was painless. They just gave me a new one. I installed the firewall they provided before I did anything else. So far, so good. Much, MUCH better. And I have a new 2 week warranty.

Yeah, @Cupcake. So glad I took care of it today. (Which was yesterday.) Otherwise I would have been SOL.

@janbb my broker uses GoDaddy for his online promotions, including email. I’ll just take whatever he sets up. That name, “Go Daddy,” bothers me for some reason. Does it bother any one else?

Rarebear's avatar

@Dutchess_III I figured it would go that way. Best Buy relies on volume for sales and they have fierce online competition. They can send the computer back as defective and get their own refund, give you a new one, and keep you happy.

I don’t mind Best Buy and I have one near me. My problem with their computers is they load a bunch of bloatware on them that I end up having to uninstall.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Ours is an hour and a half away, that’s 3 hours round trip, so any personal dealings are a pretty big pain in the butt.

How do I know “bloatware” when I see it?

Rarebear's avatar

@Dutchess_III It’s stuff like the “Best Buy” icon on your desktop that when you click it it takes you to an online shopping site. They also install 30 day trials of Microsoft Office and whatever virus protection they have contract with. I uninstall all that crap and put my own on there.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Ah. Thank you.

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