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Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Michael Angelo was born this day in 1475. Of all his works, which do you like best and why?

Asked by Espiritus_Corvus (17299points) March 6th, 2016

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6 Answers

Cruiser's avatar

This says it all Exquisite and stunning from all imaginable elements of man’s ability to create, express and communicate emotion at an incomparable level.

Coloma's avatar

I’m more a fan of his sculptures, rather than his paintings. David of course, but I like Bacchus best.
Last one on the list here…

ucme's avatar

Michelangelo was good in the first Ninja Turtles film, but his best work came in the tv series.

filmfann's avatar

The Sistine Chapel ceiling. I also think the restorers didn’t understand why Michelangelo did it that way.
There is also a remarkable statue he did of Moses. It has Michelangelo’s face, with horns, thanks to a misinterpretation from the Bible.

ibstubro's avatar

Michelangelo’s statuary is easier for me to absorb than his massive paintings, so, of course, I’d have to choose David.

Dutchess_III's avatar

He was just so amazing. I have to vote for @ibstubro‘s choice.

I had a magazine cut out of the Hand of God in my classroom. I looked at it often. The detail is incredible. Plus, it always reminded me of my husband’s fingers. He’s of Greek descent, so maybe I’m just imagining the similarities.

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