I am for the most part neutral, with one big exception.
/begin rant
Apple fanbois act like modern art boost MFLOPS and their GUI, invented by Steve Jobs, is the best possible interface that can possibly exist. From a tech standpoint, all Apple really has going for it are it’s customer service, how well they play with other Apple products (and ONLY Apple products), and the ability to convince so many people that having ten times the industry-average profit margin on their products it “paying for quality”. If that were true, then Macs would have a failure rate so far below industry average that a Mac going in for repairs would make the local news. While they have improved from fourth place a few years ago, they still don’t have the top spot in the majority, and definitely not by a margin large enough to justify that sort of price.
Of course, part of that is because so many Apple fanbois insist on things I know to be false. For instance, iOS being more intuitive than Android? That is subjective and my tech-illiterate wife disagrees; she had a hard time doing anything in iOS but figured out Android with very little help from me.
Oh, and Macs being good for graphics? Not since last century; all the graphics design folks I know use either PCs or SGI. My $600 PC has a far better GPU than any iMac under $2,000 and had I spent $50 more on a video card, I could beat their top two models on graphics as well. Of course, that’s only because I can get into my case without specialized tools. Sure, it’s a little bulkier having something that isn’t hermetically sealed, but I consider it better than something that is just completely disposable.
Apple not only has nothing that can fit my needs, they are proud of “features” that run absolutely contrary to what I want in my tech, then have the audacity to overcharge for it. So I hold a special brand of derision for the Apple fanbois, and generally don’t even try to hide it because I’m not sure how much of their opinions are based on sheer ignorance and how much is just them valuing things I consider negatives while showing indifference to the things that I actually look for in my tech gear like a GPU that can get decent framerates on my 32” screen without turning the details down. Try running even an older game like Deus Ex: Human Revolutions on any Mac that cost only twice what I paid for my entire system (including 5.1 speaker system and 32” monitor) and see if you can crank the graphics without falling below 45 FPS. Then try it with a more modern game like my current time-sink, Armored Warfare.
/end rant
/deep breath
Anyways, I have no real problem with personal preference type things, but I have a MAJOR problem with people that insist bullshit is fact. If you want to tell me Ford is better than Toyota, fine; I will disagree, but I will probably so respectfully. However, if you try outright bullshitting people, we are going to have issues.
Apple is the exception since so many years of their evangelical lack of objectivity has swayed my opinion of Apple products so far that I am ashamed to admit that I ever even liked them, let alone that I was a die-hard Mac-boi myself until the mid-‘90s. Now that I’ve been through AA (Apple Anonymous), I can’t help but look at the object of my former addiction with a certain degree of disgust.