General Question

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Can you cheer me up?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25069points) March 6th, 2016

I’m feeling MEH. Can you help me to find a positive in my life? I’m listening to Joel Osteen’s The power of I am, and I had a slice of cheese pizza.

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9 Answers

Jak's avatar

Do you have electricity? Hot and cold running water? Can you breathe/ambulate without pain or assistance? Do you have enough to eat? Congratulations, you’re ahead of a large percentage of the global population. Look around you and truly count your blessings. The more you look, the more you will realize you have to be grateful for. A roof over your head when so many are homeless. Clean clothes. Mindfulness is something you can practice all the time. Pay attention and be proactive about it. Soon you won’t have to ask for outside help. Happiness is a choice. Choose.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Edit just had a KFC chicken thigh .feeling better. @Jak Thanks.

SecondHandStoke's avatar

You mentioned food twice.

Perhaps you are experiencing depression due to low blood sugar.

See a doctor and be pleased to think there might be an easy answer to your problem.


Things could be worse for you.

You could have been the chicken.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@SecondHandStoke Lol. I ordered beef and broccoli on rice and I feel much better. Thanks. I don’t feel Meh anymore.

Brian1946's avatar

I’m glad to see that don’t feel meh anymore.

If you start feeling that way again, consider that you live in a yooge (9,700,000 sq. km) Trump-free zone. ;-)

Cruiser's avatar

If Joel Osteen and cheese pizza doesn’t cheer you up then there is nothing more I can do to help you other than to pay for a lap dance for you.

LostInParadise's avatar

Maybe your body was trying to tell you something, that you are stuck in a rut and need to grow. Food and Osteen tapes are temporary fixes, though I don’t share the fondness that you and @Cruiser have for Prosperity Gospel.

@Jak‘s advice is a good starting point. Take stock of where you are and express gratitude for what you have.

The next step is to think of where to go next.

Here are some suggestions for how to expand your world, all of which have been mentioned by us in previous posts:

Join a meetup
Join a church
Do volunteer work
Take a course at a community college (maybe some vocational training)

Stinley's avatar

Today I felt thankful for toilet paper. After that thought, I laughed at the ridiculousness of my thought processes. Then I felt good, despite having a cold

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