General Question

richardhenry's avatar

What's another way to say "Movie Lover" that doesn't occasionally look like "Movie Loser" at a glance?

Asked by richardhenry (12692points) July 26th, 2008

“Film aficionado” is a bit too pretentious. Any ideas?

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38 Answers

syz's avatar


marinelife's avatar

Movie maven

syz's avatar

Film buff
Film enthusiest

gailcalled's avatar

Movie ♥er

richardhenry's avatar

@gailcalled: I didn’t think you had it in you to defy the laws of language. :)

gailcalled's avatar

You don’t like “movie hearter”? I still have a few tricks up my sleeve…

PupnTaco's avatar

¡Yo <heart> los peliculas!

richardhenry's avatar

I quite like “movie maven”, actually.

Allie's avatar

Film aficionado? Edit: Crap I just read the description in the question.

Film Fanatic, then.

gailcalled's avatar

@Richardhenry; Mightl there be some people who won’t know what “maven“mean?

gailcalled's avatar

@Richardhenry; Might there be some people who won’t know what “maven“means? I def (fill in letters of your choosing)ly think so.

Allie's avatar

Film fiend. Movie maniac. Hmm..
I guess I’m going for alliteration here.

scamp's avatar

Film Enthusiast (someone please correct my spelling)

wildflower's avatar

Film Fan
(nothing to correct, scamp – I even checked to be sure :) )

scamp's avatar

Thnaks wildflower! It just didn’t look right to me.

syz's avatar

Probably ‘cause I mispelled it earlier.

eambos's avatar

@ PnT: ¡Me Encantan Las Peliculas!

scamp's avatar

@syz oops! I didn’t see that!

wildflower's avatar

perhaps it’s the absence of a c, if you’re used to “enthusiastic”

scamp's avatar

maybe that’s why!

richardhenry's avatar

Okay, “Film Fanatic” is my favourite then so far. Great job, Allie! You make a good point Gail, although you can guess what ‘maven’ means (as I did, actually), some people wouldn’t make the connection.

marinelife's avatar

@gc Hey, he liked my answer until you talked him out of it. Thank you, Richard Henry. I say, “Why play to the lowest common denominator?” Also, it has a lovely alliterative quality and none of the drawbacks of fanatic, which always brings to mind for me this creature, the Philly Phanatic.

richardhenry's avatar

@Marina: That’s no creature. It’s a space station.

marinelife's avatar

I actually had a small stuffed one of those from my Philadelphia baseball fan days!

paulc's avatar


hoteipdx's avatar

flickmeister, flickenator, screen slave

eambos's avatar

GA for “screen slave.”

richardhenry's avatar

Screen slave is interesting. :)

shrubbery's avatar

I call my friend a ‘movie buff’ because she watches so many movies and loves them and knows all about them and the actors and everything sorry for the run on sentence

janbb's avatar

Flick fan? Even has a kind of kinky sex undertone.

I like movie maven too.

Allie's avatar

Woohoo! Yay for me. I contributed something everlasting to Salt. =)

Zaku's avatar

Ah funny. While this question has been sitting unopened in my Questions for You, I thought it was about a lover character inside a film, not someone who loved films.

gailcalled's avatar

#@Zaku:Ah, yes. Ralph Fiennes in The English Patient in his “before” scenes gets my vot.

filmfann's avatar

Film Buff. Trust me, film fan looks too much like Flimflam.

richardhenry's avatar

@filmfann Appropriate username. :)

derekpaperscissors's avatar

movie geek or film/movie connoisseur. See if that works.

jessicamarie's avatar

Being a “Movie Loser” doesnt actually look like a bad thing so why should it matter??

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