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What are your thoughts on the Fashion Industry?
I am not a big fan of fashion. I have my own style and look. I play football (soccer), so I have an athletic style with my own unique twist. I could care less what is in style or what everyone else is wearing. Some people these days don’t have their own unique style. They wear something because it is popular or because everyone else is wearing it. I do not care about expensive or name brand clothing. I will buy cheap clothes if it looks good on me. I know people that will have on $1,000 worth of clothes on. Many of them are always asking for a ride on the bus or can not pay their bills. I hate when people tell others what to wear and not wear. Nothing against people who love fashion. I just hate when people look down on others because of what they are wearing. Many times I see people who don’t wear name brand clothes but it still looks great on them. I always say it is not what you wear but how you wear it. Many people can make cheap clothes seem expensive due to the way they style it. I know guys who buy expensive clothes just to impress other guys and mainly women. I have close friends who spend $400 on a belt or on a pair of shoes. They have the right to buy whatever they want, however your priorities should come first.
*I am not saying everyone who loves fashion is like this. Sorry sometimes I have a hard time saying things the way I want. Don’t bash me, just stating my opinion.
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