In the US, the majority are women
Here are the demographics of the pro-life movement in the U.S, with statistical analysis. There have been various studies at various times. Like all movements, the demographic may change with time.
Year of Study: *Granberg, 1981
98% White (93% activist)
63% Female
58% college degree
70% Catholic
*Granberg concluded that conservative personal morality was the primary mechanism for explaining an individual’s involvement in the pro-life movement.
Year of Study: Maxwell, 2002.
99% White
60% Female
51% college degree
29% Catholic
Year of Study: Munson, 2008.
“More recently, sociologist Ziad Munson (2008) studied the characteristics of both activists and non-activists who considered themselves pro-life. The pro-life activists of Munson’s sample were 93% white, 57% female, 66% Catholic, and 71% had a college degree. Of non-activists who considered themselves pro-life, Munson found that 83% were white, 52% were female, 45% were Catholic, and 76% had a college degree. In Munson’s analysis personal moralities and worldviews are formed as a consequence of participation in pro-life activism.”
“Munson’s analysis differs from previous scholarly work in its assertion that beliefs result from activism rather than causing activism. For Munson, life course factors make an individual more or less likely to become an activist.”
Interestingly, I can find nothing showing comparable statistical analysis concerning the political opposition, the pro-choice movement.
I’m Pro-choice. White, male, college degree, baptized Catholic.