Social Question

How can I not get bitter or depressed from this sick world?
How can I stop feeling sad, bitter or angry at the world? How can I handle life knowing so many horrible things are happening in the world- and I am completely useless to stop it? Right now at this very moment someone is starving to death. At this very moment a great injustice is happening. Rape, war, crime, death, suffering, pain, people being slaves and tortured, bombs dropping, children not having enough food….... Everything has taken a toll on me.
I feel depressed for the entire state of the world, I really do.
Every day there is something horrible happening in the news.
I’ve been through a lot and have seen/heard things that I am unsure I can ever recover from…. I don’t know whether or not there is a God in this world. There are injustices happening that we are completely blind to and will never know about.
Just as I know there are unimaginable horrible things in the world – I also know there are amazing things happening too. People who care. People who love. People who inspire others. People who are selfless and trying to make the world a better place….
Sometimes I think it is hopeless.
Humans will never gain peace. Suffering will always be continuous. I have struggled with just wanting to leave it all.
I know if I travel somewhere it will just be leaving everything behind….. My family, home, friends, life, etc. As more time passes on I really feel like moving to a beautiful serene place and starting over.
Possibly move to Costa Rica, Tahiti, or some island sanctuary place far away from the city and Western Civilization.
I just want to get back to basics and be in nature – just as God has intended for humans. To live joyfully with one another, live off the land, enjoy and respect nature/animals, etc.
I live in Los Angeles and feel bogged down from it all. I do need a vacation badly (maybe the reason I’m feeling bitter?).
I feel like humanity truly has no hope and for me to live at peace I would need to remove myself from this environment…. But then again if I move somewhere else, the pain of the world doesn’t go away….. I will just be removed from it (Out of sight, Out of mind)...
My question to everyone is :
How the heck can I still be happy and live life knowing there are so many many horrible atrocities happening all over the world? And atrocities I feel I have no power over?
I try to be an inspiration as much as I can. I do volunteer work as well. I try really hard to be an upstanding citizen and do the right thing. I just feel like no matter what…... it’s hopeless for humans.
Lately I have even been rethinking of having children…. It’s very scary… Why would I bring them into this sick, sad and crazy world full of violence and heartache? Unless I move to the French countryside away from it all ???
This is part question and part venting…... Thanks to anyone who read…. I just feel so tired of being bitter and crying so much for the state of the world.