Who would like to play The Jelly Below Me (TJBM) #67?
The game rules are:
Respond to the question/statement from the poster above.
Ex: I might make the statement:
The Jelly below me eat 10 eggs daily.
The response might be:
False! Eggs will kill me or,
True! No egg no life!
Then they might state:
The Jelly below me is hopelessly addicted to chocolate.
There are no right or wrong answers, so be as creative as your heart desires.
Thanks to the Mods, we can continue this thread weekly. Happily, this is becoming the Never Ending TJBM Game. Hopefully all most Jellies will join in.
Observing members:
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1042 Answers
In the last TJBM thread (sorry, can’t link, on my phone) @Espiritus_Corvus posted:
TJBM has seen the Milky Way without light pollution and will tell us where and when…
My reply…I have, several times, between 1968 and 1970, while steaming between DaNang, Vietnam (then known as South Vietnam) and Subic Bay in the Philippines.
TJBM is or knows what it means to be a shellback.
Aye, mate. only last yarrrrr ‘twas, I meself earned the right to have the Neptune tat on me chest or arm, which is the civilian sailin’ tradition.
TJBM will tell about the all-kindza-hell his mates put him through when, as a young and tender lad, he crossed the line.
Both true and false, it’s only true if you change lad to lass. I would always tell!
TJBM Has legitimately considered calling their dog a really punny name
I suggested to a friend that she name her wiener puppy Oscar Mayer. She decided on Bernie.
TJBM has shot beverage from their nose this year.
I don’t know if you mean it literally or not…
@Yetanotheruser you were in Danang? So that was really how my city looked like? I’m imagining…
TJBM would like to hear more stories of the war from @Yetanotheruser.
TJBM prefers peace to war
I do, but history is fascinating, and you can’t beat a well told story.
TJBM needs Saturday morning cartoons; it’s an addiction.
Not at all.
TJBM chews gum about two minutes then discards it and reaches for another piece.
I rarely chew gum but yes, I discard it after the flavor has been chewed out. haha
TJBM has had a cat bring them a big, fat, rodent surprise recently. My cat “Myles” is so proud of himself, the poor Gopher never knew what hit him, his cheeks werestill stuffed full of grass. haha
TJBM is willing to learn Afrikaans.
I would be, given the opportunity and the need.
TJBM is multi-lingual
A tiny smattering of spanish, german and mandarin but no, just enough to get around those countries and find food, bathroom facilities and catch a taxi. lol
TJBM has chewed Betlenut
Yes. Goa betel nut and leaf, supari. We didn’t know it was bad for you in those days.
TJBM is looking upon the horizon with longing.
Haha..I am looking upon the horizon of a wild storm and debating if I am going to go out into it or post pone my errands for a couple more days. Thing is, I want chinses take out in a bad way for dinner tonight, so I will probably venture out into the great blustery yonder.
TJBM is phoning it in today.
Sheep are sheared, stalls cleaned and the rain is back. Yes, taking it easy this afternoon.
@Coloma Is there any snow in this storm?
@Yetanotheruser By tradition, you get a nautical star for being in one of the world’s navies, one swallow for every 5,000 miles at sea (because swallows always come home), an unfouled anchor for crossing the Pacific, a golden dragon for crossing the International Dateline into Asian waters and Neptune or his trident for crossing the equator. Man, you should be covered with old school tats.
TJBM knows what it means when a sailor wears a black pearl earring in their left earlobe and a gold one in the right.
@Espiritus_Corvus Not right here, yet anyway, but dumping 4–5 feet in the Sierras. Yay!
I looked it up and from what I gather a gold earring was to pay for a burial if one did not survive a shipwreck and the pearl for crossing equator?
TJBM likes historic trivia.
Yeah, and traditions, especially organic traditions like that of merchant and indepent sailors—things that grew out of a culture of commoners naturally rather than an institutional tradition like the Navy or Catholic Church (which is cool, too, but organic is more interesting and harder to track). I was born in the wrong century, for sure.
You’re right, the gold earring was to ensure his shipmates got him properly buried if he was killed in a foreign port. The black pearl signified that he’d survived a shipwreck or sinking.
TJBM has some historic trivia they’d like to share.
Did you know that the Vikings were fastidious about personal hygiene? Women wore tweezers and ear spoons pinned to their dresses as ornaments, and men could be fined for showing up to a Thing (a public meeting) without combing their hair and beard first. They would make soap from horse chestnuts, too.
TJBM has made their own soap before.
No soap but I make lotion bars.
TJBM has a chapped ass.
No, I haven’t seen Hillary today.
TJBM is late.
Uh don’t think so, and Mrs Squeeky is right on time.
TJBM likes pick up trucks better than cars.
What do you expect when you drive to somewhere, go on a trip or just wander around? A car or a truck?
Well actually I used to go on long trips in a truck, when I was very young. Somehow my dad got that truck for free usage and when we wanted to travel to somewhere, we would ride to the garage, then took the truck. We even went up hills and mountains with it. Imagine a truck going down a tall mountain at night, with no street lamp at all.
TJBM has traveled in an unusual vehicle.
Does a mule-drawn covered wagon count? Some days driving the mules, some days on horseback, round trip from Tucson AZ to Denver Colorado and back, for a total of approximately 1800 miles. The whole trip took about 5 months.
TJBM has had an amazing journey.
Yeah a couple a million kilometres in a semi does that count?TJBM, wants waffles instead of pancakes.
That sounds good, but no. This morning it was fish head soup, a baguette with butter, Bustelo Cuban coffee.
TJBM will tell us about the time they went camping on horseback.
No. What happens on camp stays on camp…
TJBM loves musicals
Oh yeah! Actually performed in a few.
TJBM is/has been a performer.
Not professionally but I do like an audience when I launch into my comedienne mode. Maybe one day I will get up on stage at an open mic night somewhere.
TJBM sings in the shower.
Sure, sometimes
TJBM has had a wild animal stand at their front door. (not your spouse!)
An Ikea horse ornament. Does that count?
TJBM has a favourite TV series to tell us about
I don’t watch TV but I’m watching House of Cards on Netflix and it’s quite good. I just finished watching the series called The Borgias; it was great and I was sorry they canceled it after three seasons…..very very expensive to make though. I have bought four seasons of Homeland on DVD and look forward to those. I saw the first two on Showtime but haven’t seen it since. By the time I finish season 4 there will probably be season 5 available. I think it’s on now but I don’t have pay TV in my house.
TJBM has a favorite shop to buy meat.
Actually yes, This place. All locally grown, grass fed and free range. www.longhornmeatco.com
TJBM is hungry right now.
Yeah, after that question about the dinner offer, I’m quite famished. Nothing I have in this kitchen will satisfy me now. Shy kinda looks like a cow… maybe if I squint my eyes…
TJBM remembered to tell their mother that they love her.
My mother has been dead for 21 years now, but my daughter told me she loves me yesterday. :-)
TJBM thinks that @Espiritus_Corvus should make a delicious omelet like I am right now. Omelet with diced ham and fresh asparagus. Yummy!
Yes! Crow’s making omelets with the cowgirl! Yay!
TJBM has done something they might consider patriotic recently.
Well…caring for horses is kinda patriotic right? After all, they helped civilize this country and carried many a soldier into battle.
TJBM is not looking forward to springing forward tonight. Bah Humbug, I hate the time chane.
I’ll probably spring forward about 9:00, on the two clocks that don’t do it automatically.
TJBM is using daylight savings time as a reminder to check the battery in their smoke detectors.
Naw, our alarms are hard wired in.
TJBM, thinks people are just a little to fanatic about Facebook, and texting.
Way too fanatic, I don’t do either.
TJBM has a favorite cup or mug they faithfully drink from.
Yes I do! It was a gift from my sister. It’s just a plain white ceramic mug, but it has two indents along the top rim about 1/8” apart from each other, creating a little notch around which I can wrap the strings of my tea bags to secure them :)
TJBM has a favorite tea- or coffee-related ritual
Yes. I set up the coffee pot before bed, get up around 7 a.m. turn on coffee pot, turn up the heat and then go back to bed with my electric blanket until the coffee is brewed and the house is warm. haha
TJBM has a roaring fire going right now.
I only need to pull the gun’s trigger!
But on a serious note…
TJBM know what @Coloma is talking about. I’m sorry @Coloma if what I think is true.
@Mimishu1995 You mean my roaring fire reference? I meant I have a fire burning in the fireplace, the house isn’t burning down, yet anyway. lol
TJBM thinks @Mimishu1995 is cute as a button.
True, but I aint going to argue with anyone holding a Tommy gun.
TJBM, is hoping for eggs benny tomorrow morning.
OMG! I LOVE Eggs benedict! I had an Omelet today, but man..it’s been forever since I had E.B.
TJBM can do magic tricks.
Yes. I can drive down a street in any town and turn into a parking lot.
TJBM knows more tricks.
My cat will bite me on command when I ask for “bites.” lol
TJBM has a pet that does stupid pet tricks.
My fish can swim to me when they are hungry. Stupid enough?
TJBM wants a pet that can do lots of trick.
Hmmm. Well, maybe a talented cyber-pet. My last kitty was a 20 pound lovable ball of fur, and I don’t want the heartache of losing another.
TJBM wishes they were falling asleep to the sound of ocean waves.
That would be nice but I will be falling asleep to the sound of rain and frogs. Lots of peepers peeping in the overflowing pond here and they are all around the house too. Surround frog sounds. lol
TJBM will share the nearest historic site in their area.
Sure why not..http://hatcreekranch.ca
TJBM, is a closet democrat.
I guess I am, at least in the eyes of the government. Never got around to registering for a party, but I tend to agree with democratic views.
TJBM has a mild headache.
No, but I have a rib ache. I don’t know what I did but my ribs on the left side have been hurting for a couple weeks now. Mysterious weirdness.
TJBM is prone to mysterious ailments.
AS I get older yup, like why does this hurt type thing and can’t remember anything that could have caused it.
TJBM has never tried flavoured Beer.
don’t want beer.
TJBM has mooned their TV.
No, my wife talks back to it!
TJBM is busy today.
I’m partial to the Lemon Shandy Shock Top meself.
Not as busy as yesterday. Crazy stormy day and have to go out and do a few chores and a quickie dust and vac job in the house but that is all, then I shall relax.
TJBM HATES the time change, HATES it with a passion! lol
You got that right,sister.
TJBM thinks all Governments should just abandon daylight savings time and stick with standard time.
It looks intriguing! I hadn’t heard of it until that trailer. Grew up watching Matthew McConaughey! I’m a fan.
TJBM sliced their thumb ever so slightly because they decided to use the largest knife they had to cut up a mango, while holding the mango in their hand, because they thought that was a fine combination… It’s okay, it barely broke the skin. Just bleeding and I can’t find bandages. Cue wads of paper towels! On the plus side, left thumb is literally the one finger I don’t need for keyboard, so I can work unhindered on my final papers.
Alternatively, TJBM is up to something fun!
I just did three days of Renaissance Festival and I am all out of fun and spoons, and looking forward to a few days off. I’m soaking my barking dogs in Epsom salts as I speak.
TJBM is a bit sore.
Haha…yes I am, perfect timing for this answer, man, mucking out horse paddocks in bad weather, all the poop is soaked in pissy, watery mud holes, makes every fork full extra heavy with the wet hay and mud mixed in.
TJBM is heading to a hot bath and shower.
Imagine just waking up and heading for a bath… woow…
TJBM is looking at the chatroom.
No, I just got out of the bath. It is almost 7 p,m, here. A before bedtime bath for me.
TJBM would like to know if the Vietnamese have lantern festivals like the Chinese do.
Yes, I would like to know.
TJBM can answer TJAM’s inquiry.
Yes, there is. But it takes place in only one town. That town was one of the oldest towns in Vietnam anyway, and it’s the nearest town to my city.
TJBM would like to visit an exotic festival.
Yes, that one, in Hoi An and I want to have a Moon Cake!
TJBM is staying up too late because they decided to strip their bed and do washing.
Well yes I’m staying up late, but because I’m behind on those papers I was writing, haha… did laundry Friday!
TJBM is feeling excessively resentful about the whole lose-an-hour thing
Yes, I ranted a bit above earlier. haha
TJBM is a kid at heart and likes bubbles and play doh.
Haha oops, yes you did! XD
Hmm I like to think that I am. Definitely love bubbles and play doh… Only homemade play doh, though. My mom used to make it all the time. Nice big batches in any color(s) we wanted, it smelled so good, and when it was fresh it was so warm… by contrast the store-bought play doh smelled vaguely of plastic, wasn’t edible, was cold, and only came in tiny amounts. I remember one time my sister and I went around the neighborhood asking for some cream of tartar because we had run out. We were little and (naturally) adorable, but cream of tartar isn’t a terribly common spice, so, many of the neighbors told us with forlorn looks that they couldn’t help us; it was okay, they were forlorn.
TJBM has a childhood memory they want to share
We had an enormous strawberry patch, and grown in thick. I would sit on the path and pick and eat until there was nothing in reach but green ones, scoot three feet down the path, and pick and eat those. When I was stuffed, I would pick some to bring inside to have after dinner with milk poured over them.
TJBM scoots.
I used to. My scooter looked something like this.
TJBM wishes they had an old possession of theirs that would now be considered an antique.
Cool ride!
I had Avon children’s sets I treasured. It would be cool to have them back.
TJBM is an antique, and more valuable because of their natural patina.
Haha…not yet, but I a collectible these days.
TJBM hates doing paperwork and procrastinates til the 11th hour.
Unfortunately, yes… and I get worse every year! D: Now it’s not just the 11th hour, but the 11-and-½th hour
TJBM hates doing paperwork and procrastinates til the 11th hour.
You mean the 11th and a ½ hour? haha
TJBM can’t stand the sound of dogs licking themselves. Gah!
EW! True, but I am wondering, what would you think if I had said I liked it? ACK!
TJBM hates to shout.
@Here2_4 haha Let’s not go there.
Yes, but I do sometimes, I have to shout ” NO! & WHOA” really loudly to the horses here when they get invade my space.. One gets all pissy and pins her ears and acts dominate, and another likes to grab me by the sweatshirt hood and tug me around, a big no, no! He’s a clown and just being clownish but you can’t let a 1,200 lb. animal get in your personal space.
TJBM has been injured by a horse.
Yeah but it really wasn’t the horses fault.
TJBM Would rather spend a day in the country rathervthan the city.
Always! That’s why I live in the country, but the hub of a medium size town is just 5 miles down the road.
TJBM needs a rub down.
Are you offering?
TJBM needs a massage.
I definitely need a massage! Can you give me a voucher?
TJBM Is probably really sick, but they have to keep trooping on…
No, I feel great!
TJBM likes to watch The Voice
No, I’m not a TV person, I like movies and documentaries and animal videos, that’s about it.
TJBM has come a long way baby.
You bet I have
TJBM has a mag light.
You have no idea. haha
I have 2 mini-mag lights and a headlamp, I am often out feeding horses after dark and need my hands free to push the hay cart.
TJBM is enjoying a tasty ale before dinner.
False. I’ve not had a tasty ale in months. The last ale I had a couple weeks ago was untasty.
TJBM is worried that too may Spring things have sprung too early.
not yet
TJBM is dreading the lawn mower
Hmm… I don’t have a yard right now, so the closest I can get is vacuuming. But the space I can vacuum is small enough that the vacuuming is still fun by the time I’m at the end, so I can’t say I dread it.
Mowing lawns elicits a very particular memory for me—the time I got the lawn mower stuck above a nest of ground wasps. I shook the mower, thinking I was caught on an ordinary clump of dirt, and then an army of yellow buzzing things started to emerge from beneath the mower like an angry cloud of smoke. I let the mower turn off and I slowly walked towards the house, through the swarm. None of them were stinging me, although several were inadvertently running into me as they flew around. I saw one land near the knuckle of my right thumb, and I raised up my hand just in time to watch the wasp sting me and fly away. It had left a stinger with a pulsing sac (of what I assume was venom) that fascinated me for a few seconds before I realized I should pull it out. The whole scenario was very surreal. Long story short, I walked into the house, let my family know they should help me shut any windows and doors that had been open (angry wasps outside!) and over the next ten minutes was talked into thinking I was experiencing anaphylaxis by a particularly concerned family member and passed out (I definitely wasn’t; but you spend ten minutes with someone saying “are you sure it’s not swelling? Are you sure you aren’t too pale? Are you sure you can breathe? I think I see swelling. Are you sure you can breathe?” and see how well you do…). It was many years before I got to mow the lawn again.
TJBM has a riveting insect-related story.
@Soubresaut You enjoy vacuuming, feel free to come vacuum for me. haha. I don’t mind dishes, laundry etc. but I hate vacuuming.
Yes, a Far Side cartoon insect related story.
About 5 years ago I had a pine bench on my deck with storage under the seat. I had a can of wasp spray stored there. One day I lifted the seat and there was a wasp nest built ON the can of wasp spray and anchored in the corner. I didn’t have the heart to remove it and let the wasps raise their grubby little offspring there. haha
TJBM is eating dinner at 8:09 thanks to the freaking evil time change. great, I get to go to bed in an hour and a half with extra calories just latching onto my hips. lol
<Look out to window> Hey, it isn’t dark yet!
TJBM gets messed up by their time.
Totally! It takes me about a month to adjust. I need my beauty sleep.
TJBM has a favorite piece of artwork they will tell us about.
I have. I bought a print of this when I was a student. Cost me a week’s food budget but I fell in love with it and had to have it. Still got it now in a rather beautiful frame and it is in pride of place in my sitting room
TJBM is feeling bucolic
Especially when I’m in my garden!
TJBM is feeling melancholic.
No, I am feeling exhausted, too tired to feel anything. haha
TJBM needs about 2 weeks of doing nothing.
Yeah I am on that right now and it feels great.
TJBM wants to go to an outdoor coffee shop today.
No, I want to go back to bed. haha
TJBM is enjoying some sunshine after days of stormy weather.
Storm has passed a long time ago.
TJBM will go to bed again!
Can’t! Too much work to do. (Obviously I’m productively working right now on all I have to do, haha.)
TJBM is distractible.
Am I ever.
TJBM likes offshore radio stations.
I can’t really pick any up, being in landlocked Colorado.
TJBM is in a landlocked location.
Au contraire, I’m on a peninsula!
TJBM has lived in three or more different time zones.
I have lived in 2 different time zones and traveled in a 3rd.
TJBM likes eanut butter and crackers with dill pickles.
Peanut..damn, I am out of it today.
Only if the eanuts are crunchier than the ickles.
TJBM would like to be tickled with a pickle.
Haha…a sweet pickle yes.
TJBM is made of frogs and snails and puppy dog tails.
Yes I am.
TJBM saw A Million Ways to Die in the West.
TJBM is singing this for Rubio.
Nah. I’d just fix MarcO some warm milk and pop in a nice bedtime story.
TJBM has a favorite movie that’s older than they are.
Oh, hell, most of the great movies happened before I was born.
Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, Mel Brooks’ The History of the World: Part One, Monty Python’s Life of Brian, Meaning of Life, and Holy Grail…
TJBM has a hard time finding a film interesting enough to pay theatre prices to see.
The last time I paid for a movie was with my daughter and a friend. It’d have to be a really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really good movie to pay for it.
TJBM is wondering why I forgot about the “TJBM” part of my post.
TJBM imagines that TJAM is preoccupied with his latest concerto.
TJBM saw The Book Thief.
I didn’t see anyone steal any book.
TJBM saw the book thief.
Yes, awesome film!
TJBM had a close driving call today. Some pin head pulled out right in front of me, good thing I have lightening quick reflexes..it was close!
No, nothing like that today.
TJBM has memories of poor parenting by his or her own parents.
Oh yes, but hey, I turned out pretty damn great, thanks to just being me. Nobody gets perfect parents, at least I wasn’t beaten or locked in a closet until I was 14. haha
TJBM forgives their parents for their dysfunctions and shortcomings.
I probably should
tJBM has eccentric taste in clothes
I always want my clothes to be comfortable first. Eccentric enough?
TJBM is still here.
Yep, Still Here.
TJBM is following news other than the US primary election results.
I’m not following the election at all so I guess this is true since I am aware of other news stories.
TJBM is looking forward to Easter chocolate
Chocolate! Chocolate Bunnies! I can’t wait to bite the head off my chocolate bunny!
TJBM thinks chocolate is wonderful.
Yep, pretty wonderful.
TJBM is finally getting a much needed day off.
at the end of the week, yes. Got two weeks off for Easter YAY!
TJBM is a cheesaholic
I am! I special order one favorite from a cheese factory here in CA. It is a Jack cheese with caraway seeds. To die for. Also a cheddar with salami and smoked Gouda and, and, Harvarti and Swiss…oh lovely cheese. haha
TJBM is a foodie.
Hey! I’m alive and I’m not in a smartphone!
Well actually there is a smartphone app called “Foody” for finding restautants and cafe. Too bad it’s in Vietnamese.
TJBM would like to have an app like that.
There is an app like that in English, and it shows restaurants in your area based on your location.
TJBM is cooking for someone.
Nope, done for the night. We had pickle-brined chicken breast, wilted kale greens with garlic, and macaroni and cheese.
TJBM is ready for corned beef and cabbage tomorrow, because who cares if it’s a baseless American tradition, it’s friggin’ yummy.
We eat both cabbage and corned beef regularly in my house, sometimes together but not always. I just bought six big point cut corned been briskets on sale to put in the freezer. In fact, I’m not cooking corned beef tomorrow. :)
TJBM needs to do a home remodeling project.
No, just a new home period. haha
TJBM just gorged on chinese food and now feels like a sloth.
Uh no, but I still feel like a sloth.
TJBM has an unusual house pet.
I have no house pet but I did just eat way too much sesame chicken.
TJBM gags when in public and smells a poot.
Well..I might but fortunately that is not en experience I recall in a long long time.
TJBM is a hoarder.
Depends on who you ask…me or the wife.
TJBM knows why corned beef and cabbage is an American Irish tradition.
I don’t even know what it is.
TJBM knows what corned beef and cabbage is.
I like to have it on Saint Patrick’s Day (March 17). It’s a tradition among Americans of Irish descent, although the dish is actually more Jewish than Irish.
TJBM has a not-too-well known fact they will share with us.
Oh goodness, umm… Would the fact that I am the only left handed person in my whole entire family count? this includes my grandparents, parents, cousins, aunts, uncles, people who married into the family, siblings
TJBM would pay for and eat a giant version of their favourite food if it was offered to them. Like a GIANT version
No! Too much is a bad thing. it would put me off my favourite food
TJBM will tell us their fav dish
Off the top of my head I’m going to say Seafood Alfredo.
But if there’s any Krabb Meate in there, the deal’s off!
TJBM has an annoying pain just now.
Yes. In addition to my usual aches and pains associated with age, I have been experiencing an unknown pain in the middle toe of my left foot. I think I may have stubbed it the other day on a folding chair.
TJBM is celebrating St. Patrick’s day today.
My Irish-American self will be taking advantage of a sale on Jameson whiskey, and eating Irish-Jewish-American food. But since I’m neither Catholic nor in a Sorority, that’s about the extent of my celebrating.
TJBM really enjoys cabbage.
All kinds. Boiled, in a stir-fry, chopped fresh (cole slaw).
TJBM likes corned beef.
No! Yuck. Keep that filth away from me
TJBM likes gourmet food
Whoever feeds me is fine!
TJBM eats a lot.
No, but sometimes I get cravings out of control.
TJBM is a rule breaker.
I can be, if the rules make no sense whatsoever .
TJBM has to have at least 2 cups of coffee every morning.
I would but I get heart palpitations. I should cut out all coffee. But I enjoy the coffee and live with the palpitations
TJBM has an annoying but non-serious health complaint
TJBM is subject to someone’s immaturity right now.
You have no idea. I’ve been hailed as Hitler, called a teenager, and had a grown woman threaten to jump out of a moving vehicle because I told her to take her medicine before making coffee in the morning.
TJBM has had a difficult live-in relative.
Not a relative but my house mate can be difficult, another grown women that is prone to childish emotional snits, a total drama queen at times. Gah, I hate drama queen women. haha
TJBM bought something new lately.
I bought some clothes for some Malawian orphans. Daughter of a colleague spent a year working in an orphanage and we sent Christmas presents last year. She is going back out at Easter to visit and take lots of stuff for them. They have so little and are so overjoyed at what riches we can give them. Very humbling
TJBM will say what makes them humble
The thought that I will never rule the world.
TJBM has their own standards.
I do, I just smile and do my own thing. haha
TJBM is enjoying a warm spring evening.
No, quite the opposite. We had a few inches of snow this evening, and it stuck.
TJBM likes late season weather events.
Quite a bit! Especially if that event is rain…. less so if that event is wind. It was so windy a couple of nights ago here, and somehow the wind figured out how to use whatever harmonics exist in my window to make a shrill whistle sound. So at 3:30 AM I am bolt upright, adrenaline coursing, because in my sleep I heard what sounded like a scream right by my head—but it was the window. The window was closed. I guessed it might not have been closed all they way, so I slammed it shut. A few minutes later, just as I am drifting back to sleep, the window is shrieking again and I bolt upright again. I tried to open the window, and my blinds went haywire in the gusts. I closed it, closed my eyes, and a few minutes later it’s shrieking. This goes on until 5:30, when I finally find the precise amount of window-open that it doesn’t shriek and the blinds don’t shake (there was a low, constant hum, like if someone used a beer bottle for a whistle, but at least that was steady and I could fall asleep.) I’m not sure if the wind is late-season or not, i just wanted to gripe. I slept from 12:30–3:30, then was in a weird semi-sleep state fighting the wind from 3:30–5:30, and had to get up at 7:30 that morning. Rawr.
TJBM has another late night ahead of them
I’m house and dog and horse sitting so must go to bed soon, hungry horses get mad if breakfast is late and let you know it, kicking their stalls. I’ve got a cart load of hay to serve up for 10 at 7 a.m.
TJBM likes grasshoppers.
Deep fried, or chocolate-dipped?
TJBM prefers chocolate-dipped (anything) over deep fried.
Mmmm…. maybe, I’m not much a deep fried type but I could OD on onion rings. haha
TJBM has a huge bath tub.
Give me some money for that :D
TJBM is generous with their money.
Yes, but I don’t have much these days. It was nice while it lasted.
TJBM has inhaled helium to talk funny.
Of course I have! Who hasn’t?
TJBM has had to walk home/stand in the rain because public transport is unreliable (bloody public transport)
No, I live in the country but I have to go out and feed horses in the rain and am covered in wet hay flakes stuck to my rain jacket. haha
TJBM must go to bed now.
Shoot, no. I just got done with my morning shower!
TJBM has an advertising jingle skipping around in their head.
No, just the sound of my dog charges romping around playing where I am house sitting and the birds singing.
TJBM is a book collector.
Yeah, but not in a way you know it. Most of my books are in digital form because, you know, financial problems. I realize that some of my books are very obscure and can be a valuable collector’s items!
TJBM is a rare item collector.
No, more of a eclectic collector of all sorts of offbeat artsy things.
TJBM walks like an Egyptian.
TJBM kisses like French.
Not exclusively, no.
TJBM is listening to the radio.
Uh no.
TJBM likes to put things off.
Only paperwork. I have a giant packet to fill out for some medical tests next week. Gah, I’ll wait til the night before. haha
TJBM brakes for ducks.
I didn’t, found it online.
TJBM is having an extremely, last minute, crazy unfolding right now that is altering their plans.
hope not
TJBM is seeing quite a few ladybugs.
No. None at all. I am having some snow.
TJBM is experiencing bizarre weather which is completely different from towns just minutes away.
Gack! No. No thank you. No red wine; no UB40; no 80’s music.
We had snowballs today, @Here2_4. Like soft hail. WTH?
TJBM is wondering how high gas will get this year.
No. It;s only $2.69 at my local fill, I am happy with that and what comes again may come.
TJBM is trying to decide what’s for dinner.
already had mine: fish and fries
TJBM wants to play square off.
Mmmmm… no.
TJBM is expanding their family.
Hell no. No more kids, mates, pets. lol
TJBE is heading outdsde to button up their daily chores.
Yeah, I’m going to grandma!
TJBM hopes they won’t miss the chatroom party today.
!.!.!.!.! Tonight? When?
TJBM likes Brookie.
@Here2_4 I don’t know. Will we have a chatroom party again? I’m waiting…
What is Brookie?
TJBM likes things they don’t know.
I do. I love to learn new things. @Mimishu1995 You;re up extra early today! I lalways hate missing you when I go to bed.
TJBM is having late dinner.
Just had a good dinner! Andouille sausage with rice pilaf and a chopped salad.
TJBM is thinking about breakfast tomorrow.
No. I am enjoying my Brookie tonight. @Mimishu1995 , a Brookie is a fast food desert. It is a giant chocolate chip cookie, topped with brownie, baked together, and cut in pieces like a pie. Yum!
TJBM likes M&Ms better than Skittles.
For sure.
TJBM has an electric blanket.
Mrs Squeeky does.
TJBM makes their own wine.
No, but I have made my own beer. I am a hops traitor in the land of grapes.
TJBM likes Italian dressing better than Ranch.
Definitely. Ranch is OK for a dip or a condiment, but Italian is good, a nice vinaigrette is even better for most salads.
TJBM likes or has liked their salad plain with no dressing.
I have liked it on occasion, but what is a salad without a dressing?
TJBM Is a bit hungry.
On the contrary, I ate too much today! Still feeling quite full… But, I just got my projects done, so I am looking forward to my free time tomorrow!
TJBM is looking forward to going on a run tomorrow, and hopes lovely soft fog will dress the sky again, because this morning was so beautiful!
I just hope I have more time to sleep tomorrow :p
TJBM is lazy.
TJBM would toss Skittles, M&M’s and Reese’s Pieces into the same dessert / bowl.
Probably not, I guess I am a candiest, keep the fruits separate from the chocolates. haha
TJBM wants to go out for breakfast but doesn’t want to get dressed yet.
We just had scratch pancakes with bacon and eggs. No need to get dressed, PJ day.
TJBM is having a PJ day.
Well I am still in them, does that count?
TJBM is enjoying a lazy day.
No! I’ve mowed half an acre of long grass with a push mower. I’m exhausted!
TJBM enjoys cutting the grass
I like to cut grass but that’s the only yard work I’ll do.
TJBM likes to play in the dirt.
nope, I put it off as long as I can.
TJBM is tired.
Yes. Had some wine last night and stayed up late, ran a frew errands before 11 a.m. and now I am relaxing on the couch with a blanket and waiting for some T-storms to roll in.
TJBM likes chocolate chip ice cream.
I do, but mint chip is even better. Nice to have a couple bites after a big meal.
TJBM has a remarkable house plant.
Yes. It’s about 10 years old, and it was bought from a local school. I guess it was some sort of class project, and my kids decided I should buy it for Mother’s Day in ‘06.
TJBM has a gift (or has given a gift) that has outlived its projected life.
^^TJBM? C’mon Strauss, it’s not even that late. Ask me about my 2 new trees.
Caught me in edit, Crow. C’mon, I almost burned the calzones!
Yeah. My little brother needed a car once and rather trading in my totally junked 1980 Toyota Tercel, I gave it to him. That was around 1992. He fixed it up nice and shiny and just handed over to his 16 year old grandson. I thought it was dead long ago.
TJBM did not burn the Calzones.
What is that? Some kind of gas tank?
Speaking of gas, there was a terrible explosion in Hanoi a few days ago. It is speculated that some people got a giant gas tank explose while sawing it. The tank killed almost everyone in the house and around the place, and the area looked like something from the war.
TJBM still follows the news.
Truthfully, not that much. The Caribbean is small and not a huge world player and the island I live on doesn’t generate much news beyond public service announcements. American news; loud, bombastic, and unending as it is, isn’t really relevant here. If something significant happens, I usually hear about it here first. No kidding.
@Mimishu: The ultimate gastric effect can be something like a “gas tank”, but a Calzone is simply a pizza folded in half upon itself in the shape of a half-moon. It can be eaten like a sandwich that way.
Sorry to hear what happened in Hanoi. Always assume that there are residual fumes in any container that once carried fuel. A lot of people don’t realize that.
TJBM knows whether or not Frankincense is a plant or mineral.
No. Rubber is not friendly to me.
TJBM can fly.
No, not licensed anyway. Parasailing and hanggliding ages ago.
TJBM knows First Aid, or what to do when people are injured or have a heart attack.
EMT-A here, although no certification since the seventies, I still remember CPR, and used to sell (and train) AED’s.
TJBM was once certified.
RN-ALS-CEN and International Red Cross Disaster Level IV certs.for about 22 yrs. Let everything go in 2013. I’m just not sharp enough anymore. It was interesting work, though, wasn’t it, Strauss?
TJBM likes the idea of raising stingless bee hives for fun, sustainability and maybe a little profit.
It’s like raising another pool of fish. It sounds good but these days I’d rather have a pet that is loyal.
@Espiritus_Corvus yeah, it’s common sense to me that gas tanks are protentially dangerous, but there are some people in Vietnam who collect gas tanks and saw them for metal. Either they are ignorant or too desperate or both. Things like that happens sometimes so I’m sad but not so surprised.
TJBM raises pets for profit.
If I raised pets for profit, I’d consider them livestock, not pets.
TJBM raises livestock for profit.
used to.
TJBM likes watching old newscasts
I don’t think I ever have and I probably wouldn’t given the opportunity
TJBM avoids the TV news
Like the plague. I’ve been 99.9% checked out of media since 2001 after 9–11.
TJBM wants 2 scoops of raisins in their raisin bran.
Damn right I do.
TJBM wonders why all the fuss about the envronment when we live in a throw it away and get a new one ,type society.
Pretty much the exact opposite of that. Most manufactured goods are imported here and carry heavy duties/tarriffs. Everything is re-purposed and sustainable by design, out of necessity. It’s a good way to live.
TJBM can’t remember the last time they heard Motown music.
I can’t remember hearing it at all.
TJBM has an unusual breakfast.
Probably unusual for many here: A big bowl of clear, mildly spicy, fish head, rice and leek soup with a little bread and butter. It’s a delicious island thing here and makes you feel like superman. No need for coffee.
TJBM want to tell us the loyal type of pet she’d like.
I already have one, my almost 18 yr. old goose. Marwyn is most devoted, follows me everywhere and worships she you breaks bread with him. lol
TJBM likes vintage TV westerns like Bonanza.
I love the cheeziness yes, and the nostalgia. But I really like some of the old westerns, or films that were filmed in identifiable places in the west—especially if they are in old Technicolor®. Last night I found an excellent copy of Bad Day at Black Rock (1955) with Spencer Tracy, Robert Ryan and Dean Jagger (the last two actors highly underrated). It was filmed down in Lone Pine just on the other side of the Sierras.
TJBM likes movies in Technicolor
Yes, and old western movies too. I’ll have to find Bad day at black rock.
TJBM is home alone.
Kind of. Sam and Dave are at my feet as usual and Maggie is up in her place on the bookshelf glowering down upon the stinking animals she is forced to share her domain with.
TJBM wants to divulge her current favorite old Western.
Her, schmer.
Blazing Saddles
TJBM always wanted to try smoking a pipe.
Only if it is of the herbal essence but I prefer my brownies you know. lol
@Espiritus Corvus My favorite western is “Tombstone” Skin that smoke wagon” haha
TJNE just had some amazing fire roasted salsa and chips.
Um… I had half a bottle of cheap red wine.
TJBM is a little buzzed.
TJBM loves making up words.
I wouldn’t say love.
TJBM no longer listens to NPR.
The wife has it on for her morning prep. I usually don’t listen, though.
TJBM will share an old habit they have broken.
Smoking cigarettes for 23 years. Quit in 1992.
TJBM has a favorite gemstone.
No. I love gemstones. They are sparkly, and pretty. Price tag means little to me.
TJBM likes to leave scratches with their jewels.
Like rubbing my neck on someone’s skin?
TJBM is keen on jewels.
Yup. My family jewels have often been achingly important to me.
TJBM would chew a garden slug to save a kitten.
TJBM wants to be in a plane with James May. Him flying, of course
I don’t want to be on a plane anywhere today, especially not to Europe.
TJBM still had some years left on a passport.
About one year, actually. I never updated mine to my married name, but I bought it for our honeymoon. Our ninth anniversary will be in July, so I know it’s about a year from expired.
Probably time to re-up, change the name, and get Ian one so we can all bugger off to Canada or Ireland or something.
TJBM has a few stamps on their passport.
Not a single one. I’ve only been in Europe these last 9 years. Mine is up next year too
TJBM uses their passport a lot
Not anymore, I am too broke to travel these days. haha
TJBM wonders if more terror attacks are going to happen today, either in Europe or the U.S.
Hope not. I’m monitoring the news sites.
TJBM has recently had an unusually good experience with customer service.
I did. Well, I was sort of the customer service provider, and I made a new friend that could prove useful in my new job.
TJBM has been sweating and worrying that I, @Dutchess_III wouldn’t be able to find TJBM 67.
Yeah couldn’t sleep at night, but now your here so thanks.
TJBM likes working alone.
I do! Set me a task/goal and get the hell out of my way!
TJBM loves oysters.
Yes – - – steamed oysters, oyster stew, oysters Rockefeller, fire roasted oysters, fried oysters and raw. Did I say I love oysters?
TJBM has a favorite seafood.
Lobster, but of course! Crab cakes are right up there too.
TJBM is a chips and salsa addict.
Salsa is alright with chips, but I prefer a queso or bean dip.
TJBM likes chili con
I prefer sweet con.
TJBM likes sweet con.
I don’t know any sweet cons.
TJBM has been to prison.
Never and have no plans to go. lpl
TJBM has a nice fire going on a chilly night.
No fire tonight. Cool weather TJAM is experiencing will hit as a blizzard here and on the plains east of me tomorrow.
TJBM is bracing for a spring snowstorm.
Spring rain but not snow
TJBM likes the Spring season best
No, I like summer because, you know, summer holiday!
TJBM likes hot weather.
In my perfect world the temperature would stay between above 60 and below 80 46 weeks of the year. 1 week of bitter cold and snow, one week of blistering heat, and a transition week on each side.
TJBM would like to live in a SIMS environment.
I’m very happy in my own personal reality, even though it involves the occasional March snow day
TJBM likes an occasional snow day.
I’d like to be able to fly up to a nice, rustic, post-and-beam cabin-lodge with high ceilings in the Canadian Rockies for Christmas week every year. Bring a few friends, brandy by the fire in big over-stuffed leather chairs. That would be my snow day and a nice break from this tropical Christmas. But, alas, one can’t have everything.
TJBM has a favorite place to spend Christmas.
Anywhere I’m surrounded by family.
TJBM is fond of family memories.
I only have one, my daughter. I was an only child born late in life to a tribe of ancient ones that have all departed now. A long line of only children.
TJBM is an only child.
fortunately no. Don’t like them at times, but that’s less work for me to do,
TJBM hates their siblings.
No. There are a couple I don’t agree with. I find their value system disagreeable, but I don’t hate them. Much.
TJBM finds some things about one of their family members downright embarrassing.
Yeah, but it’s too embarrassing to share.
TJBM would like to share something about their family.
We’re all nuts, but that works well for us. :)
TJBM has, at some point in life, had an address on a dirt road.
Yep. Limestone, specifically. Oh, the dust clouds when people would speed down that road. It was terribad.
TJBM knows how to drive in the snow.
I’m no expert but if there are no hills and I’m the first one out in the mornings it’s not bad. Problem happens when snow starts to melt and it get nasty slushy slippery. Then that freezes hard overnight. Then I stay home; I don’t go out in that. I will go out and walk, but not drive. It isn’t worth the risk to me. Right now at my house it’s 86. I don’t have to even think about snow anymore, or at least, for the time being.
TJBM has done this too
Many times…Some say it’s my age, but I was absent-minded when I was younger…
TJBM is absent-minded.
No, I’m not quite to absent minded…..........yet. I’m starting to forget where I’ve put things though. That’s a little frustrating. It’s a new house though and thing haven’t been where they are for very long. It’ll all buff.
TJBM uses a Post Office Box rather than home mail delivery.
I get parcels delivered to my work. Does that count?
TJBM buys a lot online
I do.
TJBM is hankering for a stupid snack.
Jello. Which I screwed up making.
TJBM screws up making jello.
Not so far, maybe one day when I have dementia. lol
TJBM doesn’t know how to boil water.
Not only do I know how, I know that it takes you mountain people longer to do it.
TJBM is slow to come to a boil, but watch out when you do.
Like human meat can boil! But actually that time will come soon. Summer is coming anyway.
TJBM suffers from boilied skin.
My skin was never “boilied”, as you say, although it might have seemed to be if you’d seen me in my acne’d teens.
TJBM has been enjoying weather extremes of late.
Yeah fer sure just love this early mild spring.
TJBM has anger issues.
somewhat controlled
TJBM might have questions about their health plan.
Hah! No questions but have had all sorts of medical stuff this week and the short story is, I’m fine, Had to deal with a lot of pricks though. lol
TJBM takes blood pressure pills.
Do now.
TJBM has to go to a higher priced plan just to get a certain doctor.
I have no plan at all. If I need something, I pay cash. But I’m lucky, the services are good here and much cheaper than the states. If something really big and expensive comes up, the plan is to go to Cuba where I’m covered by a mandatory $75 policy upon entry. I have no other alternative that I can afford while living off-shore.
TJBM has a mini agricultural project going on.
Well, I have aloe plants growing just outside my front door. I pour my coffee grounds on them every morning. The parent plant has just started to flower.
TJBM wonders whether the aloe serum in the plants would contain caffeine after such long-term exposure to coffee.
Good Question. The caffeine must be able to travel from the roots to the leaf without being affected by a metabolization process, in other words, little or zero plant bio-availability. I have no idea. But let’s be scientific about this. I’ll bet that it doesn’t, which automatically means that it does because I haven’t won a bet in half a century. (The odds get even better that it does the more money I bet you that it doesn’t. Five bucks usually cinches the deal).
TJBM knows right where to go on the net to get this information on the caffeine uptake of aloe vera.
1–800 Poison control? haha
YJBM floats like a butterfly and stings like a bee.
No but I remember.
TJBM remembers.
Yeah, me too.
TJBM thinks that meta questions concerning Fluther closing down are baseless and annoying.
True that. What’s the ponit of asking anyway? Are they wishing Fluther to close down?
TJBM ignores stupidity.
I try to. I honestly do. But sometimes I just can’t let it stand without critique, especially if the idea is really bad and in risk of entering the realm of “conventional wisdom”. An example of this is all the latest hand-wringing over “Cultural Appropriation”. How fucking ridiculous. My answer to that is:
Play that funky music white boy
Play that funky music right
Play that funky music white boy
Lay down the boogie
and play that funky music till you die
Till you die, ya
Till you die
Otherwise, we can all just go home.
TJBM agrees.
I do.
TJBM should eat breakfast more often.
I should. I usually don’t eat until about 11 a.m., have coffee, drink water, do the morning chores and finally eat something.
TJBM will tell us what the decorating style of their house is.
Eclectic, with generations of family photos on the walls.
TJBM has lots of family photos.
Yes, but not on the walls, in albums and on my computer. I prefer artwork to photos.
TJBM is enjoying a beeeeeautiful morning!
It is SO green and lush out with temps in the 60’s, birds singing, animals frolicking, just perfect.
It’s a beautiful day, but we’re experiencing our second snow day in a row! I’m taking a break from shoveling 14” we got in the past 36 hours.
TJBM likes spring snow days
Ick! In the past 72 hours we’ve had rain, snow, lightning, sixty degrees, twenty degrees, wind and extreme weather advisories. I feel like a roulette ball.
TJBM has to keep pulling up their socks today.
Haha, no, my socks are secure.
TJBM keeps chickens for their eggs.
Yes I do. Like TJAM, I have a surplus of eggs, but I’m able to trade the surplus eggs and some fresh fruit for the labor of the fruit stand lady’s teenagers—plus a little pocket money to the teens (this is between me and the kids—they act less like slave labor now). Otherwise, I’d never get a day off around here. Just put in some earthworm beds to increase the protein intake of these free-rangers and the shells are much stronger.
TJBM noticed a beautiful moon with Venus dancing circles around it all week long.
Yes, it has been so bright my bedroom is glowing through my gold curtians. :-)
@Espiritus_Corvus Can you get crushed oyster shell in your zone, or shells you can crush for the extra calcium for your hens?
TJBM would like to know about the different species of wildlife on @Espiritus Corvus’s island digs.
@Coloma: Yes. Being close to the shore, there is no calcium deficiency even at 1,000ft.
“Over thirty species of birds can be found on St. Lucia, including five endemic species: the Saint Lucia Parrot, Saint Lucia Black Finch, Saint Lucia Oriole, Saint Lucia Pewee and Saint Lucia Warbler.”
One of my favorites: The Purple Throated Carib (1) and (2), an excellent pollinator.
St. Lucian Parrot. Here is an adolescent, a pretty boy and two adults in flight. They are big, loud, aggressive and can break big, thick-shelled clams open with those beaks. This specific Genus are only found on this island.
The island is known for it’s birdlife, among other natural gifts, and is rapidly becoming an ecotourist destination. I’ll post more on this string throughout the day.
TJBM knows how I can find out if Melapona beekeeping is allowed in the U.S. without having to call the USDA long distance and waiting forever for someone to answer the phone.
@Espiritus_Corvus Oooh, I love those birds, I am so jealous you get to see those rare beauties every day!
I just did a quick search and apparently no, they are not allowed to be imported, due to parasites and other foreign bacterias/viruses. There are probably some being studied somewhere like at a university but not legal for bee keepers to import.I had no idea that the stingless bees have more than 40 different species than honey bees. It seems they should be seriously considered as an alternative to the failing honey bee.
TJBM loves to learn new things about nature and wild life.
I love it! Getting an education just the last five posts. I could have chickens here, if my wife didn’t object.
TJBM would have/do something if it were not for the wishes/concerns of their SO.
It used to be like that. She had a thing about naps. Let me preface this by stating that she was Swedish and had this extremely strong work ethic. She wouldn’t let me take naps in the afternoon. Only old people and ne’er-do-wells took naps in the afternoon. She was pretty sane about everything else, though. A very nice person. I take naps regularly now and I’m a much nicer person at dinner because of it.
Here is a little sweetheart. It’s called a Tody, an immigrant from Cuba, but a St. Lucia resident now.
East Caribbean Macaw
TJBM loves naps in the afternoon.
I’m not a good sleeper so never nap
TJBM suffers from allergies
Unrelated thank you note:
@Coloma: Thank you for finding that! Well, that kills my vanilla plantation idea. You need the Melipona to polinate vanilla. They are very nice little bees with a longer proboscis that can reach the pollen in the vanilla orchid. Otherwise it becomes a very work-intensive operation done by laborers with tiny twigs. I ran across these bees in the Yucatan. Their honey is amazing. Keeping Meliponas for honey is a very lucrative thing for Yucatan women to do. In a place with strict gender roles, this is a godsend for women. Goes back the Mayans. Oh, well. On to the next thing.
@Espiritus_Corvus Nice!
(Moving along…)
I’ve never had any major problems with allergies, except for the one time I was working in a paint manufacturing facility. I was exposed to some fumes when we were mixing a batch of epoxy paint. My face was swollen up like a beach ball, and I could not work there anymore.
TJBM had to leave a job due to circumstances beyond their control.
Living like I do, one gets used to having the sword of Damocles hovering over one’s head. There are no immediate threats of displacement, but someday the owner will either want to retire here, or sell, so it is always best to have something on the coals.
TJBM read recently that a huge black hole, 26 million light years away from us, belched a bunch of gas.
No, but I love the science of them, mind boggling physics, often beyond my comprehension. haha
TJBM will help me get over my fear of starting a damn blood pressure med. I hate pills and the possible side effects are freaking me out. Fatigue, dizziness, water retention, swollen eyes, blurred vision, hair loss, anxiety, lung issues, coughing, nightmares…WTF! I can’t bring myself to the guinea pig moment.
Sounds like an alpha blocker. PM me with the name of the Rx.
TJBM is amazed that they have gone so long without being put on some kind of regular med regime.
I should almost certainly be on some kind of anti-anxiety medication. I’m too anxious to make an appointment and find out.
TJBM prefers “herbal” anti-anxiety medicine.
Yes. It just came across my feed. Big surprise. I’ll miss him.
TJBM will miss Gary Shandling, too.
Yes, I am shocked, looks like a sudden heart attack. Maybe he forgot to take his BP meds. Heh!
TJBM can;t wait for watermelon season to arrive.
Yes, it’ll put a smile on my face in the shape of a watermelon slice.
Oh! Oops!!
TJBM is tolerant of brain farts.
This has happened to me so often I should execute a self-imposed ban from this thread for two weeks one week one day ten minutes.
Tolerant for only ten minutes…
TJBM has a vacation planned in the next month.
No, but I’m kinda on vacation now, house sitting is like a vacation.
TJBM is fence sitting on something.
I’m always on the fence. I can’t help seeing everything from both sides of the story
TJBM has an endearing personality trait
Am I endearing to you? :)
TJBM is concerned about others.
only when convenient.
TJBM is staying home this sunday.
Probably having family/friends over for dinner.
TJBM is a morning person.
I was born at 6:30 AM. That was the only time I was ever a morning person.
TJBM has something pressing to get done today.
The ironing. Geddit? Pressing? Ironing? I don’t iron though.
TJBM will move swiftly on
I’v ebeen moving swiftly for the last 5 hours or so, now I am relxing for a bit before the next round of action. lol
TJBM is behind on their sleep ever since the time change a few weeks ago.
Nope. The animals don’t have clocks. No matter what foolishness humans do, they still sleep and eat at the same time. Thus, nothing has changed here except now New York Time is the same as Atlantic Time, because they leapt forward and we just keep chugging along like sane people.
TJBM knows the key of Rachmaninoff’s Symphony No. 1
I don’t.
@Espiritus_Corvus Exactly, I can’t seem to get to bed before 11:30 and the animals are calling at 7:30. haha
TJBM has a crazed feral cat on the prowl in their zone. Damn feral cat jumped my mild mannered pussy Myles this morning, ambushed him out of nowhere, he’s okay but has PTSD now. haha
No, but we do get a feral dog(s) every once in awhile. Usually, they are some dog that was left behind when some foreign resident folds up shop and goes home. Bastards. They can go through a sheep herd like a chainsaw. The ranger has to come and shoot the poor bastard. One chewed up Sam awhile back. Sam doesn’t like going to the vet anymore.
TJBM is walking a fine line.
Yes I am. A fine line between the edge of a small cliff here and the pond drain. I had to hike down the cliff and jam a pvc pipe into the pond drain because it was clogged, almost fell down the broke my crown. lol
TJBM is a Jack or Jill of all trades type.
And a Mistress of Nothing in Particular. I do seem to have a lot of tools, though.
TJBM wonders whether the kipple in their shed is actually breeding.
No shed. I am teetering between using the space for that, or a chicken coop. I would REALLY like fresh eggs without having to drive out to the edge of the county. Also, they keep many of the bugs cleared off the garden. I am thinking two hens and a cock. I would like to get one that lays the little blue eggs.
TJBM has eaten more than two kinds of eggs. (Not counting caviar)
Yes. They have yard fowl here. That can be anything with feathers, basically. The most popular look like regular chickens with long feathers on their heads. I don’t know what they’re called. They run around free in the villages. By a agreement, each family’s chickens have a certain amount of feathers sticking up. The Dupuis’ chickens all have one feather, all the Legarde’s chickens have two feathers, and so on. There are brown ones, dappled ones, black and white houndstooth ones, reds, but not many pure white. With ramdom procreation, I think that is impossible.
But I’ve eaten a lot of different kind of eggs. Wild plover, guinea hen, pidgeon, duck, geese. They eat a lot of game in Sweden. There was one, it was small and bright orange and had a bunch of spikes on it. They sometimes have a gamey flavour to them. There is a reason why the world has domesticated the type of fowl that they have.
These people here are just now learning not to harvest Leatherback and Loggerhead turtle eggs, a tradition here. I’ve been invited to eat them out of kindness and hospitality, and I am incredibly curious, but I’ve always found a way out of it. Just can’t do it. These animals have to hard a time surviving long enough to procreate without another predator after their eggs.
TJBM has had plover eggs.
I missed that one.
TJBM has watched Tennessee Whiskey being made in Tennessee !
What Tennessee? When they come here, whiskeys are whiskeys, nobody needs to know thr origin.
TJBM is an alcoholist.
Well, I’ve participated in the brewing of mead, I enjoy a tipple (in fact I’m enjoying a bit of wine right now), but I am not, in fact, an alcoholic. I come from a very long line of dedicated Irish alcoholics. It’s a conscious decision of mine to be able to enjoy the responsible consumption of adult beverages without it causing harm to myself or my family. Fortunately, while I do have the gene that contributes to alcoholic tendencies, I don’t have an addictive personality.
If I did, I wouldn’t find it so hard to form positive habits, either.
TJBM always remembers to take their vitamins.
No, I am terrible at taking them for weeks and weeks then fall off the vitamin wagon like I have now the few weeks.
TJBM is whopped today.
Vas ist das “vopped”? Meine kleine Frau, ein rrrrrichtiger Mann ist nie ” Vopped ” .
TJBM is going to dig the silver moon tonight.
Nope, but I have the easter eggs and hens and ducks and geese. haha
TJBM knows that it costs almost $100.00 to priority mail overnight a 1 lb. package on the weekends.
No I didn’t! That is crazy!
thanks, @ibstubro, that was nice.
TJBM remembers a 10 cent cup of coffee with unlimited refills.
Yep. And a bottle of Coke for a dime, which included the two cents deposit
TJBM almost forgot.
Never forget.
TJBM likes mint jelly or mint sauce with lamb.
No and no.
TJBM just had a wonderful soak in some epsom salts and feels like their bones have melted. haha
It isn’t time for bath yet.
TJBM loves talking about food.
Yeah,but like eating it better.
TJBM is a cat person.
Yes, 100%. I love my pussy cats.
TJBe will say “Goodnight Coloma” zzzzzzz
Good night and good morning to my fellow Europeans
TJBM is ready to face the day
I’ve been facing it for 10 hours now.
TJBM is ready to face the night.
I did and slept very well.
TJBM has things to do, people to see, places to go.
Yes! Today will be a trip across the state to bring Hubby’s drummer home, then back to make it in time for the hen party tonight. She’s having an in-home Wine and Painting party. I’ve done one before and it’s quite fun. The last time I did one, the group painting was a girly tree silhouette. I painted a tree inspired by Tim Burton instead. This time, the group painting will be also a girly tree, though a different kind. Not sure how I’m going to Seek it up yet.
TJBM dances to the beat of their own drum.
Very much so.
TJBM will do a Bunny Hop this Easter weekend.
LOL boy people were easily amused back in the day ey’?
No, the only thing bunny hopping over here will be the horses when I turn them out to pasture.
TJBM knows the #1 ranch rule, never to be forgotten?
Never eat prairie oysters?
TJBM will tell me the real rule.
I don’t know. I’m new at this. Feed them or they will eat you? Some animals are more equal than other animals? A horse is a horse of course, of course? What is the #1 rule of ranching? Blow into your horse’s nostrils at least once a day?
TJBM will please tell us.
Why do you ask me?
TJBM will please tell us.
#1 ranch rule. Always close gates behind you, always! Or spend hours rounding up run always.
TJBM has had to chase down a large beast recently.
Yes. I got it and will never forget it. That is a good rule.
Yes I have had to chase one down. A recalcitrant burro named Betsy who won’t stay out of the sugar cane. At least I know where to find her when she breaks out. But she’s a wily beast and laughs at me over her shoulder as she rapidly zigs and zags in what she thinks is a fun game of tag when I try to catch her.
TJBM is coloring Easter eggs today.
No, I am filling the goose pond here right now and then am heading up to let the hens out and collect eggs but not color them. I did, however, sponge paint Marwyn one year with vegetable dye and he was the tye dyed easter goose, until he jumped in his pool and faded turned the water into rainbow colors. haha
TJBM is on high tick alert. Why don’t they make Advantage for humans? A little between your shoulder blades protects you from fleas and ticks for an entire month. lol
TJBM is sleeping late tonight.
You mean going to bed late? Nah. I usually start reading around 10pm and am out cold around 10:30. Everyday and every night is like Groundhog day around here. All time same same no problem.
TJBM thinks Fluther is rrrrreeeeeaaaaaaaalllllly slooooooooooow again.
I know so. I started the thread in Meta this go-round. Perhaps it didn’t get completely fixed the last time.
TJBM knows the first rule of….um….well…dunking donuts. Yeah! That’s IT. Dunking your donuts.
And here’s Red Skelton to show you how it was done back in 1938 in the Catskills while Having a Wonderful Time.
@ibstubro Your meta string revival is 12 hours old and never showed up on my activities page. I’ve been looking for it. I think Adagio gave up and went home.
TJBM likes jelly donuts best.
With bread.
TJBM likes bread.
Yes, especially the green paper kind.
TJBM has a favorite snuggle blanket.
No but I am sewing badges on a camp blanket
TJBM belonged to a scout group
Briefly. I went to one meeting. At the end, the scout leader, who acted like he thought he was a Marine Corps D.I., ordered what they called a “belt line.” He lined up his older scouts in a gauntlet, they removed their belts, and forced the younger scouts to run through it while they beat them. I remember him standing to one side, hands on hips and a shit-eating grin on his face. I thought one piece of shit was enjoying hitting me just a bit too much, so I retaliated. Evidently, a good Scout doesn’t do this. This was about learning to take shit off inferiors for the gratification of some perv, I figured. A kind of BDSM training ground, is the way I see that one troop today.
So, Fuck this, I thought, and never went back. I had already bought the book and for years that was a useful source of woodcraft and enhanced my outdoor activities. Too bad the Scouts weren’t what I thought they were. I would have enjoyed being a member of a troop very much. I have an old Scout Manual from 1917, which is much more interesting than the modern one.
TJBM had a much better Scout experience.
YMCA (Scouts lost my application twice ? ?)
In fourth and fifth grade I was president of our group of 15, we didn’t have an adult leader in the room but there were adults in the next room for another “Y” group. I had to be organized and interesting. I recruited three Jewish friends to join and went to 2 of their bar mitzvahs. Weekends we played in basketball, flag football and dodge-ball “Y” leagues and were we won the league or got best sportsmanship banners.
TJBM got lost in the conversation.
I did a little bit
TJBM enjoys hearing about other cultures
I do, I just got this months copy of “Smithsonian” and can’t wait to read about an ancient city discovered in the jungle of Cambodia that is 350 years older than Ankgor Wat and The deadly mating Dance Of Black Holes. lol
TJBM is an information hound.
@Espiritus_Corvus I got in trouble in Girl Scouts for saying ” screw this weaving of newspapers to make a sitting mat” and instead, sewed a piece of oil cloth over a giant, cushy, piece of foam rubber. lol WTF..no credit for ingenuity?
If the subject interests me I can be.
TJBM, ate to many easter treats today.
No Easter treats here, but I did have a Strawberry milkshake last night.
TJBM is shocked that they are not having their usual spring allergies, yet. Knock of wood
I’m always thankful that I’ve never had allergies. The treatment is antihistamine and if I take antihistamine, I can’t pee. So, I’m doubly thankful.
TJBM saw an Easter egg hunt today.
TJBM will attend Easter sunrise services in the morning.
not into church services
TJBM stayed home today.
I did. I did some mudding and sanding and I hung a shoe rack and I cleaned the kitchen.
TJBM had a tantrum trying to fix something today. I did. lol
I had a tantrum trying to fix someone’s attitude.
TJBM can’t stand irresponsible people.
True! Although I worry sometimes I’m irresponsible myself, so then I feel bad for disliking others for irresponsibility…
TJBM had a busy week!
You have no idea, and it;s not over yet. lol
TJBM has to be up at 5 a,m. tomorrow…nite nite peeps
I am up at 5 AM!
TJBM is looking forward to something happening soon.
I am looking forward to having a raclette dinner with friends tomorrow
TJBM likes french cheese
TJBM is crazy about cheese.
I do really like cheese. I like cheddar best.
TJBM hates cheese
No, I love cheese. Cheddar is good; I have made several batches of mozzarella. My personal favorite is a nice smoked gouda.
TJBM will share their favorite cheese.
No! It is all for me!
TJBM keeps a secret stash.
I do, of tootsie pops, my go to suger fix when I am desperate. lol
TJBM has been up since 5 a.m.
As usual.
TJBM likes soup.
TJBM can’t sell a thing to save their life.
TJBM has had plastic surgery.
Never, I’m naturally perfect. lol
TJBM is perfect, naturally.
I try to be.
TJBM is still trying to get over the “incident.”
Which one?
TJBM changes the oil in his or her car himself/herself.
TJBM once did a lot more work on their car before their knowledge was overtaken we technology.
Hell no, I can barely check my oil, I need a mechanic at my service, yesterday i actually figured out how to re-attach my vacuum bag lid that fell off when I was changing the bag. Total PITA, took me like 40 minutes and more than a little swearing and banging it around and breaking into a sweat to get the stupid little knobs re-aligned with the brackets so it would pop on again. Gah!
TJBM has a friend that is under the age of 10.
You mean literally or figurately.
TJBM takes things literally.
Yes, a child friend.
Yes, I do, most of the time.
TJBM has cold feet.
Rarely. Thank goodness because when they are cold, it’s impossible to warm them.
TJBM needs to mow the grass.
Haha…. you wouldn’t believe how tall the spring grass is here, 2 yards to mow and acres of weed eating.
TJBM has Easter cookies staring at them.
Aw, Easter cookies! Now the eggs I’ve got don’t seem nearly as good!
TJBM is getting over a cold—the less-welcome souvenir of a week with the family. Easter eggs, revisited traditions, and tagalong hug-transferred germs.
No cold now but had a really bad one a couple of weeks ago. Having two weeks holiday is keeping me healthy!
TJBM will tell us about a great holiday they had
My last summer holiday! Granted I didn’t have to go to school, but it was more meaningful than most other summer holidays. I learned and tried a lot of things, for example I first wrote my first novel’s draft during the summer time. It was also time of hope and dream. I had a lot of plans during that time and now I have achieved some of them. Hope I will have a great time like that again.
TJBM has too much plans.
I don’t. I jealously guard my personal universe, and avoid slicing it into pieces too small.
TJBM is becoming disenchanted with how narrow thinking is the Fluther, and is contemplating severing ties.
Nope, gotta take the good with the bad, and I have no complaints. It is what it is.
TJBM has to get their groove n for a busy push right now.
Yep. Catching the red-eye to LA in the morning.
TJBM has had to get up earlier than they have sometimes gone to bed.
I have and I hate it, unless it is to leave for a fun trip. I am not a morning person anymore, I need about 2 hours of coffee and to ease into my day.
TJBM has been the the Grand Canyon.
Many times going back to 1954. That trip we did both North and South rim.
TJBM sometimes get distracted Think Dog in UP!
LOL… yes, but not as bad as Doug. I love that movie!
TJBM has a unibrow.
No, no unibrow, just a few strays between the two regular brows. The wife attacks them with her stealth tweezers when I least expect it.
@Coloma I’m visiting my brother the drummer. It’s been about 20 years since we’ve had a chance just to jam, let alone any studio collaboration!
TJBM is looking forward to a much anticipated event.
Tomorrow is my birthday.
So, no.
TJBM has a favorite limerick.
Happy almost B-Day Stu.
I don’t know roght off hand I am still recovering from a stressful moment over here.
TJBM just had a big scare. The neighbors came and took one of the horses to their place today for some training, unbeknownst to me, and I was freaking out thinking she escaped. haha
Oh, gosh! No scare for me sounds like you got my share.
TJBM has an aquarium they’d rather watch than television.
False, but I love aquariums I had a marine aquarium years ago and I had a Moray Eel named Eli. Sadly he was an escape artist and vanished one day. I searched high and low and could find no trace of him until weeks later when I found him mummified behind the curtains in the track of the sliding patio door. :-(
TJBM needs a chill pill. haha
Here is your chill pill. I had mine.
TJBM is chillin’.
I am and my tubby is filling for that blissful bedtime bath. That video is hilarious! haha
TJBM hates green Jello
What’s so wrong with this?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×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
TJBM will says: “Good nap @Mimishu1995.”
Good nap, Mimi. :-)
TJBM is such a tightwad, they squeak when they walk.
No, polar opposite, while I am on a tight budget these days I love being generous and that is the one thing I miss the most after being tanked in this recession. I miss being able to just whisk my daughter off for a fun weekend get away or surprise her and my friends with fun things. Not to mention the peace of mind of knowing I have plenty. Aaaah, memories, of the way things were. lol
TJBM believes in the money rule of ” spend some, save some, give some away.”
True dat.
TJBM believes in hard freaking work.
@Coloma MiMi tried to paste a picture of a green Jello lump.
Hard work but not FREAKING.
TJBM is using left-overs for a meal.
No, that was yesterday. haha Today is fresh scrambled eggs and toast and fruit for breakfast and salad and cheese and crackers for dinner. I polished of the easter dinner fare and have to return to self control mode. lol
TJBM hates it when they get the cuff of their sleeve wet when washing their hands and then have to walk around with a soggy cuff.
That was a problem in the sub-arctic climate of Sweden, but not here in the tropics.
TJBM saw something this week that they haven’t seen in years.
Yes, I was in a 17 story high rise in downtown Sacramento the other day. I haven’t been in a high rise building since traveling in 2010.
TJBM likes Architecture.
Sure I do.
TJBM recognizes architectural differences based on both geography and time.
I’m pretty good with Pharaonic Egypt, Classical Greece and Rome, and Europe through the Gothic era. Anything beyond that, nope.
I can talk your ear off about Corinthian columns and flying buttresses, though.
TJBM knows the difference between a nave and a knave.
The nave is where the knave kneels.
TJBM is making do with what they have.
Funny you should mention that. My kitchen was ripped out today. I good thing is my new stuff is going to be fabulous.
TJBM buys bottled spring water rather than the purified water.
Not anymore. The water here is excellent right out of the well.
TJBM has discovered a new favorite movie from the 40’s or 50’s.
No, but saw Breakfast At Tiffany’s, and it has been a long time.
TJBM has had breakfast someplace unusual lately.
No, but the fresh egg laying ladies are just 25 yards up the hill in their coop. haha
TJBM must venture out on an errand now.
Errand… at home.
TJBM is accepting a punishment of someone else.
No hunting for me, except bargain hunting
TJBM hunts for a bargain
I can spot a bargain at 100 paces.
TJBM paces when they’re upset.
No I wring my hands!
TJBM is a Zen master (tell me how!)
When you stop searching you will find it, grasshopper.
TJBM likes Kung Fu re-runs.
Used to. But then Kung Fu got overused…
TJBM likes ninjas.
Only when they fight for the greater good.
TJBM wants a loyal mammal for a pet, but what kind?
too lazy for a pet.
TJBM is wet
TJBM makes his or her morning coffee right in the bedroom.
Nope, I can’t fit the stove in there.
This is how I make coffee.
Thank you for the French Press, @Gailcalled. I use it every day, and as you predicted, it did change my life.
TJBM received a life-changing gift from a friend.
Not yet. lol Maybe someone will still give me a million dollars, it could happen. ;-p
TJBM has left their debit card somewhere recently and had to rush back to retrieve it.
Never. The only place I use debit is Aldi, and that’s a swipe-and-go.
TJBM is pissed off today.
No, I’m laughing silently at pissed-off people on the internet.
No ill-will here. I’m reading a debate on some idiotic trend on the internet and is laughing at the quarrel.
TJBM is cheerful today.
Neither pissed off or cheerful, still in morning grog mode with allergies. I am emotionally neutral just trying to come out of the fog here. haha
TJBM has a view from their house.
Indeed; my house is on a canal with natural shores (rather than sea walls) and is full of Florida wildlife.
TJAM has perfected the art of invisible-ink pixels. ;)
I have not yet mastered the skill of webpage heat application to reveal said pixels of text….
TJBM / =++ ++ == + +++ / ++= +++ ++ =+ ==+ / == === =++ + +++ / = = =++ / === = ++++ + = / = +=++ = + += =+ = = ++ +++= + / ++= === = == +++ / === ++=+ / == === == == ++= =+ ++ == = = ++ === =
PS sorry if it shows up with random underlines. Thought by avoiding * and – I would avoid weird formatting…
Well, I listened, and it’s OK, probably because I don’t get the reference since I don’t understand the language.
TJBM understands the language of this one.
Haha,,, yes, sounds like Johnny Cash.
TJBM is eating a bagel right now.
Nope. I just ate some chocolates that I got as a present. Chocolate as a present is calorie free, right?
TJBM loves chocolate
I like chocolate a lot but my real weakness is bakery goods, like Lemon Meringue pie and cheesecake and cinnamon rolls. Help me haha
TJBM likes lemon flavored desserts, cheesecake, pound cake, pies, sorbet.
Lemon meringue anything is my favorite non-chocolate dessert, followed closely by key lime pie.
TJBM is back to the usual stuff after a well-deserved break.
Oh Key Lime pie…oooooh. haha
Story of my last week. Now I’m back to my book.
TJBM knows how to filter advice.
Yes I do. Most of the time I just hit the “ignore” button. haha
TJBM hates unsolicited advice and finds it annoying, unless it has immediate practical purpose.
TJBM minds their own business.
In real life I do. Here, sometimes I don’t. I get into things here that I would never bother with in the real world.
TJBM wants to know the recipe to something even better than Tiramisu.
Sure! But keep it simple will you?
TJBM uses salt on some non-traditional food.
Nope—I tend to avoid salt (not for health, just because it taste very strong to me), which means I leave many traditionally salted foods unsalted… Though I do like salt on sweet potatoes!
TJBM is making dinner
Just finished dinner about an hour ago.
TJBM is dying with spring allergies.
I knows no allergies.
TJBM is talking about food and allergies.
No, grass and pollen and whatever other blooming evils that are exploding out there.
TJBM will tell us what kind of animal they would like to be.
Oh, so many! But probably a dolphin or a crow. Both species are so intelligent and—more than that—have such apparently deep social connections with their groups. Plus, crows can fly… and dolphins can roam almost all of the sea. Most days being human is just fine, but some days I feel like I might be happier as one of those :)
TJBM will tell us what kind of animal they would like to be.
A parrot. They live a long time. They are colorfully adorned. They say whatever they want, and nobody argues with them.
TJBM will visit Rio to see the Olympic events, and parrots.
No, I’m afraid not. I don’t like loud, obnoxious crowds… anymore. I can see parrots whenever I want. They live a long time, they are colorfully adorned. And one can reduce a 500-book personal library to sawdust in only one lonely weekend. But they are pretty to watch.
TJBM hasn’t taken a good, long, up-close look at the natural world for a long time.
Sadly, this is true. Usually, for the most part, I’m all about the little things in life, but I’ve been distracted. If I go mushroom hunting this year, I’ll get some up close time with the flora and fauna.
TJBM lives near an impressive natural water source.
Does the Atlantic ocean count? From here to the Sahara, it’s nothin’ but ocean.
@ibstubro: keep an eye on your PMs for that recipe.
TJBM knows a morel from a mortadella.
TJBM knows a sopressa from a spatula.
What… are…these?
TJBM can’t read when there are too many terms?
False. I read one term at a time.
TJBM is familiar with the variety of kitchen knives and their uses.
I know a steak knife from a butter knife but that’s about it. I am a ‘right tool for the job’ kind of person.
TJBM likes DIY
I do, and I’ve got the toolbox to prove it.
TJBM has the right toolbox.
No, I just scavenge for whatever I might need in the moment, or borrow it. lol
TJBM likes goofy, colorful socks.
Skin tone works for me. Sandals or Crocs
TJBM still has to sent in their IRS tax return.
Oh no not another term :(
TJBM is being bormbarded with terms.
TJBM collects pink slips.
No, never owned or wore a pink slip in my life.
TJBM collects citations.
Haha, no, never had one, ever.
TJBM can name the total number of animals they have run over in their life. Me? 1 skunk, 1 squirrel and a deer that ran into me but was okay and ran off.
No. There have been too many flies to count!
TJBM eats roadkill
You know, when the temperature stays below 42° F, roadkill is safe to take. (Tee hee)
Mimi, types of mushrooms, then food is compared to kitchen tools, then IRS is who oversees the tax collecting of Americans.
TJBM will take some time and relax their mind.
I just did. Sitting in the sun on the porch in zen mode for a few minutes before I launch into round 3 of activity here.
TJBM doesn’t think that strict, all black dress codes apply to funerals anymore.
True dat, I had a friend that passed, instructions were no black outfits. Aloha shirts and flower print dresses were recommended.
TJBM is @Seek
I am!
And I agree that solemn black is outdated. The most recent funeral I attended was for a 24 year old musician who had died in a terrible car accident. Everyone wore metal shirts and leather. In place of a coffin (it was not open-casket for the obvious reasons) they had his bass guitar with his many-patch-adorned denim jacket slung over the stand.
TJBM knows a few Dead-heads.
Yours truly and a few more. :-)
TJBM has picked up some fun summer clothes at bargain prices recently.
TJBM is good on toast.
YES. I’m going to a four-day hippie fest this year over Memorial day weekend, and grabbed up some nice crocheted halter tops for $3 apiece. I’m going to hand-sew a few pairs of fisherman pants and a couple of broomstick skirts to round out what’s left of my Stevie Nicks-esque pre-having-kids wardrobe in time for the party.
I’m also fantastic on toast, but those crumbs can get annoying.
TJBM prefers English muffins.
I prefer raisin english muffins yes.
TJBM has a colorful house.
No….I’d prefer to think primitively elegant, I think.
TJBM prefers antiques over new furniture.
I do, if for no other reason but they will probably outlast many things that I could buy today… Also I tend to like older aesthetics, the intricacy usually there.
TJBM has been in a bit of a funk.
Now and again. My mood swings a lot.
TJBM is very high.
Don’t I wish. Nah, just numbing the effects of the idiocy with honey whiskey and Diet Coke.
I’m seriously considering just keeping my phone recording the shenanigans I put up with on a daily basis, and posting it on Youtube. Maybe with animation. Probably go viral and make a mint.
TJBM has experienced a person shouting at them one side of an entire argument by themselves with no outside input.
You have just described my asshole groupwork partner. She thought she was the boss and no one should give her feedback. She almost ruined our mid-term assignment.
TJBM has worked with assholes.
Oh yes, but not for long. haha
TJBM will tell us their 3 biggest pet peeves about people.
Garbage tossers, whistling indoors, highly intelligent people on those occasions when they are wrong about something.
TJBM has battle scars.
Battle scars isn’t really the right word for the scars I have, unless you count the everyday struggle of being prone to cuts and scrapes that ALWAYS scar, no matter what. If you do include daily life under battle, then yes I do. And I have some really stupid ones at that
TJBM Has a habit of voicing random thoughts randomly, and thus has said some really weird stuff… (or is that just me?)
Yes, but it only seems random to someone else. It makes perfect sense to me!
TJBM is subjective
Undeniably and inescapably.
TJBM has an exciting day tomorrow.
Not really, I will be prepping to leave for a 5 day house/horse/ dog/chicken sitting gig sooo, packing, grocery shopping, getting all my little ducks in a row.
TJBM has had to dip into their savings for a bunch of unexpected crap this week.
No, that was last week, when I was in LA.
TJBM is playing catch-up today.
Put the friggin stopwatch away, Crow!
I should be. A class of mine was cancelled—professor has the flu—so I intended to get ahead of stuff, turned on my computer, and found my fingers tapping their way over here!
TJBM has an interesting piece of trivia to share
Oh, right up my alley, my brain is jam packed with useless trivia. haha
Did you know that every time you urinate a small amount of urine is excreted into your mouth from your salivary glands? Tasty! :-p
TJBM knows how many teeth an Opossum has? The most teeth of any mammal
I know! 50!
TJBM also knows that they have “opossum-ble” thumbs.
Until a minute ago, I only knew 3 things about Opossums:
(1) Along with armadillos, they are known to be vectors for leprosy in Florida.
(2) The males have forked penises
(3) They are the meanest, ugliest looking sons of bitches on earth when they hiss at you.
TJBM saw something interesting in nature lately.
Well…nothing incredible but, we do have a pair of Canada geese with a nest on the roof of the horse barn and a finch on a nest in the corner of the porch. Last year this, presuming, same pair of geese hatched 9 goslings and we made a big fluffy bed of hay beneath the roof so they had a soft landing, then, we herded the little family down the gravel driveway and through the gate to the pasture and pond.
TJBM is experiencing the first really warm day of the year in their zone. Damn HOT out there today at over 85 degrees but rain coming tomorrow and Sat. here again.
We’ve only had about four not really warm days. It’s currently 80*F here, which is firmly in the “not dead yet” zone.
TJBM would prefer a cold climate to a warm one
Moderate, not freezing but certainly not hot. I’d prefer a climate that never got above about 85 degrees tops with cool nights.
TJBM is feelin’ groovy.
Hello lamppost how ya doing ?
TJBM has a special childhood memento that they keep close by and will tell us about
Um, no. haha
I am not overly sentimental, I am more of an out with the old, in with the new type. My childhood mementos are in a box at my daughters house somewhere, her stuff now. haha
TJBM has intermittent dementia.
Sometimes intermittent, sometimes not, so I guess you could call it intermittently intermittent.
Got yer finger on the trigger there, Crow?
TJBM has their finger on the trigger.
Always, I’m a fast draw. lol
TJBM does not eat lamb. ick
I love lamb! And mutton. What I can’t understand is that sheep represent only 1% of all livestock in the U.S. and over 80% that is used for the pet food market. Most of the rest is exported. What a waste. How about a little variety, fer chrissakes! In 1857 there were 51 million head of sheep in the U.S. Today, there are only 6 million.
I apologize, Strauss, but this place needs all the running jokes it can get.
So, it’s a safe bet that TJBM does not eat lamb.
No. Never even saw a sheep in real life.
TJBM does not eat lamb.
I already said that above. haha—It;s a childhood hang up, my mom used to make a lot of lamb as a child and I was not into it, so I still am Lamb phobic. lol—
TJBM could live on baked potatoes and salad.
I could, but I wouldn’t want to. They’re both delicious and they’re both side dishes in my book.
TJBM is…is…is…stupefied!
I’m not. I just finished reading a great, but melancholy book.
TJBM thinks it’s time for Spring to start getting a little more serious about putting Winter in its place!
It did here today, hit like 82 degrees. I am laying in my bed right now with the window wide open in a skimpy nighty. Tomorrow it cools off and then showers and temps dropping back down to the low 60’s.
TJBM is fighting the urge to have a bedtime snack.
Lost the battle.
TJBM wishes it didn’t hurt, so they could go to sleep.
What hurts?
TJBM is sleeping.
Just put the coffee on.
TJBM is figuring out what to do first today.
5 a m here and already got it figured out…I’m fluthering!
Morning, Crow!
TJBM is still just checking.
I’m at work and a little bit bored….
TJBM is fulfilled at work or study
Morning, Strauss!
TJBM feels great today! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreat!
I do. And I just had my Frosted Flakes too!
TJBM is also in a good mood.
Yes I am. It’s beautiful out and the day is beckoning… as are the sheep, the goats, the dogs, the horse, the cat, the chickens and the burro. But they are good people and good people should eat well, and it’s my job to feed and release them into the pastures.
TJBM has decided on this year’s plantings and will tell us what they will be.
I don’t have the soil :(
TJBM tries to recreate a farm.
I am experimenting with sustainable organic farming in a small way, yes.
TJBM prefers living in the city.
Oh, that’s a whole other question :-P
TJBM is ready for the weekend
I will be. House and pet sitting for 5 days starting tomorrow so have to pack and do a bunch of prep stuff today.
TJBM tries to watch their posture and not slouch.
You made me sit up straight!
TJBM has a bad back
No, a bad shoulder and ankle. Parts wearing out. haha
TJBM just found a birds nest in an unusual place. We have a nest with one egg built under the eave of the horse trailer, gotta figure out how to relocate it or baby birds will be going for a drive.
Yeah, I found one, a meadowlark, I think, under the eaves of the shed I was about to rebuild. I guess that project will have to wait a few weeks (or months!).
TJBM has a project on hold for nature.
It’s my bee project. My shameful beemageddon of last year has left me needing to make a happy home for bees
TJBM likes honey
I do, on toast, with peanut butter especially. :-)
TJBM is excited about something.
Could you be excited if there was a test ahead of you?
TJBM wants something to go away quickly.
Stress, yes.
TJBM is thinking of a nice melon.
I’m thinking of pickling watermelon rinds.
TJBM has made jellies, jams, chutneys and marmalade before.
TJBM thinks that Yahoo! is dying.
Gee, I don’t know.
TJBM wants McDs, so they can get some of those Monopoly thingys.
Uuuughh, I hate Monopoly season. They remove all the other sales to accommodate the promotion. I was loving 2/$5 Big Mac/Quarter Pounder combo time.
TJBM likes their burger with extra pickles
No, I like it missing the middle bun with only one slice of cheese. haha
TJBM hates couples drama.
Absolutely true.
TJBM will name a movie they think everyone should see.
How about Mr. Nobody? Almost no violence, a plot with several meanings, and a thought-provoking message. You should check it out.
TJBM will name a movie that they think no one should see.
Can’t think of one right now but..I just watched the coolest story…for a great story look up ” The Wolf Pack.” About 5 brothers that were kept in an apartment in N.Y. for 14 years and never allowed out by their father. Amazing story, very happy ending.
TJBM likes human interest stories.
Big time. I even mine the archives for them. My favorites are when the little guy wins against all odds.
TJBM likes it when the little guy wins.
I live for those moments. I especially like it when it makes “the big guy” whine.
TJBM loves it when the “big guys” whine.
Would you like some cheese with your whine? lol
TJBM has a pussy or two in their bed every night.
False. And it’s been at least 15 years since my lovely Tom died.
TJBM still loves to turn the music up way too loud every now and then.
Yes, every now and then. last time was a little party for one a few months ago, sitting at the big granite breakfast bar, sipping wine and playing old music. :-)
TJBM loves BLT sandwiches.
Yes! I do, I do, I do!
TJBM likes a comfort food because it brings back memories.
It’s a meal we had on Saturdays at our house. It was a big family, the table groaned under the weight of the food.
Crispy deep-fried chicken with spiced breading. Hush puppies—real ones with finely diced cherry peppers and onions baked in them, not the bland ones they sell at the fried chicken places. Butter beans and Squash Creole. Garlic-butter-mashed-potatoes with bacon bits and chopped green onions or leek. Lemon iced tea to drink. Warm sweet potato pie with vanilla ice cream. Bite-sized chunks of chilled watermelon afterwards.
TJBM has a favorite comfort food that brings back memories:
Not really, but tenderloin sandwiches take me back to a tiny cafe where my family used to stop sometimes when I was very little. The loins there stuck out a good two inches from the bun all the way around, and it came with enough fries to feed the whole family. I would use half a bottle of catsup, and not get a quarter of them eaten. My family would help themselves to my fries, but I wanted the really long ones for myself. I could never eat more than half the sandwich, and the rest always had to be wrapped in paper napkins to eat at home. My mommy got the pickle.
TJBM has a cool farmer’s market story to tell.
Yes, there is a local veggie farm not far from me that operates on the honor system. You can wander in at any time, day or night and they have bags and prices written on a board. You just gather up your produce and fruit and leave your payment in the box. I love it!
TJBM must leave their cozy lair to run an errand now.
Soon. Coming grandma!
TJBM has a relative they care a lot about despite not living together,
Yes. The sibs who are still alive are very far away. My little sister will be flying through for a visit soon.
TJBM quit smoking cigarettes in 19??
1967. 1972. 1975. 1978. But I finally stopped in 1981. I think I may have had three or four in the years since, but they only served to remind me that I didn’t want to do that anymore.
TJBM will share how they overcame an undesirable behavior.
I overcame my temptation to buy anything that looks tempting for a moment. I could have never done it if it hadn’t been for a rare item that popped up on Ebay. I really wanted it and to buy it I had to have enough money. It forced me to start watching my money and considering carefully whether I wanted to buy anything in the first place. I finally got the item and got rid of my bad habit. What a bargain :)
TJBM has strict rules for themselves.
No, I’m not a super structured type, I like freedom and flexibility.
TJBM has an easy going personality.
Yup. Unless crossed. lol
TJBM flosses obsessively.
Haha, not obsessively, no.
TJBM gets annoyed at flakey people that don’t walk their talk.
Yes I do and it’s getting so bad I have to check myself.
TJBM has noticed the same sort of impatience in themselves and knows if it is age, or something else.
It’s age. Like fine wine, good cheese and mellow whisky, old crow.
TJBM is sometimes a whisky drinker
Gak, never. I like a good ale or 2 or a little wine or champagne but have never been a hard alcohol type, sans the occasional bloody mary which I do like. Marinated string beans please, lots of olives, celery, a salad in a glass. haha
TJBM just discovered an injury on themselves that they have no clue as to where, when or how they got it.
omg yes.
TJBM.likes coffee candy.
Yes, I love coffee everything, candy, ice cream, etc.
TJBM must go grocery shopping and does not want to.
@SQUEEKY2 Mine is a burn on my left forearm, what’s yours?
Nah. My husband shops. I just make do with whatever he comes home with.
When someone once pointed out a runner in their panty hose, TJBM told them it was a scar and they were shocked and embarrassed. O——> that’s a debil.—
An ache in my left shoulder that has been going on for months.
TJBM HAS aches they can’t remember where or why they came from.
Oh yeah. Some of them are the result of specific trauma, and I remember it well. Others have crept in and stayed over the past few decades.
TJBM can remember all the pain-causing incidents they have experienced.
This one is still going strong!
No, pain fades quickly for me
TJBM takes painkillers regularly
No, only Tylenol and Advil but now I have to take a BP med and can’t take the Advil anymore so I guess I will just deal with my pain. Tylenol doesn’t cut it at all.
TJBM is pretty stoic.
Yeah, unless you know me pretty well, you’re not gonna know anything’s bothering me unless it share, and I probably won’t do that.
TJBM has a habit of “working through” pain.
If I didn’t what should I do? Sit there and suffer?
TJBM doesn’t know if we should have a #68. Man I’m so caught up that I forgot that we already have 500 responses.
This works fine for me. It’s up to you guys.
TJBM has something nice planned for the summer.
A nice garden, with three or four kinds of heirloom tomatoes, carrots, onions, turnips, potatoes, lettuce, tomatillo, peppers (sweet and hot)...and that’s just getting started.
TJBM has a summer project to start.
Yes, my project is me. Lowering my BP, cholesterol and hopefully moving to a new little place. It’s a big project for sure. haha
TJBM saw a new movie recently.
No, but I am looking forward to this new version of Jungle Book coming out.
TJBM grew up watching Baggy Britches dance to The Bear Necessities.
TJBM enjoys watching old movies.
I like new movies more but yes, I do like many old movies.
True, in that The Jelly Below You is The Jelly After You.
TJBM loves that this thread takes a half hour to load and therefore refuses to start a new one.
Love this thread but for a different reason.
TJBM’s thread loads fine on their phone!
It takes a second but it’s no big deal.
TJBM is on their third cup of coffee this morning.
Nope, finishing second ( 20 ounce mug )
TJBM has a special coffee mug.
It’s a 16-oz go-cup, and I brew the coffee directly into it. I’m also on my second mug. But if you consider that a standard serving of coffee is a 6-oz cup, it looks like @Tropical_Willie and I are well on our way to our sixth or seventh cup.
TJBM thinks they could/would/might be considered a coffee hound.
I’m certainly a dedicated fan. I’m seriously considering a tattoo of a caffeine molecule. I do not tend to hoard coffee, as I prefer fresh beans whenever possible, but I do have a dedicated thermometer whose sole job is to measure the water in my kettle to 173 degrees Fahrenheit.
TJBM has more than four types of tea in their home.
I need to ask dad.
TJBM is a tea addict.
Not an addict, but I am a partner in a website that sells tea. I have about 15 varieties of tea in my home, 5 for personal consumption and 10 to provide samples for the website.
Which is a little wierd, because I am more of a coffee drinker!
TJBM knows the difference between a true tea and a tisane.
Fraid not, I’m a tea totaler. lol
TJBM had a weird dream last night.
No, not that I remember. Sometimes they do get pretty weird.
TJBM will share a weird dream they had last night or recently
I never remember dreams. i remember I had them but just not any details at all
TJBM sleeps wonderfully
Mostly but lately the barnyard is going off at like 6 a.m. geese shrieking to come out, hens cackling, horses neighing and last night the pussy cats were racing through the house at 5 a.m. doing pussy cat things. Galloping pussies able to leap tall couches in a single bound. lol
TJBM is a southpaw.
Sometimes, I play baseball left handed. Write right handed also tennis and ping pong, shoot rifle and hand guns either hand.
TJBM has a dentist’s appointment soon.
I need to make one, time for a cleaning.
TJBM just cut the 1st watermelon of the season and it is delicious!
How did you know that? Hey… can you see me?
TJBM looks for the first sign of spring in their area, and it is…
@Espiritus_Corvus haha, well, I am intuitive. :-)
Oh man, spring is a raging monster here, blindingly green and lush, generating humidity like a tropical rain forest. All the song birds nesting and twittering everywhere, bugs zinging around, geese and hens laying eggs, ( just found a clutch of 9 hidden goose eggs, but they are infertile so collected them all ) and the lizards are zinging around, soon the rattlers will be out again too.
TJBM buys super hero band aids.
No, my skin is so tuff I never need ‘em
TJBM is thin-skinned
I bruise easier than I would like, but I compensate with impressive callouses—which I guess means I’m a softy beneath a barrier of variable thickness.
TJBM likes to wander.
I do, just have to pay attention when I’m driving, that is how I am going to die, ” Oooooh, look at that beautiful treeeeeeeeeeee ”...goes over cliff, rolls multiple times, explodes in giant fireball. lol
TJBM has seen a giant fireball.
Yes, car fire from a quarter mile away, guess it got to the gas tank. Felt the heat and the boom hit me in the chest.
TJBM has seen a wild fire /forest fire up close.
No, but I was close enough to a fire and explosion at an oil refinery that it cracked a window in the house where we were living.
TJBM has witnessed a large explosion.
I have, but I don’t remember it. My brother tells me that an uncle once blew the stumps out of my grandmother’s yard using dynamite. Sent them, like, 3 stories into the air. Ah, the good old days. When an idiot could endanger an entire neighborhood in full view of everyone and get nothing more than an “Attaboy!”
TJBM has a funny watermelon anecdote.
Sorta! I lost my first tooth eating a watermelon. Bit down on a seed that was much harder than all the others… actually quite an unpleasant experience, kind of the same jarring as when you think there’s one more step but there isn’t, and your leg hits the ground sooner than you expect. Also the “seed” had a rough side. Spit it out and there was my tooth! (It was very loose by that point, so loose watermelon was enough, but I hadn’t wanted to pull it out.)
TJBM has a funny water anecdote, and/or a funny melon anecdote.
No, but “melon” reminds me of the time when I was bombarded with watermelon juice by my mom. Don’t know how she came up with the idea but at one point I began to fear watermelon to death.
TJBM has a stupid fear.
I am rather paranoid about driving to new places I have never been before that are kinda far away. Once I know my way I’m good to go. otherwise, no fears, I am quite non-neurotic overall.
Watermelon anecdote: A friend once traded a watermelon for a puppy. haha She had him for 10 years until he died.
TJBM’s internet was down for several hours today.
I didn’t have internet for several hours today, I just legitimately had no internet access.
TJBM is into stand-up comedy
Yes, I find it belly-achingly funny. I haven’t been to any shows for a while but when I lived in Edinburgh I used to go to loads at the Edinburgh festival. Lots of people before they were famous too. I like the british sense of humour best as it can be just so offbeat. I saw Billy Connolly once, absolutely hilarious. I watch a lot of TV show that are comedians on panel or game shows. These are very funny too.
TJBM will tell us their favourite joke
I’‘ve told this so many times here that it’s probably not even funny anymore:
A man walks into a psychiatrist’s office with a duck on his head.
The psychiatrist asks, “Can I help you?”
And the duck says, “Yeah, can you get this guy off my ass?”
TJBM will tell us their favorite joke.
“You can’t fail if you don’t try, so why bother?”
TJBM will tell us their favorite joke.
Heisenberg and Schrödinger are on a road trip, when they’re pulled over by police. Cop asks Heisenberg to roll down the window and says, “Do you have any idea how fast you were going?”
Heisenberg says, “No, but I know where I am.”
Cop says, “I clocked you at 108 miles per hour!”
“Great, now we’re lost!”
The cop thinks this is odd behavior and demands to search the car. “Hey, did you know there’s a dead cat in the trunk?”
Schrödinger cries, ”Well I do NOW!”
TJBM will also tell a joke.
Not that good !
TJBM knows why the joke @Seek told is funny. (Why quantum mechanics and cats?)
I do! Sort of. Well, the Schrodinger bit anyway. Bit hazy on my Heisenberg theories…
TJBM likes my logistics professor joke:
Three logistics professors go into a bar. The barman asks them ‘Would you like a beer?’. The first one says ‘I don’t know’. The second one says ‘I don’t know’. The third one then says ‘Yes’.
I’m still thinking… are they going to drink in the same cup?
TJBM likes no-brainer jokes.
Well, I confess that I don’t know my Heisenberg from my Hume or Schrodinger from Schopenhauer—or even if these guys share the same professions. So, unless the joke is explained to me in painful detail, I probably don’t get it.
I like surreal jokes with multiple layers of funny like the one in my last post, or ones with that come with a literary reference, or wordplay. I think some of the best jokes are simple and fast:
Dorothy Parker walks into a bar.
The bartender asks, “What can I get you?”
Parker says, “Gimme an entendre, and make it a double.”
There was a great Pavlov bar joke but I forget the details.
TJBM will tell the Pavlov joke.
Pavlov is sitting at a bar, and the phone rings. “Dammit!” he cried, “I forgot to feed the dogs!”
TJBM will share their most intellectual joke.
I’m planning a trip the the Fibbonacci convention. It’s supposed to be as big as the last two put together.
TJBM knows if you order a double entendre, the bartender will give it to you.
And hopefully you get what you want.
Guy walks into a bar and pulls a tiny grand piano out of his pocket. Then he pulls out a little guy who site down and begins to play.
“Where’d ya get that?” bartender asks.
“I have a magic bottle; you rub it and get a wish,” customer replies.
The customer agrees to let bartender try it, and pulls a grungy old whiskey bottle from his pocket. Bartender rubs it, and the room fills up with ducks, flying everywhere.
“I didn’t wish for a million ‘ducks’,” says bartender.
The customer looks down into his drink in disgust and says, “Yeah, well, I didn’t ask for a ten-inch pianist either.”
TJBM has a good one.
Helium walked into a bar and ordered a drink. The bartender refused. “We don’t serve noble gases here.” There was no reaction.
TJBM will continue the joke trend.
Haha..I love jokes, lets see…
A man throws a costume party with the theme of come dressed as an emotion.
The first guest arrives and there is a knock on the door, the party host opens the door to see a man dressed all in red.
” and what are you” he asks.
The party guest replies, ” I am red with rage.”
“Come on in” says the party host.
After a few minutes there is another knock on the door and the party host opens the door to see a man dressed all in green.
“and what are you?” says the party host.
” I am green with envy ” replies the guest.
“Come on in” says the host.
Soon there is a third knock on the door and the host opens the door to find a man standing on his porch completely naked with only a pear stuck on the end of his penis.
“and what are you?” says the party host.
” I am fucking despair” says the guest. :-p
TJBM likes this joke.
An infinite number of mathematicians walk into a bar. The first orders a beer, the second orders half a beer, the third orders a quarter of a beer and so on.
After the seventh order, the bartender pours two beers and says, “you fellas ought to know your limits.”
Tjbm hates math but enjoys math jokes.
Of course, as long as it’s easy to understand.
TJBM will tell a joke everyone can understand.
What do you get when you cross a donkey with an onion?
Most of the time you get an onion with floppy ears, but….
every once in awhile you get a piece of ass that brings a tear to your eye. :-D
TJBM will write a limerick.
On the breasts of a barmaid in Sale
Was tattooed the prices of ale
And on her behind
For the sake of the blind
Was the same information in Braille.
TJBM has another one
There once was a man form Bel Air
who was doing his wife on the stair
but the banister broke
so he doubled his stroke
and finished her off in mid-air.
TJBM thinks we are on a roll here this morning.
Yeah! I roll my back laughing and my eyes thinking.
TJBM thinks we need more jokes.
Serial killer jokes maybe?
What did Jeffrey Dahmer sing in the way to his refrigerator?
” My bologna has a first name….”
TJBM thinks we need a new jokester to enter the thread.
..and a new thread.
“Subsequent investigations showed that while he lived in Germany, Dahmer sold arms to the Iraqis.”
TJBM has another.
I have another thread. I made a mistake with the number so it’s No.67 Mark II.
TJBM is coming over?
I might wait until we can all 69.
TJBM wants a daisy chain this spring.
Maybe. I don’t know what that is.
The Jelly below me missed this whole thread.
Nope, I’ve been here every long minute. lol
TJBM is movin’ on now to pt. 68 never to return.
Ha, ha, ha, ha. Impossible. There IS NO pt. 68!
TJBM is psyched about 69, though!
I’m in 69 now.
TJBM will not respond to this thread.
TJBM has a witty saying about old TJBM threads never dying.
Old threads never die, they just get mothballed?
Stop it now
How do the female moths feel about that?
<<pre-emptive cringe>>
wait… so which link is the correct one?
There is no incorrect TJBM thread! I’ve participated in 3 at the same time.
TJBM thinks that gnat’s nuts are surely smaller than mothballs.
I do
TJBM thinks that gnu nuts are bigger than gnats
I know that gnats are minature, so I’m going to guess that the answer is yes?
TJBM Will tell us about a funny incident that recently happened
I thought gnu nuts were like actualy nuts, like walnut sort nuts… boy was I wrong
A quick one:
I bought a collectable souvenir plate for a friend of mine and realized the name of the town is spelled wrong! Double the fun.
TJBM gives a lot of small gifts that mean more than they cost.
Not like I used to.
TJBM made a discovery last week that he/she wishes he/she made years ago.
I’ve just discovered that I can make a Paypal account more easily than I thought. No I just wish I had made one earlier so that I didn’t have to waste more money on that purchase.
TJBM just discovered something new.
Not yet.
TJBM has textured walls in his or her home.
Apart from some unintentionally rough plaster, no. Smooth walls every time.
TJBM likes painting and decorating
I do but don’t do it, myself, as much as I used to.
TJBM buys bottled spring water rather than the purified water.
I usually get the Spring if it’s available, because I know which spring it’s drawing from, so it’s a known quantity. If it’s out (and it often is) I’ll take purified. No majorly big deal either way. Water’s water.
TJBM prefers diet soda over regular.
Anything that tastes good is good.
TJBM is obsessed with losing weight.
No and America’s obsession with weight is one of the most unhealthy things I’ve ever seen. Eat good pure food and have interests and be active. That’s a healthy lifestyle. Worrying about what you and everyone else eats and what they weight is pure craziness.
TJBM has paid money to lose weight.
TJBM believes in a ” live and let live ” attitude. I don’t care if you’re fat, are a Heroin addict or keep a moat of Alligators around your house, as long as you don’t intrude on my life, do what you want.
In other words, one’s freedom extends to the point that it infringes on that of another.
TJBM will tell me if that^^ is correct.
No, the opposite, as long as your freedom does me no harm I don’t care what you do as long as you don’t live in a crack house next door to me. lol
TJBM is tolerant of others choices.
I am. Within the limits of the law, by and large. You’re crack house doesn’t have to be next door for me to be intolerant of it. Magic brownies get a pass, so relax.
TJBM has considered driving to Colorado so they could buy some delicious THC laced candies.
Can I drive on the sea?
TJBM knows how to drive on the sea.
No, but I can walk on it.
The Jelly below me felt fat for eating 18 Reese’s Pieces, but then felt a little skinnier once they realized the serving size is 51 of them.
I would never put one in my mouth. Now Reese Cups…...........bring them.
TJBM doesn’t freak about weight.
No, I don’t. I’ve always been lucky to have an active lifestyle and blessed with good health.
TJBM is satisfied with their health status.
Yep! Got nothing to complain about
TJBM has a surgery story
I do.
Way back in 1981 when I was 21, I had kidney surgery for a blocked Ureter
For whatever reason, I assumed that the replacement ureter was going to be synthetic, plastic, rubber, whatever.
Boy was I shocked when I read the surgery report and it said ” specimen submitted from morgue # 3!”
Yep, I have a donor ureter Thanks, whoever you were.
TJBE has a donor body part.
@Coloma that was… surprisingly touching :)
No, not that I know of. Or maybe my parents are hiding something ~
TJBM knows that it is suspected that donated body parts can carry bits and pieces of the donor’s memory.
Yes, it is called cellular memory. I don;t know if my Ureter has much to say. haha
TJBM is sucking on a sucker right now.
I once knew a man who had received a heart transplant. I knew him through the workplace, and when I left we never connected outside.
He once told me that his donor had been a young girl who died from brain damage in a car accident. We talked about these things often, to escape boredom when the retail floor was slow.
He told me about the bond he shared with his donor’s parents, and also about some dreams he had started to have that would be more fitting for an eleven-year-old girl than a 50+ year old man.
TJBM has an amazing story to share.
Sorry, I do not have an amazing story to share at this time.
No, but when I was at Aldi today in the checkout they had suckers that were a spiral of sugar at least 10” tall and 1” around. I was standing there thinking, “I can still remember when I would have begged for one of those, and actually enjoyed one, if I got it.”
About that time a couple of girls walked up and one pointed at a sucker and said, “That’s so cool”. lol
TJBM spends checkout-line time in interesting ways.
Usually chatting and joking with other customers in line. I get some good interactions sometimes. I like engaging people.
TJBM has had a kidney stone.
I don’t think so. I had an episode recently which was terrible stomach pains but not a stomach bug, if you get my meaning. It felt like how my sister described her gallstone pain. I understand both these conditions are very painful. That was last october and I’ve been in good(ish) health since then.
TJBM will tell us of an episode of ill health (I think I missed my vocation to be a GP)
Well, I have a fingernail that has a low bump below the cuticle that looks almost like a deep blister. It doesn’t go away, and the nail is getting increasingly more ridged and wavy. 3D.
TJBM doesn’t usually tend to problems until they’re near out-of-hand.
Not me, but some of my classmates do, especially when it comes to studying.
TJBM is so lazy no one can tolerate.
@ibstubro doesn’t sound too serious if there is no redness or infection. Enjoy the nail art!
I am a little lazy but more because I don’t like something. I will work hard if I am enjoying doing it.
TJBM has worked hard on something recently
I am refinishing a couple of furniture pieces right now. I usually keep a little project going.
TJBM has a dilemma today.
Not so far, haha,
TJBM has recently found a monster spider in their bedroom.
I captured a huge Wolf spider last night before bed that was hanging on the wall and kept him/her trapped in a coffee mug with a book over it all night, then, tossed it off the deck into the bushes first thing this morning.
I had a huge wolf spider on my bedroom wall about a year ago. It scared me so badly that I considered selling the house. Not another one since. I spray monthly now.
TJBM’s life has been touched by suicide.
Not yet, thankfully.
TJBM prefers something funny.
You bet I do.
TJBM already knows that if you chew too much sugarless gum you will get the same effect as if you had taken a laxative. (I learned this the hard way)
Certain sugar substitutes (especially Sucralose®) have affected me in that way.
TJBM eschews chewing gum.
I don;t remember the last time I chewed gum, a few years at least, more like 5+.
TJBM has a tummy ache today. Not from chewing sugarless gum. haha
I do not. But since that’s a boring answer, I’ll add that I have gas that could blister your eyeballs.
Mustard, onion, & veggie dog gas with a bean chaser.
TJBM has something intimate to share with us.
I cleaned my belly button today and put lemon oil in it. lol
TJBM is enjoying a rainy movie day at home.
It’s rainy, yeah. But I have to go out :(
TJBM hates going out in the rain.
Yes, strange movie.
TJBM will tell us the color of their bedroom curtains or blinds.
Sure kind of an off green.
TJBM has tried moonshine.
I have not…. I haven’t tried most alcohol. A sip of wine, a sip of beer, and a few sips of some warm fruity alcoholic tea-thing I had at a family friend’s—didn’t enjoy any of it…. Haven’t acquired the taste for alcohol, and since learning several year ago that someone in my family has battled severe alcoholism, I’ve been apprehensive in trying to like it… With any other type of substance (medications, nitrous oxide at the dentist, caffeine, etc.) I’m a lightweight; I’m pretty sure alcohol would effect me rather strongly rather quickly.
TJBM does not enjoy being under the influence of something.
Under the influence, no. Mellowed out by a moderate dose is something different. Since cannabis has been legalized here, the industry has determined that a standard recreational dose for edible products is 10 mg of THC. About half of that is all I want at one time. A nice buzz, still able to focus on and enjoy whatever activity I happen to be pursuing.
TJBM likes a little cannabis now and then.
I do and always have. I had an edible Chocolate Rice Krispy bar recently.
TJBM enjoys enhanced creativity from cannabis.
No, dammit. It’s still illegal here and I’m too much of a wuss to try and buy it.
TJBM is awfully law abiding.
Guilty as charged!
TJBM is deciding whether they have time to go to an improv show tonight. (Love theatres, they feel like home!)
Someone deal with the final for me!
TJBM is in hot water thanks to their curiousity.
No, but I’m in deep fat thanks to giving into a craving for junk food. lol
TJBM can’t beieve they ate the whole thing. OMG…too many fries.
Fries are my almost-once-a-month treat. There’s a local place that will fill a burger clamshell with the old crinkle-cut fresh fries for $1.49. I could eat them every day. With salt and a fresh onion slice chaser.
TJBM worries too much about bad breath.
No. Brush regularly, additional floss if necessary, I’m good. Besides, my wife would let me know.
TJBM has someone in their life who would let them know.
I don’t know, maybe, a friend? I’m not kissing anything these days except cats and geese and horses, well…. lol
TJBM loves the smell of old fashioned Lemon Verbena.
Do you have some @Coloma? Can I smell?
TJBM knows about good breath chewing gums.
I’m not allowed to chew gum because of a jaw problem. Nor baguettes. Sometime I ignore my dentist…
TJBM has a good dentist
I have an excellent dentist, she is nice and kind and funny, and put up with me nearly fainting on her when I got a filling (the local anaesthetic was horrible to me).
TJBM Has had their wisdom teeth out
Years ago. I was put asleep – the only way to go!
TJBM has emergency lighting on hand, and knows that it works.
Several LED flashlights, and a Black & Decker rechargeable battery-powered work light would do the trick for us.
TJBM has a flashlight on a headband.
Two or three.
TJBM has more than a dozen flash light batteries.
Hmm, I have dozens of batteries and flashlights that can be powered by each size.
TJBM has regular use for matches.
I like to burn incense. I have Eucalyptus going right now.
TJBM has a Zippo that means something to them.
Used to. It was my Dad’s. I was at a Rolling Stones concert in the early nineties, holding it up, flame on. I got jostled, and the Zippo went flying over the balcony!
TJBM has a deadline coming up.
Several! I think I can I think I can…
TJBM knows how to juggle
Not really but I would like to learn
TJBM can do another circus skill
Hmmm…I could do trick riding years ago, did vaulting on horseback, but these days I’d never have enough spring to launch onto a horse bareback. Gotta use a mounting block these days. lol
TJBM is lingering for a bit longer this morning before launching their rocket into warp speed mode.
Well, it’s now 3:30 PM and my rocket is getting low on fuel. I’m thinking about what will be dinner.
TJBM heard something really shocking today.
No, not yet anyway. haha
TJBM is in the middle of a stunningly beautiful spring day!
In SW Florida it’s 90 degrees right now at 3:58 PM. It’s more like a hot Summer day. It’s time for me to head to the NW.
TJBM insists on all cotton bedding including sheets, pillow cases, blankets, and spreads.
I don’t even insist on a mattress. Best sleep I ever had in my life (not counting that time with the propofol) was on a bale of hay.
TJBM likes to sleep in the great outdoors.
Not so much anymore, I used to love camping but since I have lived in the country/mountains for years I’ can just sit outside and enjoy nature then go to my comfy bed. lol
I’m the same. I like the outdoors at night but prefer my bed for sleep
TJBM is like the princess and the pea when it comes to beds
I’m a bit particular but not quite Princess/Pea material. :) I’m more particular about the contents of the textiles. The FTC says we have no right to know what chemicals we are inhaling eight hours per day from our mattresses. However, if you buy a little doilie upon which to place a lamp, the government requires that the doillie have a tag advising the customer of the makeup of it.
TJBM has at least one fake tooth/crown/veneer.
I fillings, but not fake teeth. And I’m proud of it
TJBM I sick today or has been sick in the last week, and will tell us what with if they have been
Yeah. A few day ago I woke up feeling like shit. My head and neck hurt like hell. I felt fatigue even though I had a good sleep. I suspected that I slept in the wrong position and hurt my neck. But after a noon nap I woke up refreshed. Now I’m pretty sure that my body was just warning me about my incoming period.
TJBM can talk about disgusting things normally.
I can, normally, but I’m a little low on gas at the moment.
Fortunately, I ate about 150% RDA of fiber today, so I’ll be fired up tomorrow.
TJBM just absolutely loves beans!
Beans, beans, the musical fruit are good for your heart.
The more you eat the more you toot fart.
The more you toot fart the better you feel,
So why not eat beans for every meal!
TJBM can remember a funny verse or rhyme from their childhood.
The cow jumped over the moon
And the dish ran away with the spoon.
The Jelly below me cannot speak right now.
Mmmph! Ftttt! Gplzx!
TJBM will zswrt.
A gopher!
TJBM has seen a gopher recently.
Hey! I just typed that whole thing randomly. I didn’t know it could form a legitimate word! Anyway I’ve just seen one on Google. Cute creature :)
TJBM knows another lesser-known cute animal.
TJBM Knew what a Quokka was without having to search it up. And will provide a picture for those who don’t know what it is, regardless
I had to look them up… but oh my goodness they’re adorable!!
TJBM knows what a….......... well, I can’t think of another cute lesser known creature. TJBM knows of one, though!
A Bilby and a sugar glider :) Proving Australia isn’t so volatile after all
TJBM Can give us our extra dose of cute
Is this cute enough?
TJBM thinks all babies, human and animal, are generally cute.
True. Even rats are cute too :)
TJBM will keep up with the cuteness.
As long as I have descendants I will definitely keep up with the cuteness. I have, hands down, THE cutest descendants in the world. Wanna see ‘em?
TJBM wants to see my descendants.
I do. I have seen some of them but would love to see more
TJBM likes babies
I’m slowly going into old geezer mode, where I make faces at all the babies I see. I’m not to the touching them stage, yet, but I smile and make odd faces.
TJBM doesn’t give a damn about growing old gracefully.
Pfft. I’m certainly not guaranteed the chance to grow old at all. I’m going there enjoying myself as much as possible. (Within reason, I mean, I am not a fan of hangovers).
TJBM remembers an odd piece of advice from their grandparents.
“Don’t be a flight hostess, they are just glorified maids”
Does that count?
TJBM knows how to change their user name and will share that knowledge with me…
Sure. Just send a message to a moderator. You can change your name once per account. (I used to have a much longer, harder-to-spell name, myself)
TJBM used to talk on ICQ.
“I Can’t Quit”? Well I have a lot of things that I can’t quit.
TJBM never quits.
You have to know when to hold ‘em, know when to fold ‘em. Know when to walk away.
TJBM is a gambler.
Not at all. I buy lotto tickets about once a year and have gambled in a casino a few times just because I live near Lake Tahoe, Reno and all the other Nevada side of the lake casino/hotel hubs. The few times I have gone were to enjoy staying in Harrahs or another entertaining hotel by the lake, to enjoy the food and drink. gambling was last on the list but I’d play Balcjack for awhile and drink Bloody Marys. lol
TJBM is in evening relaxing mode now.
Very true, helped by a couple of glasses of Friday evening white wine.
TJBM likes pina coladas and getting caught in the rain.
Never had a pina colada, but I love getting caught in the rain… good thing the drink comes ready for the weather! I knew those little paper umbrellas had a use…
TJBM’s nose disagrees with the high pollen count in the air
My nose doesn’t disagree with the pollen in the air (there is none here) but it doesn’t agree with the cold I am suffering at the moment
TJBM is also living somewhere about to go into winter
Winter… with boiling weather!
TJBM is entering summer.
Well it’s raining but it was sunny earlier. I suppose that’s what passes for summer round here…
TJBM is guaranteed a proper summer
I absolutely thrive in summer! When it’s 98F/37C, I’m happy and comfortable. Any summer that’s long and hot is a proper summer in my opinion.
TJBM finds it mildly annoying when someone says, “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.”
Yes. I don’t find it an accurate depiction of life.
TJBM also doesn’t understand the phrase “Respect is earned, not given.”
”Respect: a feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements.”
Closely related to Show, don’t tell.
TJBM has been an aspiring writer.
I have, at different times in my life. Haven’t done much or submitted anything for a few years now, life has beckoned me in other directions.
TJBM is out of it this morning.
Can my bed count as “it”?
TJBM would like to share some more confusing sayings.
“You can’t have your cake and eat it too” always confused me: in order to eat cake, wouldn’t I have to have cake?... But then it makes sense when the wording is switched (er, fixed)—“You can’t eat your cake and have it too”—once I eat it, it’s no longer sitting on the counter, haha
TJBM will keep this “sayings” train of thought chugging!
I dunno. It’s six of one, half a dozen of another if we do or not.
TJBM has a saying.
I tell the chickens when they come out in the morning that they are ” free as a bird.” lol
Oops…. haha
TJBM thinks TJAM is a funny guy.
I do.
TJBM Has something better to ask than what I can think of right now
Absolutely – I’ve not taken any wooden nickles!
TJBM can answer questions till the cows come home!
Pretty much, but only the not stupid questions. lol
TJBM flosses every day.
What is a floss?
TJBM cleans their teeth in an unconventional way.
Hail, real men jess polish ‘em up on thar sleeves when the wimmin foke air round, eller it ain’t no bid deal. Floss iz fer floozies.
TJBM wonders if a lot of people think riding a horse is cruel to the horse.
I don’t, obviously, but probably quite a few do. Look at it this way, we taught the horse to trust the panther on his back. Now that’s progress!
TJBM has seen a Panther.
A couple in Florida. I think there was one once in the neighborhood in Fair Oaks when I was a kid. Are they extinct now where you are?
TJBM will tell us the weirdest wildlife they’ve ever seen.
No, they are abundant. Even down on the American River Parkway yes, in the Fair Oaks area but especially in these hills.
Weirdest wildlife, hmmm…a 3 legged Coyote that was fast as lightening. haha
TJBM will say goodnight to me now, must sleep. zzzz
Good night @Coloma.
TJBM will say “enjoy your meal” to me.
Yes, what are you having @Mimishu1995!
TJBM didn’t realize this was the previous JBM thread! I thought I was following the new one… oops! This’ll be answer 770!
I don’t realise much when it comes to these threads
TJBM I getting very confused between the two threads, because they are answering on both
There are 3 JBM threads active. I’m on both #67’s, if that clarifies anything. lol
TJBM has is craving ice cream.
Ice cream is one of the things that are keeping me from boiling to death!
@Coloma @Soubresaut well nothing particular really. Just some boiled eggs, meat and salmon. I wish mom we hadn’t been eating salmon’s head only though.
TJBM wants this thread to be another Hijack thread.
Everybody stay right where they are (wields realistic squirt gun he uses to chase the cat off the drainboard) and nobody will get hurt. Lady—Yeah, you in the I-get-fucked-regularly-by-the-President t-shirt—You can go to the bathroom after we hijack this thread. (turns to TJAM) OK. What do we do next?
TJBM knows what to do next.
(Draw out machine gun) Now all of you! Nobody move and talk! Let us say and shoot this thread. Anyone says anything about getting to the topic will eat bullets! (turns to TJAM) OK. What do we do next?
TJBM knows what to do next.
TJBM knows what to do next.
No, I can’t get my head under my feet and stand up. Do I just drop out, or do I get pummelled by @Mimishu1995?!?
TJBM knows the answer.
Get him, Mimi! Scratch him! Bite him! ...Uh, oh. SIMON SAYS EVERYBODY LOOK THE OTHER WAY!
TJBM is having a good morning.
(Shoot @Yetanotheruser mercilessly)
My morning has passed, but it was good. Finished my book and ready for some additional practice. I felt productive.
TJBM is having a good night.
Miraculously, my night has passed just fine, in spite of being mercilessly shot at. It’s only due to my contorted state that no bullets actually touched me.
TJBM has a good story to tell.
I found this story starter on the table. Written by my 9 year old. Rainbow. I first met Rainbow when I was 2. We were in nursery. All of the other toddlers wanted to sit next to her but she silently raised a finger and took a chair to the one person table with me. Of course all of the other girls squeezed their…
TJBM likes a cliffhanger!
Only if there is a sequel coming. haha
TJBM needs a massage.
Yes, especially if you’re offering! LOL!
TJBM would like a massage from TJAM.
I like a massage and have very bad tension so yes please!
TJBM relaxes with yoga
Yes I do.
TJBM knows what Ganoderma is.
Not googling – something to do with skin but i can’t think what the gano bit might mean. Oh it’s a fungus!
TJBM can identify wild mushrooms
Some. Shitaki, Morel, Portobello (how could you miss them!), Champignon, and now Reishi (Ganoderma). Yeah, I thought it was an ugly skin disease at first, too. My sister loves this stuff. They make a coffee out of it that tastes like a cafe mocha. Supposed to be full of all sorts of good things. Big in Asia.
TJBM likes mushrooms.
Yes, but not so much raw, cooked, sauteed, grilled, marinated byt raw…meh.
TJBM has had a massage therapist kneel on their back. Oh man, my little massage therapist worked me over but good, she was on my back digging in. Hurts so good. lol
Yes. I miss my massage therapist back in the States. She was really good.
Did TJBM get a massage today?
Yes, she did. I’m in another dimension right now. lol
TJBM lives in their head more than their body.
I live in both. The trick is getting them to connect! If that makes sense.
TJBM makes sense.
Do I make sense to you?
TJBM doesn’t make sense.
I don’t think I have ever made sense in my life. I make even less sense when I am trying to recount a story. And even less sense yet again when I am talking/debating/discussing Harry Potter
TJBM Thinks that this thread is slowly dying…
Not really, just like everything, it ebbs and flows.
TJBM goes with the flow.
Yep, go with the flow. It takes a lot less energy than swimming upstream. Besides, why would you want to work so hard to get back to where you just came from? That ain’t no life. That’s a rerun.
TJBM is on top of it today.
I am, just cleaned out a bunch of stuff and clothes and am going to drop them at the local Goodwill.
TJBM is still under the covers snoring.
Mimi probably is. It’s 0230 at her place right now. I’ve been up and about since 0200 TJAM’s time.
TJBM doesn’t have daylight savings where they live.
I wish. I fracking hate it anymore. I want it to be dark by 7 at the latest so I can rip off my bra and put my jammies on and unwind before 10pm. lol
TJBM loves to get undressed.
Yes. It means the end of the day and time to shower and hit the couch.
TJBM has teddy bears on their jammies.
No, I have Tinkerbell jammies. lol
TJBM hates moody people that run hot and cold.
Yeah, they put me on pins and needles, especially if I otherwise like them. I have to confess to a bit of that, though. I’ve recognized that I can get a little moody in the afternoon, so I figure it’s low blood sugar and I’ve taken to a little coffee and pastry between 3 and 4 pm. If I’m going to be out on the range, I’ll carry a Snickers bar. It seems to be working and it’s a nice break in the afternoon. I chalk it up to age. I really don’t want to become an old, cranky bastard, but I now can see how it happens.
@Coloma I’ve become addicted to the Cut Horse videos on YouTube ever since you posted that amazing clip. Nu Baby is incredible! My sister and I have been watching them together.
TJBM never has this problem.
Rarely, I just keep to myself if I am feeling down or emotional, I am a very steady mare. lol
@Espiritus_Corvus Cool…Here, this guy is one of the mares here, sire. Her name is ” This Cats Cool”, “Cool” for short. She is a very impressive cutting mare. www.highbrowcat.com
TJBM has had a hernia.
No, thank goodness. I’ve escaped that little malady.
Still waiting for the pics. My “broadband” has decided to immitate dial-up for the moment… Wow, look at the chest on the fifth one from the left in the group photo!
TJBM has nice, heavy woolen socks to go with their pj’s.
Mmm…no wool but I do have a rainbow assortment of socks, one of my fetishes, along with cool light bulbs. unusual lamps and rocks. lol
TJBM loves spinach dip.
Yes, big time. Thick and garlicky spinach dip.
TJBM will tell what they dip in the spinach dip.
I only knows of spinach soup. It’s the only thing my family make when we have spinach.
TJBM thinks spinach will give you big muscles like in those Popeye cartoons.
Nah, no muscles but good for you anyway.
I like to dip french bread and corn chips in my dip.
TJBM will tell us one of their quirks. I have to compulsively rinse a glass or cup at someone elses house before drinking because I have a fear of soap residue. It was a childhood trauma, drinking from a not well rinsed glass. lol
Ugh, I hate soap residue! Didn’t rinse a water bottle out well enough so I felt like I was drinking soap today—because I guess I was….
Hmm, quirk… I heat up water in the microwave (like for tea), which is apparently weird? Thought it was quite sensible—we don’t have a kettle at home, we just zap the water for a couple minutes. I’ve had roommates with various water-heating devices, and they’ve each tried to get me to use their device… stainless steel tea kettles that make the water taste like metal, keurigs that give me water with black-brown chunks of slime and one time an ant carcass (true story)... So I stick to the microwave! Also I use a ceramic tumbler for my tea-to-go—can’t tip it, which isn’t terribly convenient, but I’ve gotten good at biking with scalding water in one hand. The plastic and metal tumblers give the tea a plastic/metal taste… unless someone’s been using them for coffee, in which case they taste like coffee… so I stick with the odorless ceramic.
In other words, I’m fussy when it comes to my beverages.
TJBM will tell us one of their quirks (I told you mine!!)
Soap residue, again, and hate crumbs on counter tops, must wipe. haha I use the microwave to make instant coffee too.
TJBM will answer @Soubresaut ‘s quirky question now.
Hmmm… I tend to assign myself a seat. There’s “my spot” on the couch, “my chair” at the table, etc. I end up feeling rather uncomfortable if I’m made to move to a different seat, or if I find someone in my spot.
TJBM is also quirky.
My girl cat is quirky, one of those happy little purring pussies one minute, then, the ” you touched my TAIL, I will bite you now.” types. lol
TJBM has a quirky pet.
If a temperamental Cockatiel is quirky, then sure. She likes cheese, and hollowing out peas. She loves neck scratches, but be careful, if she decides you scratched her the wrong way, she will attack, and then ask for more neck scratches.
TJBM Had soup today
Yes, everyday, if you think of “soup” in the broardest sense.
TJBM is a quirky cook.
Yes, I think other people think so. I experiment a lot with exotics, but not with guests around. Lately I’ve been working with Lilikoi (passion fruit) desserts like cheesecake, glazes, and fruit punch mixtures. But with guests, I keep to my more successful recipes, or what is tried and true. I have a reputation to protect (in my own mind). Treating a friend to something new and nice is cheap, fun and rewarding. Left to my own devices and when cooking for myself, it can get a little quirky.
TJBM likes to try new foods.
Absolutely! I love wandering Global Markets seeing the foods I can’t pronounce and imaging the people and places they feed every day. I’ve been known to do a u-turn when I say a restaurant advertising a type of food I’m unfamiliar with.
TJBM can be endlessly self-entertaining.
Well, I wouldn’t say that I keep myself rolling in the aisles, but I can usually invent a project or two. Living in the era of the internet coupled with a manic curiosity about everything, and living in the country with a barn full of old odds and ends, can keep a person pretty busy.
TJBM has found a certain cuisine they like best, for the moment.
I bought some killer spinach dip yesterday for the first time in at least a year as I am trying to watch my fat intake, but dash it all, I just had to have some. I had some french bread and corn chips for I am going to go get a Jicama today and enjoy some with Jicama sticks later.
TJBM likes Jicama.
I had never heard of it but read a little and good grief, that’s a healthy food. I may have to look for it at the market.
TJBM likes to try new foods.
I do. @MollyMcGuire Jicama looks like a giant brown Turnip sort of thing. haha
It has a very fiberous skin that is rather hard to peel and then you can slice it into slices or sticks for veggie trays or dipping. It has a crispy, sort of raw potato type texture and is really yummy!
TJBM is dealing with a moody person right now and is teetering on the edge of letting them really have it.
In my house moodiness gets you a time out. ;)
TJBM has recently been surprised by great customer service from a business establishment.
I have!
I recently forgot to turn the ignition all the way off in my car one night when I ran out to put up the cracked windows when it started raining. I called a mobile mechanic to come give me a jump as nobody was around here and he only charged me $20.00 instead of his going rate of $60.00 per hour. He was the nicest guy and I am going to use him in the future and have been telling all my friends about him too!
TJBM has a headache.
No headache. I did have a slight one then I had an espresso coffee and now feel fine. i have also had a gin and tonic so that might be helping too…
TJBM likes G&T
Oh gosh no! I don’t really drink any alcohol and when I do it’s one sweetish kind of drink, like a Pina Colada or Hurricane.
TJBM has a favorite color M&M. (Mine is green)
I like the the red M&M’s though they all taste the same.
TJBM likes dried apricots.
Just one or two, not too many as they have an effect
TJBM hates fruit in all its forms
Even if I did, I still had to admit that it was one of those things that keep me alive.
TJBM hates something but can’t think of any reason.
No, all the things I hate have plenty of reasons. haha
TJBM just had dinner.
Ha! False. It’s I-didn’t-eat-anything-for-breakfast time here again.
TJBM keeps a messy bedroom.
False, I like things tidy.
TJBM makes their bed every day.
False. Why? I’m just gonna mess it up again in a few hours.
TJBM takes vitamins.
Yep, a multi, D, fish oil, magnesium and, and, I forget the rest. haha
TJBM likes Cheerios.
They are not bad. I prefer Weetabix
TJBM has breakfast every day
Almost never. I put off eating until at least noon, usually later.
TJBM has never broken a bone.
I have never confirmed a broken bone. I’m fairly certain I’ve broken toes in the past, and I have one finger that I must have broken as a young child because it just doesn’t act right.
TJBM has worn a cast.
No, but I had a big wrap job and a sling when I dislocated and then had a pin put in my shoulder.
TJBM is happy that @Seek ‘s nasty MIL has taken her leave and she can reclaim her territory now that bitch dog is gone. lol
I am. That woman sounded horrible to live with.
TJBM has had to put up with a person like that and will tell us all about it.
Well..I hadn’t forever and normally wouldn’t but my housemate here is a real drama queen and runs hot and cold a lot. Hard to deal with at times after living alone for years. One day I am her best friend, the funniest women she knows, she is SO glad I am her house mate, tells me I am totally awesome and she can’t quit singing my praises, the next week she is a bitch on wheels. I suspect she has some mild to moderate personality disorder, like BPD or Histrionic. I just ignore her when she goes off and will be moving soon to my own little space again.
I plan on keeping the relationship for work related reasons but, little does she know that she has effectively squelched any potential for our relationship to ever be anything beyond casually shallow as far as I am concerned. I just don’t do emotionally immature people that dump their shit on you at all.
TJBM is enjoying a nice breeze right now.
Really nice, 12 kt ocean breeze all day. Very nice this time of year. It blows off the humidity and keeps the temps in the mid-80s. Kinda like San Diego, really.
TJBM knows that breakfast is the most important meal of the day.
I know that’s the theory, but the jury stepped back out, and I, for one, am a believer.
TJBM believes everything their mother told them.
Used to, even folk tales!
TJBM was a blind believer.
I believed everything my parents told me until I entered grammar school. I don’t remember anything too fantastic, though. If there were real falsehoods, they were usually in reference to family lore. But I think my parents truly believed the stories themselves. Except Santa, the tooth fairy and the fate of some of our pets.
TJBM gets lonely when we all go to bed.
Rarely. I’m usually one of the first ones out.
TJBM has drunk Fluthered in the past. Or will in the future. Or is doing so right now.
I have, but not really drunk, drunk, more like happily high. haha
TJBM is having a late spring rain today.
Yesterday was the first monsoon of the Summer, but today it’s bright and shiny (and humid).
TJBM tells the seasons by the rainfall more than the temperature.
Huh, I guess so! Winter is “we might get a few brief storms (and, if we’re lucky, we might get wind and thunder and everything)!” Spring is “look the clouds are dark—are we going to get any rain?—No? Okay….” Summer is “Look, a tiny white wisp in the wide wide sky!” Fall—it’s like you took winter, spring, and summer, and threw them in a blender.
TJBM feels unpleasantly lightheaded
Kinda yes, my allergies have been really bad for the last few weeks and I feel headachey and out of it.
TJBM is going to see the new Marvel movie this weekend.
No. Never into anything superhero.
TJBM is disappointed that cinemas stop screening movies they like.
I wouldn’t know. It’s been at least 15 years since I tried.
TJBM has themed a meal by color before.
My son goes through stages where he’ll only eat things that are orange. He’s done this since he was a baby. Carrots, cheese sandwiches, cheese crackers, fried chicken, applesauce, etc. I don’t think he does it on purpose, those are just his personal comfort foods.
Any other time he’s fairly adventurous. He loves sushi and dumplings and Dim Sam and other Asian foods, and seafood, and all sorts of things… he just has orange phases.
So I’m sure there have been more than a few All Orange meals from my kitchen.
TJBM wonders how small children survive through their hunger strike phases.
My daughter never had any hunger strikes she was a good eater, but my friends son, “Sam” was sooo picky. She had to sneak fruits and veggies into all sorts of things. Like grating carrots in spaghetti sauce. haha The ONLY fruity thing he liked was Kerns Apricot nectar and several of us other moms kept some on hand in case our friend ran out and poor Sam didn’t get his daily does of the only fruity thing he would eat. lol
TJBM had some good news today.
I got my official letter about my new job. It’s a formality but it is really good to see it in black and white. I am so super chuffed to have got this job.
TJBM has their dream job
@Stinley congratulation!
Yes. To produce what I write! Will I do it, I don’t know.
TJBM still keeps their childhood dream.
My dream, as long as I can remember, was to live in a town of about 5,000 people, with a courthouse square complete with equestrian statue and rider, classical buildings in the center of town like the courthouse, museum, library, trees and parks everywhere, surrounded by miles and miles of farmland basked in San Joaquin Valley California weather, where everybody got along. Just a classic little town with happy people in a temperate clime.
I came close to finding it in Europe, but it really doesn’t exist, of course. It will always be an ideal. I think I got this idea early as a kid from watching old movies like Hitchcock’s depiction of Santa Rosa, California in Shadow of Doubt and Robert Mulligan’s portrayal of Harper Lee’s Monroe, Mississippi in To Kill a Mockingbird—both of which were created on sets in Hollywood.
But I’m still looking for it.
TJBM is still looking for something too.
I too like the idea of small town living where you can walk to the local hubs, coffee shop etc, while retaining a small town, rural feeling. Sutter Creek CA. is like that.
I used to work there in a little gift shop on the main st. Plank sidewalks, lots of little tucked away shops and eateries in a quaint setting. Now days I just want my peace, wherever I can find it.
TJBM is taking time off this week to rest up before the next big push of activity.
I’m taking a little time off from taking time off in preparation for the next big push of taking some time off.
TJBM learned the hard way that fish are boring, smelly pets.
I’ve found fish are great grilled, fried, smoked and broiled.
TJBM knows where to get great fish for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
No, but I could get frog legs day and night here with the spring of the frogs, large and small. lol
TJBM likes Bullfrogs.
I do. They are good ecological barometers as well. Watch the bees and bullfrogs. When they begin disappearing, things are not right and the ramifications will be rapid and dire.
TJBM likes the idea of keeping bees.
Yeah. If only I had enough space.
TJBM had to give up something.
Hah, I’ve had to give up everything the last 3 years after the recession wiped me out.
The latest thing I am having to give up is my pride and joy, a huge, abstract, original painting that won’t fit into my new little digs coming up in the next few weeks. I might be able to get creative somehow, someway, prop it up or hang it on the ceiling or something, haha, otherwise, I am going to leave it at my friends for them to enjoy.
TJBM lives in a small space.
3 BR ranch on 5 acres.
TJBM could be happy without a yard.
No, I like a little plot of Earth.
TJBM likes to finish and refinish wooden items.
So much! Sometimes if I’m having a bad day I’ll refinish the kitchen table, just to have something to put my mind to for a while.
I’ve been known to drag broken furniture out of the neighbors’ trash and fix them up. I wonder if they notice my lawn furniture is their old Adirondack chairs…
TJBM has purchased new furniture recently.
Well, the person who moved out of my place left their futon behind. I always wanted one and it’s a nice one. Ikea, great condition (I swear she just bought it).
The Jelly below me watches for bed bugs.
Sometimes, but most of the time I am too absorbed in my sleep to even bother.
TJBM cares too much to sleep.
Only if I am not getting enough, like tonight. haha
12:40 a.m. and just got in from an early Mothers day dinner with my daughter, we talked until after midnight, a fun night.
TJBM is in bed now.
I was when you wrote that. Been up for three hours now.
TJBM is going to have a nice Mother’s Day today.
If I get the yard mowed.
TJBM is losing weight.
No, stable right now. I lost about 12–13 lbs. between Jan.-Feb and holding. Of course I did eat a goant Italian dinner last night, bread, salad, appetizers, shrimp scampi, pasta, veggies. It was worth every, last, bite.
TJBM is gearing up for a very bust few weeks to come.
Already in my busy week. Now I’m ready for several week of relax.
TJBM is dealing with unexpected torrent of work.
I am not. Work is slow at the moment.
TJBM admires Dolly Parton’s goant bust.
Negative…..........I have no feeling at all about that.
TJBM has a coffee maker in the bedroom.
Nah, I can’t fit my stove in there. We make our coffee in a French press. I like the morning ritual.
TJBM will tell us about one of their daily rituals.
Apart from shouting “get dressed, put your shoes on, clean your teeth” to my daughter 10 times over the space of 30 minutes only to find her still in her pyjamas? My coffee ritual is much more pleasant. We have a filter machine and I fetch the water, fill the reservoir, throw away the used filter paper, take a new filter and put it in, open the coffee tin, smell the coffee, spoon two large spoonfuls in, close the lid, press the button and wait. Lovely coffee in 5 minutes.
TJBM will share another nice morning ritual (but not that sort…)
When I don’t go to school, I will have a little coffee after breakfast. Usually it’s my mom’s coffee, so I just wait until she doesn’t drink, then get my sip. I call it “steath coffee”.
TJBM has some unusual way to make coffee.
I have one of these, but I haven’t used it much.
TJBM has a pest problem.
Yep, rats, rats, rats and ground squirrels that get into my car, the chicken coop and everywhere. I’ll be moving soon to a new little place, not far from here but I hope there are fewer rats. haha
TJBM hates moving and feels exhausted just contemplating everything even if it’s going to be fun and exciting too.
I do. Moving is like having a baby with no drugs. You swear you’ll never do that again…but you do.
TJBM had a good Mom’s Day yesterday.
Spent the day diving for lobster and conch.
TJBM had a good Mother’s Day.
I did. It was also my youngest grandson’s first birthday. We had a really nice time.
TJBM loves lobster on the grill.
Never had it but I don’t really like fish and seafood
TJBM eats anything
An. Ee. Thing.
At least twice, just like my Daddy taught me. You never know if the first try was a bad example, and some things are acquired tastes.
TJBM has a good piece of advice from a family member.
….Yes. My oldest daughter gives good advice.
TJBM does most of the advice dispensing in the family.
Getting the chance to give advice is a wish to me, let alone doing it all day. My family thinks advice from younger member shouldn’t be taken seriously.
TJBM never asks questions.
I ask a lot of questions but I don’t think I get a lot of real answers. lol
TJBM loves egg rolls or Lumpia.
I love vegetable egg rolls. I don’t know what Lumpia is.
TJBM loves Chinese food in general.
Oriental foods yes! Lumpia is Filipino “egg roll” with a savory sausage filling.
TJBM has a new Thai restaurant opening in their area, we do.
TJBM is tired of stuff not happening.
I have just experienced being tired of something not happening to it happening too fast. I have been waiting on a vacancy of a little place I want to move to and after months of waiting it has all now unfolded in the last 4 days or so. I am a scrambled egg, it’s a long story but now I will be in warp speed mode the next few weeks between work and trying to get set up in my new place. gah!
TJBM is in warp speed mode.
Yeah. Spinning around in circles at warp speed.
TJBM got some sad news about a place they once lived in, and have many memories from that time. The house is being condemned.
No. I haven’t been back to my beloved old house for the last 38 months because I don;t want to see if it has been neglected and if my trees have died. :-(
TJBM is a creative type when t comes to spiffing up funky houses.
I use to. Then I became more of an idea man. I took an old 1914 arts-and-crafts cottage that had been abused with aluminum windows and asbestos shingles over the years and returned it to it’s former glory. But my greatest coup was the corner lot it sat on. I turned that from a large patch of sand spurs into 17 different kinds of fruit trees, winding brick walks, bougainvillea arches and a private garden burgeoning with flowers of every color. That was a fun project.
TJBM is looking forward to gardening this year.
My ideal of gardening would be giving the concrete a new coat of green paint. ;-)
TJBM has a green thumb.
I do. I grow a nice veggie and flower garden.
TJBM needs some TLC.
Do you mean this or this?
TJBM loves abbreviation.
False! All abbreviations make me TPO
TJBM is thinking that today is Thursday even though it’s Wednesday
TLC – tender loving care
TPO – Thoroughly Pissed Off. I made this one up.
No, today is Wednesday, even though yesterday was Tuesday and I thought Tuesday was Wedneday all day.
TJBM is workin for the weekend.
Half of it, yes.
TJBM knows it is Natl. Twilight Zone day.
I did not know! But thanks…now I have an ear worm…. ♫ do do do do….♫
TJBM loves watching big machinery at work. (A local guy just came and picked up a boat out of our back yard with a huge truck and crane.)
My big desktop always brings me joy.
TJBM loves watching small things at work.
Like ants. Yes.
TJBM has to get ready to go somewhere.
No, thank god, that has been the last number of days, today I will be home alone this afternoon/overnight and am doing nothing aside from the basic must dos.
TJBM is burning the candle at both ends lately.
Hmm. Probably more like mental bungee jumping.
TJBM is planning on baking something sweet.
No, but I am going to make one of my favorites, tapioca pudding.
TJBM has a boo boo.
No boo boos today. But with only 2GB RAM, it took me 37 seconds to load this thread. This is response #905.
TJBM will make it #906.
Here you are.
TJBM is still here.
I am, but… now that I know there are #907 responses perhaps we shall have anew thread soon.
TJBM has a fan going because it is a very warm evening.
No. We are having very odd weather here. In the 80’s during the day, but no sun, so nothing ever heats up. The thermometer can say 82° and when you you step under a tree it’s still chilly with a breeze. The house never warms during the day.
There IS another TJBM thread…another #67 to be exact, and it, too, is active.
TJBM thinks it’s high time more people asked more question on Fluther.
Well, I’m not much of a questioner myself, but when I have a good one I’ll post it.
TJBM has never jumped off anything higher than a low diving board.
False. My brothers and I jumped off plenty of bridges.
TJBM discovered an interesting or surprising new fact or whatever recently.
Yes, I learn things daily. I recently learned how to apply texture to walls and knock it down (as they call it).
TJBM changes his or her avatar frequently. (I never do)
No, because I want people to know I’m an Mafioso.
TJBM cares about their avatar.
I posted the Indigo Bunting in memory of Gail. Yesterday, I saw a gorgeous photo of a blue jellyfish, and I almost changed to that. I still miss my Calvin avatar.
You can see where all that pondering came to.
TJBM thinks the next President of the United States is likely to be male.
Either a male or a mule. Hilary sure looks like one.
TJBM is highly stressed.
Nope. I just checked with Sam and the look on his face says there is nothing to be stressed about. And Dave is at that age when he is oblivious to anything negative or stressful. It is an absolute joy to watch a happy puppy. Drives Sam nuts.
TJBM has had some good news.
Well, no awful news lately, anyway. Of course, I have yet to call the IRS….
TJBM is working on household improvements.
Yesterday I sanded and painted my front steps and railing. I had paint lying around and was sick of getting splinters. Today… I dunno what I’ll do. Recover from a panic attack and maybe… I dunno. Clean the oven or something.
TJBM has big plans for the day.
Yes. Get a big sleep.
TJBM has no plan.
True, just the usual routine/chores here and cooking a nice dinner.
TJBM has a favorite piece of artwork in their house.
Gosh. I have a few. Either original acrylics & watercolors by my mother, or original pottery by my son.
TJBM just isn’t sure what to do now!
I’m doing a slightly scary thing. I’m going to a meet up where I don’t know any one.
TJBM likes to challenge themselves
Depends on what it is. I am very socially comfortable and can easily join in as an outsider and am at ease in the company of strangers, so that is a non-challenge for me, but, overall yes, I do like challenges but fun challenges like renovating an old travel trailer but not driving somewhere new late at night. lol
TJBM is a bit phobic about driving to new far away places by themselves.
Not at all. I have driven across the USA by myself a few times. No fear….............except for the scary mountain scenery that is hard to avoid. I drive those areas after dark when I can; it’s much easier.
TJBM quit worrying about being too thin or too fat years ago.
For the most part, but I could stand to drop a few right now. I’m a stress eater for sure.
TJBM goes in cycles of self discipline and over indulgence.
Story of my life, especially during exams.
TJBM remember something from their school life.
I remember the smell of chalk dust.
TJBM remembers their 9th birthday.
Easily. I got a catcher’s mitt and became a Little League catcher. Yogi Berra was my hero.
TJBM remembers their favorite birthday present ever.
Actually, no. Probably model horses as I was a horse crazy kid.
TJBM was a horse crazy kid.
Definitely. We had horses all around us in Fair Oaks and Carmichael, CA. These are probably miles and miles of congested suburbs now. These were the days when almost every show on TV was a western, like cop shows today. A kid couldn’t help but be horse-crazy.
TJBM knows something about somebody that they will never tell anyone else, ever.
Can’t say that I do. Not even myself. haha
TJBM thinks that elitist vegans that believe consuming some humanely raised, home grown, non-factory farmed animal protein makes one immoral are full of shit.
I read that there are people like that in the States and I find it hard to believe and frankly, I find it hard to take seriously. It’s like this Cultural Appropriation thing and people who think riding horses is cruel. I can’t tell from here if these are just overblown news stories on slow news days about a few whackjobs in Dubuque, or if this shit is for real. I want to give society the benefit of the doubt and write it all off as 24/7/365 news business hyperbole, but… it’s just difficult to take seriously either way.
Yes. If there are a significant amount of people, like in the hundreds of thousands – enough to influence state laws and policies—who think like you’ve described above, I would say they are off their nut, that some kind of mass hysteria is going on. But, if it’s only twelve loudmouths with strange ideas, fine. Each to his own beliefs—theirs as well as mine. Rant, rant, rant, rant…
Excuse me. I just think the country is going crazy right now. That’s what it looks like from outside. Maybe it’s this clusterfuck election cycle and the general awareness of the electorate of the painfully poor choices for leadership people are soon going to be forced to make, I dunno.
TJBM disagrees.
No, I concur 10,000%
TJBM knows that feelings are not facts and can identify the difference.
Yes. But popular trends based on fallacious premises that become invasive bug the shit out of me to no end. Sometimes.
TJBM has a nice afternoon ritual they would like to share.
I have a cup of tea in the afternoon.
TJBM likes tea in every situation.
I do not.
I don’t drink caffeine after noon, and it’s too hard to find decaf tea, iced or otherwise, in the ready-to-drink market. I go at hot herbal tea in fits and starts when the weather is cold.
TJBM has a food they like to salt excessively.
Hmmm….corn on the cob and mashed potatoes, but not excessively, just salted.
TJBM is surrounded by people they don’t relate to and have to fake it most of the time.
No. Mostly I’m just by myself.
TJBM wonders why we have 3 or 4 TJBM going on.
We have more than that, they’re not closed out People like having two or three places to answer, not must fun answering you own TJBM * * * * LOL
TJBM is answering in two or more of the TJBM threads.
I am. This one, #69, (wondering what happened to 68,) and I’m answering in the weekend one.
TJBM wishes someone would come and fix all their walls and paint.
My head is spinning. There are so many choices!
TJBM will flip a coin to choose.
No. I’ll stick with beer.
TJBM has a handicap ramp for their doggie.
Thankfully not yet—he can still jump about twice his height (when we first got him from the shelter, and he was skin and bones and wiry muscles, he almost managed to get his front paws above my head as he tried to leap up a retaining wall—I’m 5’6” and he’s a min pin… I may or may not have encouraged him to try and make the jump… I’m not proud. But he was going for it anyway, and I was there to catch him.)
TJBM was recently surprised that ___________ went ahead with ______________
TJBY was recently surprised that my husband went ahead with painting the living room ceiling AND wired a new hanging lamp for the living room, which I’ve wanted done for 10 years! That deserves its own question @Soubresaut!
TJBM smells a new game in the near future.
Well if you insist! :P
PS glad someone fixed all the walls and paint!
I’m smelling one, but I’ve misplaced the link
TJBM can provide us with the link, but also thinks that this game will never die
Here you go
TJBM wants to see this thread reach 1000 responses.
I do. Just 50 to go (from here)
TJBM prefers prime numbers to ones ending in zero
I prefer ones ending in zero, for the prime reason that they are easier to multiply…
pun not intended, but it happened anyway
TJBM Is going to try get as many people as possible to help out with getting this thread to 1000 responses
Nah. No trying necessary. It’ll get there on its own.
TJBM is looking forward to having sand in their shorts this summer.
No sand but I always have dirt in my nose from grooming and cleaning up after the horses. lol
TJBM has horses.
Drawn horses!
TJBM draws animal.
I do! Mice are my “thing”. I put one on my business cards for my artwork, and I have a bunch of little mouse tchotchkes. It’s kind of a side effect of my obsession with Frank Herbert’s Dune series.
TJBM has a hobby that spawns hobbies.
All my hobbies spawn other hobbies and I end up not doing any of them :-(
TJBM is a completer-finisher
Yep, I’m a work in intense bursts of energy to get things done, then, crash. haha
TJBM is under a lot of stress in the moment.
No, and hope it will stay this way at least until the holiday ends.
TJBM is doing something new.
No. I’ve been cleaning my new cabinets and starting to put the kitchen together. I just did it a year ago so this seems like drudgery to. I read that Americans are very mobile and on average move every five years. Not me!! I hope I never move out of this place. I don’t mind having a second place but never want to have to move out of either of them.
Am I doing something new? Yes! Today was my first day off in so long I got a lot done. Spiffed up my room, went shopping. I went to this new food place and it was pretty good. I got a kebab, a potato, and a Colombian soda all for $6. I’ll definitely be going there again. The soda tasted like bubble gum. I also planted herbs for the first time today.
The Jelly below me remembered to keep their ego behind them.
What ego?
TJBM has a healthy dose of self confidence.
I am cautiously optimistic. :-)
TJBM can still do at least one kid’s gymnastic exercise.
Oh please don’t remind me of my hellish coach training :( I was so done with it a long time ago.
TJBM has a school subject they despise.
I have several. And they all seem to be due this week too…
TJBM can give everyone here a little trick on how to stay focused
No, not really. I’m dreading tomorrow though
TJBM Has a reason to dread something coming up soon
It happened Tuesday….......surgery.
TJBM has had a Tootsie Pop recently. I love the chocolate ones.
What are tootsie pops?
TJBM Can explain
Er… some kind of lollipop maybe?
TJBM can explain.
Answer #971
Tootsie Pops are hard, round candy lollipops filled with chocolate-flavored chewy Tootsie Roll (see below). They were invented in 1931 by Lukas R. “Luke” Weisgram, an employee of The Sweets Company of America. The company changed its name to Tootsie Roll Industries in 1969. The candy debuted to the public in 1931.
Tootsie Roll. is chocolate-flavored, taffy-like candy that has been manufactured in the United States since 1896. The candy has qualities similar to both caramels and taffy without being exactly either type, and does not melt while being transported during hot summer months.
TJBM hasn’t had a lollipop in how many years?
Less than one. I Mom-taxed my fair share of orange Tootsie-pops out of Ian’s Halloween stash last year.
TJBM prefers Almond Joy to Mounds.
Sometime I feel like a nut, sometimes I don’t.
If Almond Mounds were available, there would be no decisions. As it is, my mood alone prevails.
TJBM visited a street fair or similar gathering Memorial Day Weekend.
Sorry international Jellies.
No, but the St. Lucians, Brits, French, Canadians and Americans will be having a quiet memorial dinner down at the yacht club on Sunday evening in honor of D-Day hosted by the President of the Republic, Kenny Anthony. I think we still have a couple of WWII vets on the island, mostly those St. Lucians who served with the Brits. Two Royal Navy ships were sunk by a U-Boat right under the yacht club windows in the middle of Castries Harbor during the war. I could just imagine those guys with cocktail in hand watching those ships go down. Things were a lot stuffier in those days. How bloody inconvenient.
TJBM will just keep on truckin’ this weekend.
Trucking back home from a holiday in France!
TJBM is having some time off soon
Just had a week off due to a breakdown, now on my weekend so yeah true.
TJBM is enjoying the hot weather and wish they could run around in the nude.
…It’s winter and raining where I am. It’s cold…
TJBM isn’t stuck inside because it is raining
It’s been raining off and on all week. Back-to-back tropical depressions. But there is still work that must be done. I finished two portable hen houses, mostly in the barn, this week. I used a screw gun so the livestock rain refugees weren’t too disturbed by the strange human activity.
TJBM will try until this thread hit 1000 responses.
Damn right I will.
TJBM is aiming to be the one thousandth answer
I never know the count. I access through “activity for you” and the count skips by. So, no?
TJBM always gives TJAT a GA.
I do. Sometimes I forget and get to it next time. But I think it’s the courteous thing to do. There are no earth shaking answers on this thread, but participation resuscitates when I give all the people posting between my answers a point. Thread CPR.
TJBM knows what the response count on this thread is at all times.
Not all the time, I don’t always check, but currently it is at 982, well, 983 including this answer
TJBM is hyper-aware of something, and will tell us about it
Mouldy stuff. Got a bit of a phobia about mould
TJBM has a phobia too
TJBM knows the origin of their phobia.
Sneaky bugs. Like those spiders that look like a booger stuck to a few long hairs. The unnerving thing is the way they swing their web when alarmed. Just hold still dammit! and I’ll never know you were there!
TJBM thinks lizards are cool.
Very. Chameleons, especially. They are like live mood rings. The ones here turn bright red when pissed off, or a chalky black when scared shitless. I suppose when black, they are supposed mimic a rancid, dead lizard in order to make them unattractive to predators. They can turn any color to mimic the color of the foliage they are hiding in at any given time. They are camouflage artists.
All lizards here will consume more than their weight in insects on a daily basis and are no harm to mammals, so they are always welcome in my home and garden.
TJBM remembers Mood Rings and can tell a story about being given one by a friend or a childhood crush.
I do remember mood rings. I remember them being the only thing we ever wanted if we got enough tickets in the arcade, which backed onto a bowling alley.
TJBM Likes Bowling
I don’t mind it but I really suck.
TJBM remembers making those folded paper things that you put your thumbs and one other finger in and open and close them….........they were so much fun to me when I was a wee lass
You mean a chatterbox? I remember them! Our lives were planned out by them haha
TJBM Has a fond childhood memory that they’ll share with us
We lived in the sticks, but not on a farm. We had a lot of cats. One of my favorite games was sitting on the front porch seeing how many napping cats I could balance on my body at one time. I’d sit there for hours because I could never just make them all get up.
TJBM will share their first trip to the hospital.
Response #992!
I was 18 months old, and it was elective surgery. I was born with a huge, raised, oxblood birthmark covering my left eye. They removed what they could surgically. Then I had to visit a doctor’s office for the next 12 months for follow-up dry-ice treatments which were very painful, my mother told me. The doctor’s office was in a skyscraper on Canal Street in New Orleans and there was a long elevator ride to get there. I would start screaming as soon as we entered the elevator an not stop until we got home. She said I would start screaming anytime we had to take an elevator anywhere for about a year after that. Thankfully, I don’t remember a thing about any of this.
TJBM will share their first trip to the hospital.
When I was about 2 or 3, I swallowed some buttons and was rushed to the hospital. I don’t remember any of that thankfully, and I got all that information from my parents.
Well, that sounds boring, so I’m going to share my first conscious trip to the hospital. When I was about 4 I was playing with some kids in the kindergarten. We were messing around with some climbing contraption. I saw one of the kids do an awesome climbing move and boast like a hero. I was jealous and copied the move. I failed horribly and fell down the contraption, getting stuck inside and received some scratches in the process. Next thing I remember, I was brought home by my horrified parents, in front of the equally horrified kids. I was then rushed to the hospital to stitch my wounds up. The ironic thing was that I felt nothing after falling down, not even the pain, but at the hospital I cried and rolled around while the frustrated doctor shouting at me to lie still. Later I was told that I got two cut under the chin and under the eyelid. Yeah I would have lost my eye had the cut went a bit closer.
TJBM will share another hospital trip story.
Most recently I splashed toilet cleaner in my eye. It was quite a quick trip to A&E as it was empty. Some sort of world cup football match on! I like these stories so
TJBM has another hospital story to share
I was in a car accident before seat belts, I ended up with my forehead and right side of my head breaking the windshield (VW Bug). Trip to ER in ambulance. Got to ER and Dr ordered X-rays of my head, some blood was cleaned up from broken glass on my forehead. X-ray Tech was someone I went to high school with. X-ray taken, twenty minutes later my friend comes out laughing and says “You got a thick head; we are going to have to retake all the X-rays.” Final verdict no major damage except for scratches cleaned up and bandaged.
TJBM has a thick head story.
Oh, do I.
When my son was a little over a year old, he was acting like any rambunctious toddler, and climbing all over the furniture.
Somehow, he bounced on the couch and flew, head-first, straight into the fish tank.
This is that fish tank
Water is gushing out of the tank, fish are flopping around on the ground, and Ian is standing in the middle of the living room just staring at me looking like Carrie at the prom, covered in blood.
I assessed him quickly – small head wound (they always bleed a lot). He was alert, responsive, pupils fine. No major damage immediately visible. I scooped the fish into a big bowl, vowed to clean up the water later, and packed Ian into the car. On the way to the Urgent Care center I called Hubby and left a message saying where we were going and ask him not to freak out about the hardwood floors. I’m sure he was very confused.
The docs looked at him. Tiny scratch in between his eyebrows. Too small for stitches. No glass. They superglued the wound shut and sent us away, insisting there was no really good reason to x-ray him.
About a year and a half later, Ian managed to shove a tiny Lego up his nose so far I couldn’t get it. I went in to the urgent care center and a nurse looks at him and says… “FISHTANK BOY?!?”
And we laughed and laughed and held him down with five people and dug out the lego.
TJBM has a foreign object story.
When I was about 4, I was jealous of my sister’s bead collection. One evening my sister came up the stairs while I was playing with it and I had my favourite red bead in my hand. Whatever possessed me meant that I stuck that bead up my nose. My parent spent a while trying to get it out and I think we were about to head to the hospital when one of them thought about trying to make me sneeze. One pepper pot later, the bead is out, I’m packed off to bed and the whole bead collection is in the bin.
TJBM recalls eating something they probably shouldn’t have, now that you think about it…
REPLY 1000!
I don’t think I have ever been sent to the hospital, but I wouldn’t be surprised if my brother had. When he was a baby he ate several handfuls of sand at the beach (we lived near one), it was his favourite pastime. And I’m not going to go into the details, but let’s just say that the diapers/nappies were filled with sand for the next week.
He also stuck a gummy bear, and several peas up his nose, at different times.
TJBM Will say congratulations to @Mimishu1995 for reaching 1000 answers on the TJBM thread
Congratulation to myself!
I think you misplaced the name, @Magical_Muggle
TJBM wants this thread to rival the legendary hijack thread.
I do
TJBM will provide a link to the legendary hijack thread
Instantly scared to click the link, but I’m still doing it
Nope. Sorry, I left for the hospital days ago because I ate the gummy bear that fell out of @Magical_Muggle‘s nose and I was afraid all @Mimishu1995‘s vomit would damage my skin.
TJBM is just making stoopid shit up, now, because they are giddy with delight.
No, and I think some people are on the second six pack of king cans.
TJBM is tracking a package and it disappeared in Henderson Colorado.
No, but I have heard an extraordinary number of reports of weirdness in USPS shipping in the last few days. I is hard to say whether that’s a result of a greater number of lost packages or a result of the USPS adding free tracking to all packages, resulting in more people being aware of the process.
TJBM is sensitive to such cognitive biases.
I may or may not be sensitive to cognitive biases, it all depends on how you define it.
TJBM has a favourite quote that they will share, because we all need quotes in our life
@ibstubro sorry :( I just want someone to accompany me in the hospital.
Nothing in life comes easy, so WHY DO YOU EXPECT SOMETHING OUT OF A QUOTE?~
Hahahaha! Look at your face! Ok, joke aside, one of my favorite quote is “History is written by winners”. Get me think a lot.
TJBM has some strange quote.
“The world can be amazing when you’re slightly strange”
TJBM lives in an amazing world.
Yes and I’m also slightly strange. :)
TJBM has very organized closets.
Hahaha, funny joke!
TJBM is very organised, except for like, just one or two things, they don’t know what happened there…
I’m very organized in general. Yes, I have two junk drawers. :)
TJBM feels strongly about the color his or her furniture is stained…....reds vs browns vs naturals.
Pour tomato sauce on my funiture and I sometimes even don’t notice.
TJBM forgets their surrounding when they focus on something.
TJBM is unfollowing this because it’s taking to long to load.
Not for me… yet anyway…..........
TJBM’s ‘M’ key has been sticky for a while and it is becoming really annoying, because it keeps being left out of words
With a name like @Magical_Muggle that would be a pain, my sticky key is “D”.
TJBM has had a computer issue, mine was being unable to print until I re-booted from cable modem all the way to the printers. With power off to all for a couple of minutes.
I have a few, one of my ‘ctrl’ buttons doesn’t work, and if I am trying to use ‘ctrl + shift’ there is only one combination I can use.
My volume buttons at the top of the keypad don’t work (I have to use ‘ctrl + f6/f7)
Nor do my screen brightness buttons, same story as the volume buttons, but f9 and f10
most of my ‘f-something’ buttons don’t work, come to think of it.
Oh, and my ‘m’ key is sticky
And occasionally one of my ‘shift’ buttons decided to stop working….......
TJBM knows of a neat piece of technology that they either have or really really want
My big portable hard drive. Saves me a lot of disk space. It’s extremely useful for a collector like me. Unfortunately it also enable my hoarding demon :D Oh, and it’s also running out of space too and I’m considering seriously whether to buy another one.
TJBM is a collector at heart and will tell us what they collect.
Books. Favorites and some first editions. Before I went sailing, I had to get rid of over 500 volumes. WInes, favorite reds and first growths, all sold off. Some art, all sold off. I can no longer collect physical objects. Collecting requires a proper climate or climate control and space, all of which is expensive and not conducive to travel. Collecting beautiful and meaningful things was a luxury of my 20-odd years of domestic bliss and sedentary lifestyle.
Now that I’ve been re-released into the wild, I have a small collection of favorite books but my serious collections are on external harddrives: a terabyte for old movies and another for books. The collections are quite extensive, satisfying and favorite passages are much easier to word-search and frame-search, but I miss the smell and feel of old volumes.
TJBM is also a collector.
Ha, ha, ha, HA!
I have a huge collection of collections. Everything from men’s rings to figural glass toothpicks. Mostly things made of glass – animals, toothpicks, toothpick holders, swans, baskets, covered boxes/dishes, salt dips, Victorian tumblers, Bimini glass (those are for @Coloma), serving utensils (knives, spoons, forks), eggs, straws…I’m sure I’m leaving some things out.
And no, I don’t throw a lot of stones.
TJBM likes cotton candy.
I have no yearning for pure dextrose. It brings upon me one of my few phobias, which is a fear of rotting teeth. Mine are fine, but heavy dental work represents a real financial disaster. I am a bit neurotic about my tooth care.
TJBM is aware that for the next few hours and into the wee hours of the morning EDT, Turner Classic Movies will be running films based on Jane Austin’s novels.
I was not aware but I do not have cable TV, so it wouldn’t really matter. :)
TJBM has never even had cotton candy.
Yes, when I was a kid at the State Fair. I wasn’t impressed. And it was pink! I prefered carmelized popcorn or beef jerky instead.
TJBM wonders where Molly McGuire went.
Is it bad I don’t know who Molly McGuire is right away?
TJBM Knows who Molly McGuire is and will tell me if it’s bad or not that I don’t know them
I guess it’s kind of bad, because they are RIGHT ABOVE TJAY! :D
TJBM cares a lot for details.
Yes. The devil and the angel are often in the details.
TJBM is having a good day?
So far, so good. But I’m going to be miserable in a week. First a test that lasts for 5 minutes, then a presentation for the final just a week after the test. Then some bullshit research paper accompanied with the apprenticeship. I especially hate that the final document has to be written by hand. I’m starting to hate my life ~
I hope your mood is getting better soon.
TJBM thinks an “I’m fine” for “how are you” is getting old and doesn’t add any more value to the question.
I agree that those aren’t much, but they save the other person from burdening friends with things nobody can do anything about.
LOL. Yes, my mood is better. Morphine helps. But I try not to focus bad energy on the underserving. There’s usually some reprobate out there who needs a good bashing.
TJBM will enjoy their apprenticeship.
I just mean that every time someone says “how are you” your default answer is always “I’m fine, thank you”, like some sort of hardcore rule and there is no way around it. It gets really old when you are engaging in a real conversation. It sounds as awkward as when you are in the classroom.
Or maybe you find it hard to understand because it’s something associated with my context, where people use English as a foreign language. I just don’t feel so right when people who want to speak to tourists to improve their English end up sticking to the rigid grammar rules that hamper their learning.
Other than that, you are right about not burdening people.
And I see what you did there :D You were pissed off by some people here lately. Just try to ignore them for the time being. Don’t forget that I’m still waiting for your article.
I think I will enjoy my apprenticeship. When else do you think I will have a chance to travel abroad? Not to mention I have a chance to unleash my insanity on my lessons since people won’t care what teaching method I use as long as I teach well. Although I don’t like the research paper. Come on, I’m a final year student, not some sort of researcher!
TJBM discovered a shocking thing lately.
Not shocked, really. Surprised. I have had a difficult time understanding some of the charactaristics of the generation often refered to as the “Millenials”. They appear as different from my generation as mine did from my father’s, the WWII generation. These are broad generalizations, of course, and can’t effectively be applied to individuals—but as a group some things are quite blatantly different. How they see the world, the future, how they react to other people’s behaviour.
I first thought it was an internet thing, but it has come out in stark contrast during the past election cycle and their reactions to Trump. There are good things and things that really worry me about them. All in all, it’s an interesting thing, and a surprising thing, to observe. I didn’t think there was much difference in us, but there is. That was surprising.
TJBM has no idea what the hell I’m ranting on about.
Really. Are you talking about those Trump supporters? Or the people who are too up-in-arm about the election?
TJBM will explain to me.
What am I explaining? Am I explaining that @Espiritus_Corvus is talking about millennials being both the cause of Trumps rise, and the least happy about it? I didn’t follow, sorry
TJBM Knows what I’m meant to be explaining
Hello @Magical_Muggle. I think I do but don’t talk too much about politics on this site. Have a nice afternoon.
TJBM is in the group of states looking for horrible weather with tornadoes for the next few days. I am.
No, I’m far south of all that. Spring is one of the few, short mild times here.
TJBM is glad Molly is back.
I am Molly and I missed the site while away.
TJBM is traveling at present. I am; I’m out of state visiting relatives.
I am. Mount Pelee on the north end of Martinique is at my starboard stern and the lights of Roseau, Dominica should appear broad on my starboard bow just after dark. I’m on my way to Portsmouth to pick up a friend and take her back to St. Lucia. I’ve milked the Spring Breakers for all this pirate needs for now, and now it’s time to play.
@MollyMcGuire I am so glad you’re back. Welcome. Would you like a Margarita? Mojito? Or how about a dirty rotten filthy Martini? Where the hell you been?
TJBM thinks now it’s time to play.
I do
TJBM Has recently looked back at some of their older questions and replies and had to sit down and have a good think about what the hell they were doing, and what on earth was going through their minds 4 years ago….........................
$10 I thought I was being intellectual
LOL. Most of us old timers here dropped that facade long ago.
TJBM strongly believes people must be allowed to change… and grow.
Whether I believe it or not it happens. But, I do. :)
TJBM has recently been reacquainted with root beer.
A few years ago, I read Stephen King’s 11–22-63, where he describes a guy traveling back to 1958, walking into a small ice cream parlor and ordering a rootbeer. King described the sweet, pungent aroma, the creaminess in texture, the light brown head worthy of a heavy stout, and I suddenly realized I hadn’t had a root beer in at least 30 years. I went right down to the nearest store, bought a Hires Root Beer and began to guzzle it. What a blood disappointment. It tasted thin, it’s head was pure white and it didn’t fill the room with a bubble gum flavor like they did when I was a kid. This was cheap stuff. I read the label and realized why.
Since I had my last root beer, the FDA had evidently decided that the best things about it were bad for the population. Bah. What a bummer. Since then, people on the net have guided me toward full-bodied, small brewery root beers, but as I no longer live where such luxurious things are available, I haven’t been able to procure them. But one of the first things I will do when I next get stateside is to hunt one of these small issue root beers down.
TJBM knows of another product that has lost it’s punch over time.
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