Social Question

JLeslie's avatar

Are you doing a lot of what you don't like doing lately?

Asked by JLeslie (65917points) March 12th, 2016 from iPhone

The last 3 years I have spent tons of time reading contracts, both signing contracts for personal reasons, and reading documents and contracts at my job. I hate it. I’m not a great reader, I don’t enjoy it (except in little snippets of unimportant information to my life) it feels like homework, and I also hate signing on the dotted line, it increases my stress level. Between my husband and me, I often am the one with the primary responsibility to read over contracts, and I don’t want the burden. Probably, I should hire a lawyer more often, but really, I still would have to read everything anyway.

I feel like I’m in prison and there is no way out fast. I miss the days that my work was crunching numbers and socializing with people (selling or buying).

What about you? It can be anything you dislike.

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11 Answers

Mimishu1995's avatar

Drowning in tests and assignments, again.

janbb's avatar

Very little. I have mostly arranged my life at this point so that I am doing what I like.

Jak's avatar

Not really. Not anymore now that you mention it. I have a great job that pays very well and it is not stressful. I eliminated all the negative people in my life except one female relative and keep contact with her to a minimum. I go to movies when I want and take care of business and am REALLY looking forward to the new season of Game of Thrones. Life is good.

jca's avatar

I have to go to work every day but I’m grateful to have a decent job. I wouldn’t say I dislike work, but it’s work and any job has advantages and disadvantages. I would say the answer to this question is no, I’m not spending a lot of what I don’t like doing. I’d rather do something more fun for a living, but that’s not realistic at this point and so it’s ok.

Cruiser's avatar

Sorting socks and writing sympathy cards.

MooCows's avatar

I dislike my life at the moment but I sell myself on the fact that it
could be a lot worse. But is that really fair? I live on a farm out in the
middle of nowhere with my husband of 28 years. I don’t want to get rid
of him just the environment I am in. Even our 2 sons have left the farm
because A-they could NOT work for their dad (he expects mind reading
and perfection) and B-they were not interested in farm work. I am so glad
they are doing their own thing and seeing the world. My husband complains
that I don’t even try to get interested in the farm so he has to do most of
the workload himself. I do what I can but he is right I am NOT interested
living here but the only way to get away is to get a divorce and I don’t want
that. My husband doesn’t want me to work as it would be minimum wage
and by the time I bought gas and my lunch I wouldn’t be making anything.
I guess I just hope one day hubbie gets up and says “Lets sell the farm…”
The farm is suppose to be our sons inheritance but all they will do is sell
it as soon as we are gone. I think my husband is scared if he gets back into
city life that he will start drinking again…(sober for 18 years). And he is type A
so he HAS to have something to do 24/7….on a farm there is always something
to do. I know hubbie is disappointed because I am not into it but not sure
what the answer is and we are both getting older by the day! Thank you for letting
my get this off my chest.

Coloma's avatar

Yes, I too have spent the last 3 years helping others manage their lives after years of working in a highly creative and flexible field. I am very appreciated for what I do and there are perks but I miss my old life.

AshLeigh's avatar

Blowjobs. I work retail.

cazzie's avatar

Working with chronic pain and having to find the energy to be a singing and dancing monkey.

Mariah's avatar

I’m programming for a career, which I love, but I hate the way my team is positioned within the company right now. Everyone simultaneously needs us to do everything for them but also doesn’t trust the work that we do. It’s created a really high pressure situation. I hope we can change soon. I’m losing my mind. It makes me wonder if programming isn’t actually right for me, but I’m still of the mind that it’s just the particulars of the current situation that are bringing me down.

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