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jca's avatar

What do you think the outcome of the violence at Trump rallies will be?

Asked by jca (36062points) March 13th, 2016

Do you think the violence will continue? Do you think cities will not want Trump rallies because of the violence and contention that seems to occur?

They say there has been been violence at Trump rallies for months but it’s becoming more “massive.” Groups are becoming more organized.

Some say he’s running a divisive campaign, others say shutting down a rally is a violation of rights to free speech.

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40 Answers

Jaxk's avatar

It will continue to grow and become more violent. The protestors want to shut down Trump and they have had a taste of success. Move-on will continue to push this with bigger and bigger crowds , all the while blaming Trump for the violence. It’s a good tactic and a sad state of affairs.

ragingloli's avatar

If trump is elected, look back to 1938.
Anyone with a sense of history can see this coming.
But of course, the Nazis will continue to defend Trump and blame the peaceful protesters.

elbanditoroso's avatar

More violence.

The right wing, and the Tea Party, with lots of help from Fox News, have ready audience of uneducated, lower economic class whites.

(Sound familiar?)

Jaxk's avatar

Trump is neither Right Wing nor Tea Party. The protesters however are Left Wing and they will continue to try and silence anyone they disagree with and many will blindly support them regardless of their tactics.

jca's avatar

Then you have the old white guy who cold-cocked the black guy on Wednesday. The old white guy was on the news saying, “Next time, we might have to kill ‘im.” The old white guy didn’t look like a Left Winger to me.

zenvelo's avatar

@Jaxk The violence is not being promulgated by protestors who are exercising their right to protest. The people doing the beatings are the Trump supporters in the crowd who are being encouraged by Trump to forcibly remove people.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

It’s going to cost him the presidency.

Jaxk's avatar

You may or may not be right. It’s kinda like the ‘Unnessesary Roughness’ penalty in football. It’s always the last guy to react that gets penalized not the guy that started to ruckus. You can be sure the guy that got punched wasn’t sitting peaceably listening to the speech. He was doing something to instigate the ruckus. You have a large number of people intent on listening to what Trump has to say. They have a right to do that. Then you have a large number of people intent on shutting down that right. They have a right to protest but when one group is determined to shut down the rights of another group there will be conflict. Most are picking sides based on who they like or dislike. Moveon is encouraging this conflict and Trump supporters are just as determined to be heard. When Bernie Sanders was shut down by ‘Black Lives Matter’ he chose to just slink away and let them have the floor. Trump is unlikely to just slink away. Personally I don’t like the idea that one group can shut down the rights of another group regardless of cause.

ucme's avatar

Someone will rip that shit off his head & plant a huge raspberry on the bald remains.

Jak's avatar

Rachel Maddow It certainly seems to me that Mr Drumpf has incited an escalation of supporter violence since the beginning, and only now does the right have anything to say and of course they blame the protesters for harming the “peaceful” rally going Drumpf supporters. It seems a bit hypocritical of them to me. I know that earlier portesters have been guilty of nothing more than just standing there, not even shouting or whatever. Remember drumpf telling them to take that one woman’s coat? And the idea that I can hit you because you’re doing something that I don’t like is absurd and insupportable. To say that the man who got sucker punched while others were holding his arms somehow did something to deserve being hit is a diversionary tactic and dishonest. It is not ok to put your hands on someone. Ever. Period.

jca's avatar

Whatever the black guy did, he was not doing anything personally to the old white guy. The old white guy has no excuse for hitting the guy. Then, for the old guy to make the comment about next time, we might kill him, what is that about? Now we’re talking about murdering people for protesting?

ragingloli's avatar

Yes, and it will be their own fault!
Because just standing there with a sign is clearly trying to oppress those poor neonazis.
But physically assaulting peaceful protesters is totally fine and justified.
The twisted logic of the fascist scum.

CWOTUS's avatar

Trump is certainly an incendiary demagogue. Even a lot of people who support him – at least nominally – admit to that. A lot of his support, especially the most rabid, vocal – and stupid – want him for that very reason. He says things that have not normally been said in American politics (at least since the 1930s or so). Never mind whether most of those things should remain unsaid for the most part. His hands are certainly not clean, but so far all he has done is to speak. Except for some minor contretemps at the edges of the campaign – which happen in all major campaigns from time to time – and which he has attempted to downplay or explain away, all he does is speak.

A lot of those who oppose him, including those from the Republican party as well as, one presumes, all Democrats and a lot of Independents and Libertarians, etc., are tone-deaf in the way they voice that opposition, and who speaks the opposition, and how.

When John McCain, Mitt Romney and other “perceived losers” in what is called the “Republican Establishment” – especially when they have been perceived as collaborating with Obama’s agenda of the past seven years, or insufficiently opposed to it, Trump’s support rises. “The wrong Republicans” opposing him means that his supporters take heart, and he collects more of them. Those Trump supporters have grown tired of listening to Republicans who seem too much like Democrats.

When various Democratic and other liberal groups oppose Trump, that also helps to solidify support for nearly any Republican. As Trump takes over more and more of the party, that support shifts to him – generally.

When various celebrities “promise to leave the country if Trump is elected” and one moron even promising to leave ‘if a Republican is nominated, people who may have been on the fence think, “Well, damn, if it’ll do that, then he’s getting my vote!”

Now, when various Democratic-leaning know-nothings such as Black Lives Matter and others of their ilk start to violently oppose him and attempt to shut him down? Are you kidding me? All I can think when I see this is: “Do you want a Trump presidency? Because that’s how you get a Trump presidency.”

Jaxk's avatar

Seems a bit unrealistic to me. The more protesters you put in a given location, the higher the probability of violence. Ferguson, New York, Baltimore all big protest all very violent. Chicago is the most violent city in the country and calling for bigger and bigger protests is in fact inciting violence. IMHO

SQUEEKY2's avatar

I think it will hurt him in the long run.
Instead of saying hold on folks these people have a right to protest, just not in here type thing,he is saying stomp em down and if any legal repercussions come from it I will cover the costs,that is really unifying at it’s best, NOT!

CWOTUS's avatar

When Trump starts to appear as “the lesser of two evils”, that’s going to get him even more support from those who only decide on that basis.

JLeslie's avatar

That white guy who @jca is talking about in my opinion is a racist, violent, embarrassment, to my country. He is a criminal. I am usually very reluctant to call racism, but it’s all I can see in that situation. I don’t care what Trump has done, and I do think he has been wrong to even suggest physical violence is ok, it doesn’t change that these people who are rioting and committing violent acts are really disturbed. The country is obviously fed up with the status quo. Many people feeling like they can’t get a fair chance. This helps explain the popularity of both Trump and Sanders.

People keep comparing Trump to Hitler, which I have said he doesn’t compare, even though I can see why the comparison is brought up. Were there riots and violence during the rise of Hitler? Before the vote? I have no idea. Didn’t we “excuse” a lot of Germans for the horrible things they did during the holocaust, because it was their own life or kill another? That is not the case here. Trump isn’t killing anyone who doesn’t comply with his off-handed remarks.

That “white guy” could not have been a liberal. I just can’t imagine it in a million years. However, it does seem some liberals are causing a ruckus at the events. That’s not acceptable. Originally, months ago, I thought maybe they were planted there by Trump’s people, but now I doubt that. Especially, not with the recent events.

I think the rioting will calm down actually. Leaders will condemn it. They better! Putting all the blame in Trump just frees these crazy people to do more violence. They need peer pressure from their own communities to stop the craziness.

JLeslie's avatar

I haven’t watched much of the coverage. Is the rioting being started by black people? I’m not assuming that, I’m just wondering. If that’s the case, that’s a huge problem for the democrats in my opinion.

ragingloli's avatar

No, they are not.
They are just there, and then get assaulted by trump supporters.

JLeslie's avatar

That’s horrific.

Has Trump said anything to discourage the violence? I haven’t seen the news, except for snippets, in a few days.

ragingloli's avatar

He actively encourages the violence, going so far as to promise to cover the assaulter’s legal fees.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Backing up what @ragingloli said ,I saw that on the news as well, he said he would cover their legal fees,and it was time to fight back.against what??? people that don’t share his off sided views?

JLeslie's avatar

I’ve seen that he has encouraged it and has sad in the past he would pay for legal fees. I was just wondering if he changed his tune now that people really are doing it?

zenvelo's avatar

@JLeslie The comparisons to Hitler and Nazi tactics is that he is doing what the Brown Shirts did in the 1920s and early 1930s to come to power. Hitler used a base of working class Germans, many unemployed, to foment strife.

The parallels between then and now are chilling.

There isn’t “rioting”, it is vicious attacks by Trump supporters on people speaking up. He has come out strong in his support of the attackers today. And threatened violence at Bernie Sanders rallies.

JLeslie's avatar

@zenvelo I’m obviously not in favor of any violence. I do think the right wing needs to get a clue and see the smaller our middle class shrinks, and the less chance for opportunity, the more unrest there will be in the country. You can get a Hitler type or Chavez with that formula.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Trump is one scary dude, but the right wing rednecks just love him, and that makes it that much more scary..
To say you’re a unifier one moment than the very next say you will cover the legal fees if needed for beating up any Trump protester, SCARY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jak's avatar

@JLeslie The link I provided has a compilation of all the things Drumpf has said to encourage violence to his supporters. And no, he hasn’t changed his tune, nor will he.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I am not the least bit surprised that Frump rallies are violent. That’s the kind of thing he preaches.

flutherother's avatar

I heard him say today that any protesters at his rallies should be arrested. Maybe disrespecting Trump will become a criminal offence.

dappled_leaves's avatar

@flutherother So… the idea is to Make America Great Again™ by violating the First Amendment? Awesome.

Jak's avatar

He is already talking about bringing suit against reporters who say “nasty” things about him. Apparently, he only wants nice people to answer him. HAHAHAHAHAHA!

Dutchess_III's avatar

Something that I don’t understand: People are implying that the protesters are part of a deeper “plot” or something. Are they?

Jaxk's avatar

@Dutchess_III – They are organized and supported by moveon.

dappled_leaves's avatar

@Jaxk But how is that a “deeper plot”? Obviously someone has to organize a protest. People don’t just wander over individually and say, “Oh, you’re here too? What a coincidence! Let’s hoist our signs together!”

JLeslie's avatar

Tonight in Boca Raton, FL at the Trump rally a Trump supporter came to the defense of someone holding a sign against Trump. That’s the Boca (NY) I know

johnpowell's avatar

Hey folks.. President Trump is why some us believe Edward Snowden was a hero for helping to expose what the N.S.A is doing.

Imagine Trump with the backing of the N.S.A to locate every person that said a mean thing about him on Twitter.

johnpowell's avatar

@Jak :: That Maddow clip was some scary shit.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I echo what @dappled_leaves said. How is that a deeper plot? And what is Moveon?

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