Does he seems interested in me?
Right now I am seeing this guy, but the thing is there’s little communication when we are apart. When we are together everything is fine and he is very attentive. But it takes a while to have a date. I don’t really text anybody unless I have to and I notice he don’t text me either unless I text him first. When we do have a date, it’s because I ask if we can hang out if he’s not busy. Every time I ask to hang out he would say yes and plan a date for us, but I’m still unsure. I only been on four dates with him, but we already met each other family.
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10 Answers
The new Tiger Beat advice column.
Yes, he probably is interested in you but may be a very passive person.. You will have to decide if that level of interaction is enough for you or if you want someone who is more actively in pursuit.
Perhaps he just needs more time to embrace a little more commitment. Other than that I’d suggest talking things out with him, see what he is looking for.
You seem to have an ongoing problem communicating with men. You might see a counselor to work on those skills.
I think this is just teen angst, not a reason to see a counselor.
We’ve all been through this, but never had a place to ask questions when we were young.
@janbb gave you the best advice.
Do you want a guy that you always have to chase?
If you never call him or text him, then it seems that he’ll never call you or text you first.
I would try not texting or calling him and see how long it takes for nothing to happen. Maybe if he never initiates contact and you hold out and don’t initiate it, you’ll forget about him. If he doesn’t reach out, to me, that’s telling you something. He’s not that into you.
He texts good morning from time to time and when he initiates text he would ask me how I have been. I did confront him at one point how he’s confusing and said ” sorry my intentions is not to confuse you I suck at relationships, but not friendship” We went one month without talking to each other because nobody wasn’t initiating anything. I figured he was waiting for me to text him and I was trying to move on since it seems like it was going no where. Now we are trying to be together again, when we together things move fast, when we are apart things seems nonexistent.
It sounds to me like he is interested just not a great electronic communicator. Why not give it more time and see how it goes?
I suck at relationship, this is my actual first relationship. I usually date around, but most of the time guys would be controlling and try to change me so I can never be with them more than 2 weeks to a month.
If this is your definition of “relationship”, you’re in trouble and the rest of us can look forward to numerous posts from you where we give good advice which you ignore and keep giving adding more descriptions of dysfunctional, one sided “relationships”. Lookin’ forward.
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