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Are you in favor of law enforcement being able to obtain text and stroke history from cell phones in the event of an accident or moving violation?
Are you in favor of law enforcement being able to obtain text and stroke history from cell phones in the event of an accident or moving violation?
In other words, you’re involved in an accident at 12:08 pm and law enforcement gets your text history from the phone (either from the phone itself or from the carrier) and finds that you were texting at the time of the accident.
Another scenario: You’re a pedestrian and hit by a moving vehicle. Law enforcement finds out that the person driving the vehicle was on Facebook from his phone thirty seconds before he hit you.
Are any of those scenarios ok with you? Or do you think that law enforcement should not have access to that history?
This is hypothetical. I’m sure it’s possible to obtain, and it may be something that’s done now, I’m not sure.
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