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JLeslie's avatar

What do you think about Merrick Garland being nominated to the Supreme Court?

Asked by JLeslie (65790points) March 17th, 2016 from iPhone

Do you know anything about him?

Are you happy with the nomination?

Do you think he will be confirmed?

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5 Answers

Rarebear's avatar

1) He’s Jewish
2) He seems reasonable
3) Yes, if Clinton wins in November. But not before.

JLeslie's avatar

@Rarebear Does it matter that he’s Jewish? I don’t mean to you, but you can still answer that too, I mean do you think it matters to the American people and the Senate?

I saw him say a few words after Obama announced his nomination, and I found it interesting that Garland spoke about his parents fleeing antisemitism when coming to this country. He made his Judaism front and center.

Rarebear's avatar

@JLeslie Not even a little bit, but you asked “Do you know anything about him”. I know he’s Jewish. That’s about it.

Zaku's avatar

I read two articles about him when I saw he was nominated. He sounds competent, reasonable, fairly central politically, but with room to hear environmental issues.

He sounds good to me. I don’t think Congress has any business not approving him, and I’d approve Obama just giving him the job if Congress can’t be bothered to approve him. It’s been done before.

I wouldn’t mind too much if they waited, earned extra stupidity points for being obstructionists, leading to more new blood in Congress, and then President Bernie Sanders gets to pick the next Supreme Court Justice. Sanders would probably pick someone anti-corporate and pro-environment, pro-choice, pro everything I’m pro, so I don’t see this delaying tactic helping out anyone much, except securing support for them from irrational Obama-haters who would vote for them anyway.

filmfann's avatar

He’s a fire jurist, with impeccable qualifications. He is also an over 60 moderate. That makes him bait for the GOP. They can allow him on the court, knowing he may not be there for the 30 years other justices have. His moderate (not extremely liberal) views make him even more acceptable.
However, the GOP wants to wait and see. If Hillary wins in November, and especially if the Democrats take the Senate, watch the GOP fall all over themselves to quickly approve him. Should the double whammy of Hillary and a Senate loss happen, Obama could withdraw the Garland nomination, allowing Hillary to nominate a younger, more liberal justice. Would Obama do this? It would end up making Garland a sacrificial lamb, and ruin any chances Garland would have to ever reach the Supremes. I don’t think he will, but he might to give the GOP that one last bitch-slap.

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