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Is there a difference between political correctness and class?

Asked by Pandora (32734points) March 18th, 2016

Some Trump followers say they like Trump because he won’t give into political correctness. I’ve thought long and hard about it but I can’t see how anyone would think that calling people names is a classy way to behave.
When Trump foul mouths others, is it just politically incorrect or is it really just a lack of class.

To me political correctness would be to try not of offend someones, faith, or political views. But being crude is just that. Being crude. When I was growing up, political correctness never came up but being rude and crude was a giant no no in my home.

I grew up being told, if you can’t say nothing nice then don’t say nothing at all. And if you have to defend yourself, do it with in a self respecting manner and never in a way to shame the your family or elders.

So are these Trump followers really in support of him because they feel outcast for not being able to be crude and rude?
Or is political correctness another beast all together?

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