General Question

janbb's avatar

Any recommendations for fun restaurants for kids in NYC?

Asked by janbb (63364points) March 19th, 2016

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6 Answers

Love_my_doggie's avatar

Hi Jan. If you’ll be on the Upper West Side, this place is fun:

jca's avatar

The American Girl doll store has tea parties. Not sure the age of the kid you’re talking about and what meal we’re talking about.

zenvelo's avatar

Fun restaurants for kids mean not so good food for grownups, and lots of tourists. But the kids love it, so consider the chains around Times Square.

marinelife's avatar

Theme restaurants are fun. What age and gender of child? If boys, try Ninja on the Upper East Side (note: it is a little pricey). For girls (and boys), Alice’s Tea Party serves a special child-sized tea and has a special kids menu.

jca's avatar

@janbb: Depending on the ages of the kids, you might do better if the weather is nice, just getting some hot dogs or pizza or deli and sitting outside on a bench or in the park. It may be hard for some kids to sit through an hour or so in a restaurant, whereas casual picnic style outdoors is a fun change, very convenient as you don’t have to schedule and travel far, and when the kids get antsy, just throw out the garbage and start walking.

janbb's avatar

@jca Oh yes, I understand that. Just thinking about other options if they want to dine in.

@marinelife My grandsons – 6 and 3 – will be here for a while in April and we plan to spend some time in the city.

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