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JLeslie's avatar

Did you see the 60 Minutes report about the President of Argentina? Did he remind you of Trump?

Asked by JLeslie (65917points) March 21st, 2016 from iPhone

Trump without all the inflammatory crazy talk.

Businessman, younger wife, heavily criticizing former government practices. If I understood correctly he created his own political party. The country was very divided about him.

Supposedly, he has united the politicians somewhat so both sides work together.

What do you think about him?

He said he is having his people get to the honest financial numbers of the government and economy. Do you think he will have a positive affect on Argentina?

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14 Answers

Dutchess_III's avatar

I saw it. He reminded me of Obama, not Trump at all. But, it was just a first impression.

JLeslie's avatar


chyna's avatar

Not at all.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well, he likes to dance, man!

janbb's avatar

What is Trump without all the inflammatory crazy talk? I fail to see anything else.

gorillapaws's avatar

@janbb Just picture the Cookie Monster without cookies.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Good point @janbb! What IS he without all of that? An arrogant, narcissistic, immature spoiled brat.

ibstubro's avatar

My thought, exactly, @janbb, when I read the question.
How could we have an idea what Trump is like without all the crazy, inflammatory rhetoric?

Behind all that religious humility does the Pope remind you of PeeWee Herman? ~

Pandora's avatar

I agree with @Dutchess_III. I thought of Obama first. Not Trump at all.

Phobos_Is_Gay's avatar

Obama was a businessman?

Dutchess_III's avatar

His demeanor and personality reminded me of Obama, @Phobos_Is_Gay.

Phobos_Is_Gay's avatar

I didn’t see the show. I’m from Canada, I see Obama as a kind of political. He isn’t strictly an outsider. Trump is an outsider. He’s 69 and for most of his adult life he was involved in business. Now he’s trying to make it as a politician. Seen that a few times at different levels of government and it usually never ends well.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well, if you didn’t see the show how could you answer the question @Phobos_Is_Gay?

ibstubro's avatar

I watched a clip, and I thought Mauricio Macri came off as smart, well spoken and charismatic.

So no, he didn’t remind me of Trump.
Other than smart, he didn’t remind me a lot of Obama, either.

I’m not a big Biden fan, but maybe a bit like the younger Joe Biden. There’s a certain exuberance there.

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