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ragingloli's avatar

How can I extract the 3D geometry and textures from Google Earth 7?

Asked by ragingloli (52369points) March 21st, 2016

I already tried 3DRipperDX, ninja ripper, GLIntercept and 3dvia printscreen, but all of them either do not work at all, or cause Google Earth to crash.
Do you know of any other methods/tools?

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4 Answers

Jeruba's avatar

As you probably know, Google takes an extremely proprietary attitude toward its stuff. I’ll bet it can’t be done at all, or at most done with a key you’ll never find.

LuckyGuy's avatar

I know someone who works at NASA JPL performing a small part of this effort. NASA and Japan just updated the data and has made it available to the public. You can download the ASTER global digital elevation model at: or .

From the NASA site: “The map, known as a global digital elevation model, was created from images collected by the Japanese Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer, or ASTER, instrument aboard Terra. So-called stereo-pair images are produced by merging two slightly offset two-dimensional images to create the three-dimensional effect of depth. The first version of the map was released by NASA and Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) in June 2009. ”

ragingloli's avatar

Just to clarify, I am not looking to extract 3d Terrain, because that is rather trivial.
I am looking to extract complete 3d cityscapes as seen in this example

LuckyGuy's avatar

Ahh…. I get it now. I misunderstood.
I did talk with my friend last night and verified the data was available. BTW, he also told me they are measuring average sea level to millimeter resolution so they can infer the temperature of the ocean water column. Why would sea level vary in an ocean? Warm water is less dense than cold so the water level rises slightly higher. By tracking that height and correlating it with known buoy data they can determine ocean currents and weather patterns! From a satellite!
~ I asked him if he could check my Vitamin D level too. He said “No. You’re sitting inside your house.”

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