Social Question

What to do when your roomate/friend and boyfriend hook up behind your back?
I feel pretty devastated about this.
I don’t know what to do to “get over” this and move on, forget….
I found out recently that my boyfriend (now ex…...) was on a dating app on his phone…... I had no idea he was on a dating site and honestly do not know why…...
I give/gave him lots of love, support…. We had a great sex life too, did everything together, considered him my best friend…...
I found out that my roomate was or is still on this dating app too….. She never told me about it…. I feel betrayed because she is my friend so I feel like she should have told me she saw my guy on the dating site on the first place…...
If I was on a dating site and saw one of my friend’s boyfriend on there then I would let my friend know, because it’s the right thing to do….. Unless of course they did something behind my back or wanted to be together :( :( :(
She never told me she saw him on a dating site, and he never told me that he saw her on the dating site…..... My “friend” says they were talking on there, he says they weren’t and that he “blocked” her right away when he saw her…...
Basically I don’t believe ANYTHING either one of them is saying….
I feel completely hurt, betrayed, and backstabbed.
I have no idea if they were hooking up or texting each other behind my back during this time.
I feel so much rage, hurt, embarrassment, betrayal, etc. I feel so much anger towards someone who was supposed to be my “friend”. I also feel completely stupid for believe he would be faithful.
I feel horrible for introducing them together.
I feel horrible for being so blind and stupid.
How can I get over this betrayal? I don’t want to keep thinking “What if?” ..... Does time really heal all wounds?
Is this just something I need to move past and forget?
I don’t want to ever see him or her again…. because I feel betrayed but if they DO date or whatever….. I don’t want to be there to hear, read, or see them together….. It’s way too painful…..... I feel absolutely devastated by this whole thing…
Has anyone ever been in a similar circumstance? Any advice helps thank you…...
I pretty much stopped all forms of communication with the both of them but I feel so traumatized.