Social Question

filmfann's avatar

Rob Ford, we hardly knew ye...

Asked by filmfann (52572points) March 22nd, 2016

Former Toronto Mayor and crackhead Rob Ford has died. How will he be remembered?

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9 Answers

zenvelo's avatar

He’ll be remembered as a cocaine addled addict.

ibstubro's avatar

Somewhere in the back of my mind Rob Ford and Chris Farley will be forever intermingled.
Larger than life, fun-loving addicts that died too young.

I’m sure Torontonians in particular, and Canadians in general, have a much sharper view of Rob Ford, but from here in the States he just seemed like one more running SNL gag.

RIP, Rob Ford. Even if it wasn’t unexpected, dying at age 46, I’m sure there are many who loved him and will miss him greatly.

marinelife's avatar

He died as he lived.

josie's avatar

I don’t think he will be remembered after the current news cycle.

elbanditoroso's avatar

I think we knew him well enough. My friends in Toronto said “good riddance”. He was an embarrassment.

Here2_4's avatar

Lots of people falling to cancer this 2016.
I hope he didn’t suffer.
He was someone we talked about a lot, but nobody should badmouth him after his passing.
I feel solemn knowing there are people mourning him; missing him.

Darth_Algar's avatar

” How will he be remembered?”

Probably as a crackhead.

Inspired_2write's avatar

As a man who tried to follow the higher path seeking a positon in life to lead but got sidetracked by materialism and power as so many before him in life had been tempted.
He was a human being whom tried and should be remembered of his triumphs not his defeats.
Many of us will be tempted but few will not be deterred from their purpose in life.
In death he is also an example of what not to do.Perhaps that was his greatest challenge.

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