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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Is it OK to eat green bananas?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25061points) March 23rd, 2016

I bought 8 green bananas. Is ok to eat them?

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17 Answers

Coloma's avatar

Sure, but they’ll taste like shit. Just put them in a paper bag and they will be ripe in about 2 days tops.

dxs's avatar

I’m not a fan of eating bananas as is since I’m not a fan of sweet, mushy things. If I do eat a banana as is, I prefer when they’re green. They won’t taste as sweet and will be very starchy, almost like an astringent.

PriceisRightx26's avatar

So amused by this: “Wasn’t sure if I could eat them, so I bought 8.”

I like using green bananas in smoothies for essentially the same reasons @dxs mentioned.

They upset some peoples stomachs because of the starch content, though I’ve never noticed it specifically. But otherwise yep, safe to eat! :)

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Darth_Algar's avatar

As a general rule food items bought at a grocery store are ok to eat. As for green bananas specifically, you can eat them fine, they just won’t taste very great. Best to let them set for a couple of days until they’ve yellowed. But be sure to eat them before they turn black, because they’ll really be shitty then.

imrainmaker's avatar

If you have visited any tropical country in Asia you’ll find green banana is used as vegetable and tastes great too. Never eaten any raw banana though.

JLeslie's avatar

Yes, you can eat them green. They get ripe pretty fast, so you could wait one day and let them ripen a little before eating one. 8 is a lot. Are you going to eat one every day?

LuckyGuy's avatar

Yes! And you just set up a wonderful experiment!
You should eat one banana every day for with your breakfast. Keep track of the taste and texture.
Day 1 Firm, hard to open, taste slightly bitter..
Day 2….
Day 8
See what day is your favorite.
Start today and learn!

Here’s another experiment for you.
Stand in the produce department for a few minutes and watch people select. Some will be really picky and will try to select the perfect bananas for their taste. It is usually a woman, an Eastern European woman, grabbing one banana off each bunch. I can’t imagine going through life being that fussy. She must be a miserable person to live with.
Men usually just grab a bunch.

ibstubro's avatar

I recently ate a banana so green I needed a knife to peel it. It was hard and astringent – i.e. “unappealing”.

I’ve always wanted to try frying them. Recipes call for cutting, frying and salting like french fries. Others use less oil, cut them into rounds and sweeten them.

Wait one day and you should be able to start eating them as usual, once there is a tinge of yellow.

Hint: when I shop for bananas, I shop for the smallest possible fruit. It’s a hell of a lot easier to eat 2 than it is to eat ½ without waste!

Coloma's avatar

Actually, avocados are superior to bananas for potassium.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Ok I tried one. Was fine

Darth_Algar's avatar

Good to hear.

dxs's avatar

Thanks for the update!

ibstubro's avatar

Do us a favor, and when it reaches the other end? Don’t use 1-ply or a flushable wipe. ~

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

After the current roll I will use the good stuff. Edit I will switch now.

Skunky's avatar

If you want but ripe bananas are better.

AshlynM's avatar

Yes but they will taste bitter. Best to wait for them to ripen.

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