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JLeslie's avatar

Did Ted Cruz and his wife have the same surgeon do rhinoplasty on them?

Asked by JLeslie (65976points) March 24th, 2016 from iPhone

Or, do they just look similar like many couples who look like brother and sister? My guess is surgery.

Not that it matters for being a President. I just can’t help noticing it whenever his wife is on TV.

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20 Answers

johnpowell's avatar

Cruz is only one year older than Rubio. I am still trying to figure that one out.

JLeslie's avatar

LOL. Rubio has a baby face and is relatively slim.

It is crazy that people talked about Rubio being young, and no one really talks about Ted’s age. Shows us how much the populous is driven by what they see. How the public perceives things, rather than facts.

jca's avatar

Ted Cruz had rhinoplasty? Nothing about his face looks like something someone would aspire to.

I just saw some photos of his wife as I was not familiar with her appearance. She’s pretty attractive, I think. I saw a side photo of her looking at Ted, and her nose did not look like his nose, to me.

JLeslie's avatar

I don’t know if he had a nose job or not. I just know both their noses look the same to me. I have relative who had a nose job, and later I became friends with the surgeon’s son, and his son had the same nose as my relative.

ucme's avatar

Whooooo nose? As one owl said to the other.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Does this answer affect his qualifications for president?

I guess I’m put off by the thought that a personal thing, like a nose job, should even be brought up in the context of a presidential candidate.

Next thing you know, someone will ask if the candidates get pedicures…

chyna's avatar

I just saw a side by side picture of both of them and their noses look nothing alike. I’m on my phone and unable to post the picture.

jca's avatar

@chyna: Probably the same photo I referenced above.

@elbanditoroso: No different from talking about Trump’s hair or anything else.

JLeslie's avatar

There are many photos that their noses look the same to me. I’m having trouble linking them. Here is one news story with a photo that demonstrates it fairly well in my opinion. There are better photos where they are caught from a ¾ view close up.

@elbanditoroso I have zero judgement about him as a President in reference to his nose. I’m a Jewish girl, bred to notice noses lol. I also used to be envious of Laura Bush’s hair. Still am.

jca's avatar

I’m trying to find the photo that I saw before, where they’re looking at each other. She’s a very attractive woman but as I said, her nose is not something that I would aspire to.

chyna's avatar

This one isn’t the same one I saw before, but still shows a side view of both.

JLeslie's avatar

I actually don’t criticize Trump’s hair or make fun of people’s clothes, or judge them on the basis of their fashion sense. I might comment on their looks, but it rarely is to make fun of them. It’s more like an objective comment. Although, I see why people might take it differently.

Regarding Obama the media obsessed about how gorgeous and wonderful she looked and her fabulous arms. Bullshit. She isn’t a natural beauty, and doesn’t have an ideal body according to our norms in the US. Her arms are trim, but her entire upper body is small. I did see her recently in a formal dress with a ¾ sleeve and she looked stunning. She looked in proportion, her hair was much better than usual.

@jca I think she’s attractive too.

JLeslie's avatar

@chyna They don’t look similar to you in your photo? Like they could be from the same family? That’s very common with couples. It’s not like it’s weird. I’m not implying anything by saying that. It’s not unusual to be attracted to people similar looking to the opposite sex in one’s family. I happen to think the noses are altered though, but I don’t know for sure. My mom can sometimes tell where the nose was broken, I’m not that good. I don’t notice like she does. Her generation had more nose jobs though I think.

chyna's avatar

No I don’t see it at all.

ibstubro's avatar

Heidi Cruz is an attractive woman.
Ted Cruz’s face could be the product of a plastic surgeon that practices “laying on of hands”.

ibstubro's avatar

If Ted Cruz had plastic surgery on his nose that left the rest of his face looking like that, his malpractice settlement would make the Wilks Brothers envious.
(Note picture)

janbb's avatar

They both seem to have long, big downward turning noses but I can’t imagine either of them went through surgery to get them. Her nose is the least attractive part of her and there is nothing remotely attractive about him. I can’t stand the way his mouth moves; half the time he looks like he’s about to cry.

JLeslie's avatar

@janbb It’s really hard for me to focus on him. I space out. It’s difficult for me to watch and listen to him. I don’t think he’s ugly, although he is like a caricature. It’s the rhythm of how he talks. Where he pauses. I get bored, and it sound like he’s lying. Trying to be manipulative.

jca's avatar

He has weird shaped lips.

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