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LuckyGuy's avatar

Has anyone on the planet ever started a fire with a Harbor Freight Magnesium Fire Starter Kit?

Asked by LuckyGuy (43889points) March 24th, 2016

The kit is listed here: Magnesium Fire Starter, Item #69457
It contains:
a serrated blade edge for making Mg shavings
a full length flint for making hot sparks
a block of Magnesium.

Supposredly the shavings burn at 5400F The whole kit is waterproof and fire resistant in block form.

Sounds great in theory but the blade was powder coated and would not cut. The flint was coated and would not spark. I used my grinder to expose fresh metal on the blade and the full length of the flint. It still would not make a spark. The piece is total junk. (I even doubt that it is Magnesium and will check tomorrow.)

So, has anyone ever had success starting a fire with one of these?

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8 Answers

Tropical_Willie's avatar

In high school, the chemistry teacher, on a cold winter’s day (15* F the night before) made a hole in the soccer field and poured a mixture of a kilo of rust and a half kilo of aluminum powder, he used a ribbon of magnesium that he lit with a Zippo lighter, It thawed the ground for ten inches around the hole, and the flame was over 2 foot high.

Coloma's avatar

Dude! This question is so YOU! lol
No, I must say, never even heard of it, but I have been to Harbor Freight many times.
You’d hate the way I make a fire, recklessly and with much waste. Loads of crumpled paper, about 3 slabs of compressed fire starter squares, broken on the diagonal in sticks, about 12 pieces of kindling, 3–4 small logs and then, after ignition the big log.

I have trouble with my fires collapsing and going out so I make damn sure there is enough fuel to roast a small hog before the big log goes on. haha

CWOTUS's avatar

I’ve started fires with their catalogs and ads, if that helps any.

johnpowell's avatar

You get what you pay for.

I have one I got from thinkgeek that does what it says it does.

jaytkay's avatar

I was at Harbor Feight the first time last weekend and almost bought the firestarter. Guess my instincts were right.

I did buy some woodworking handscrew clamps. I figured they can’t go too wrong.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

Whaddya expect it’s from horrible freight. I have found some gems there though. I picked up one of the “survival knives” using one of the coupons and the fishooks did not even have eyes to string line through. The knife it self was a beast though once a proper edge was put on it. If it is what I am thinking it is a magneium block with a metal match on one side? You can get one that actually works at Walmart for next to nothing. I have started fires with those. I tend to geek out making fires when camping. I even use a home made a fire piston when I want a real challenge.

LuckyGuy's avatar

The review are totally bogus! Not surprising it is 100% Made in China crap.
At least the metal is Magnesium. (I checked the density.)

As received there is no way that thing can work! The striker, serrated blade, is a piece of a hack-saw blade. Then they painted it with a heavy duty coating: either powder coating or an enamel that must be ground off to expose the metal . The “flint” is also coated and painted black , Worthless. The “flint” was slightly magnetic by the way.
It looks cool but is as useful as a key fob.

I’ll try the one @johnpowell suggested.

Horrible Freight indeed!

@Are_you_kidding_me Fire Piston! Nice! Did you make yours from an old Maglite, too?

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

@LuckyGuy I used to have free access to a machine shop so it was a product of lathe and drill press.

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