Social Question

I've had a really hard last few days. Can you cheer me up?
TL;DR: Life is hard, show me kitten videos.
My mother in law is riding my last nerve. I’m now an evil, teenage Hitler that’s going to hell because I insist she take her seizure medicine and stop calling my son names. If she threatens to punch me again I’m going to let her do it and then have her arrested. At least then she’ll be out of my hair.
She’s caused the neighbors to hate us. Gods know what she’s telling them, but there have been enough threats of violence that we have to move. I don’t know how or where.
My landlord let my dog out of the house and he got hit by a car. He’s on the mend now, but with a vet bill I can’t afford for x-rays and an ultimate decision to self-care for his wounds (thankfully it’s just wound care and nothing is broken or ruptured) that was made for me by the fact that the x-rays left me with $6 in the bank.
The landlord has accepted no responsibility for this at all.
And I may have to pay for the damage to the woman’s vehicle, even though she’s well known for driving down our 35 posted MPH road at ridiculous speeds in her hot little Mustang.
I barely suppressed a panic attack last night.
I need some kind of distraction that isn’t found in a bottle, because I’m responsible and won’t do it when I’m in this state of mind.
So, if you know of a nice fun website or silly video or great story to read or whatever, post it here!
Thanks for letting me rant.