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chyna's avatar

Do you feel that Trump is getting more and more outrageous so he won't win the election?

Asked by chyna (51745points) April 1st, 2016 from iPhone

Trump is not a stupid man or he wouldn’t be where he is in the business world today. I think he ran for president never thinking he would win. And now that polls have shown him the clear leader, he is saying more outrageous things to get people to not vote for him. The latest idiotic thing that I heard him say was that women should be punished for having abortions which he quickly back peddled on and then said the doctors performing them should be punished. His numbers in the polls dropped.
Do you think this is all a calculated game with him or is he really that stupid?

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19 Answers

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Chyna, the man specializes in bankruptcy and he has only survived because he was born with money and inherited his father’s legal and tax apparatus. He has built a fine PR apparatus himself as witnessed by the amount of people that buy the bullshit that this man is smart. Trust me, wealth does not equate intelligence. I cite George Bush and most of the living DuPonts. Stop buying into this crap. John D. Rockefeller he is not.

Trump is just being Trump: ramping up to his maniacal peak. It’s just getting interesting. He has always crashed and burned. There is no reason to believe that this is any different.

Mimishu1995's avatar

I agree that he is too idiotic to be a president.

But then again it seems to me that voting isn’t the only thing that affects an election, and we normal citizens can’t really do much…

ragingloli's avatar

I am pretty sure that if he had not back-paddled, his numbers would not have dropped.

ucme's avatar

He just doesn’t give a shit, as he said a while back about how he could shoot someone in times square & people would still vote for him.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Trump’s one great great gift is an unparalleled aptitude for self promotion. It really is too bad that this appears to be his ONLY talent. In the history of the country, it is Trump who is this century’s replacement for P T Barnum. But he isn’t “getting more outrageous”. Like Barnum, Trump is simply a master at luring the suckers in to “see the show.” Barnum recognized that people were gullible, and the distinguishing factor in his success was that he packed the suckers in by always promising more than could possibly be delivered. It was hyperbole and exaggeration, and it should come as no surprise that politics is defined by promising the impossible and even the ridiculous. To my mind, Barnum should be right up there on Mt. Rushmore. And for those mistaken conservatives worshiping the false god of Ronald Reagan, it’s time to recognize the true deity behind conservative success for the last 3 decades. Again it is worth pointing out that the creature wagging the sword of destruction at the Republican party is simply carrying the cynical methods behind the rise of right wing nonsense to their logical conclusion. Trump just picked up on his party’s recognition of Barnum’s great dictum, so diligently exploited and proven by the great Karl Rove. When it it comes to American politics, “there’s one born every minute.”

elbanditoroso's avatar

I don’t think he is strategic or deep enough to plan to be so outrageous that no one will vote for him. This is his normal bumbling and hubristic personality.

Trump is the gift that the democrats never thought they would see.

ibstubro's avatar

I do not believe Trump is getting more and more outrageous to lose the election.

I think the whole thing was a lark for Trump from the beginning. He expected to make a big splash and go on about his business. What he didn’t bargain on was the degree of unfocused anger there is in the American Working class. It got to the point where he could ‘shoot someone on 5th Avenue’ and it wouldn’t slow the campaign down. I think he reached the point where he was, like, “Hell, if they’re going to give it too me, I’ll take it!” That’s when he reached the point where his competitiveness kicked in and he started going for the prize.

Problem is, he’s not a politician. He’s the self promoting heir to a real estate empire.

The recent abortion flap was one of Trumps first major stumbles. He specializes in saying nothing.
“Should a woman be punished?”
Think think think
“Yeah, there should be some form of punishment there
All he did was turn the question into a vague statement that his staff could (sucessfully in the past) spin or turn into a crude/lame/good-ole-boy joke.

He specializes in sound bites that exactly mirror the thoughts of the uninformed public he’s speaking to. I’ll venture a guess that a large percentage of his followers have only a vague notion what NATO (for example) is and does. But it costs a lot of money, and not on American soil. So Trumps says, “Make the Japs pay their own way!” Thunderous applause. He spoke within the knowledge base of his supporters, and spoke to their prejudices.

I think Trump now has his eyes on the prize of the Presidency. And I believe (hope) that the harder he tries, the more he’ll fail. He hasn’t and doesn’t address the issues. He blurts sound bites that are as uninformed and clever as possible.

Does nobody listen to the man? I mean have you listened to the guy? You should try listening to the guy once in a while, because, I want to tell you, they guy has nothing to say! He’s not saying anything. And you know why? I’ll tell you why, because “the guy has nothing to say! Nothing. There’s nothing there. He’s just saying a whole lot of nothing. Listen to him!

Pachy's avatar

Yes, and here’s an excellent analysis.

I dare not say how I feel about this meglamaniac.

Pachy's avatar

Make that “megalomaniac.”

Look it up in the dictionary. You’ll see Trump’s photo.

ucme's avatar

As bad as the trumpster undoubtedly is, the only plausible alternative is Hellary, what a fucking choice!

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

This Republican fiasco just might get enough people together on both sides to finally re-think the whole antiquated Electoral College thing.

Pachy's avatar

Don’t hold your breath.

LostInParadise's avatar

This whole presidential primary is creepy like nothing I have ever seen or heard of. Trump, Cruz and Clinton all have net negative favorability ratings. Only Sanders has a net positive rating. It gives me the shivers to think that any of the first 3 could become president.

As @stanleybmanly points out, Trump is a master showman. He dominates the airwaves like nobody else. Listen to any news station and within 10 minutes you are likely to hear an extended piece about him. And the guy is a complete buffoon. It would be nice to think that Trump is deliberately shooting himself in the foot, but it just does not seem likely. The philosopher Harry Frankfurt wrote a short book On BS He distinguishes BS from lying by saying that the BS artist does not know or care if what he is saying is true. Trump is the ultimate BS artist.

stanleybmanly's avatar

It would be a rather profound thing if after receiving the nomination, Trump in his acceptance speech, announced the entire thing to be a hoax aimed at showing just how absurd politics have come to be. My speculation at the outset was that he had to be running to assure Clinton the job.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I think that at this point he’s seeing how far he can go and still be a viable candidate. He’s playing a game. He doesn’t want to be president.

Pandora's avatar

I don’t think he cares if he wins or loses. He just wants to spread his brand. No doubt, even if he loses he will get a lot more fools to invest in his scams since he is now a household name even more so than before. If he loses, every time the actual winner fails at something he will continue to go in the news and say. You see. I told you that would happen. It wouldn’t have happened under me. He gets to keep relevant even long after losing. He will be like parasitic intestinal worm. He will continue to grow and feed off of the next President no matter what they do.

filmfann's avatar

At first, he was not taken seriously. Then, his opponents didn’t understand how to attack him. Now he is a landslide of shit. Other candidates are trying to avoid being swept away.
When Trump sat down with Chris Matthews, Chris just took him apart. Hillary will do the same thing in the general unless the GOP can stop Trump.

Pandora's avatar

@filmfann I watched all of it. I remember thinking, “wow he’s actually keeping his cool on some of the tough questions”. And I was about to change the channel because I thought Chris was giving him some soft balls and let Trump get away with not answering peoples questions in total. Trump was dancing around answers as usual. Then Chris lowered the boom, and I saw Trump unravel. LOL Chris was the cat and Trump was a ball of string. Mr. Matthews is my new hero. He exposed Trump’s weakness. He’s weak on policy and doesn’t understand what it really takes and doesn’t understand how policies can effect society.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

“Palin calls on Republicans to unify behind Trump candidacy at GOP dinner” (6 hours ago)
—FOX News

“If we could just get all these assholes in one room together…”
—Mitch McConnell

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