Can I set up a business page on Facebook?
I created a page for my broker on Facebook, but it’s just a page under my account. In order for me to link to his stuff, it has to be an actual separate account.
I know they freak over people using names that don’t sound like real names, but how are they with businesses?
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16 Answers
I follow a number of local businesses on Facebook, they appear very much like person pages, messages are welcome, they post updates and stuff.
Well, I know how it will look. I just didn’t know what FB policy is on business pages. Guess I just need to find out.
My point is that business names are business names, FB doesn’t seem to have restrictions.
I just saw a comment someone made on their page about FB not liking people to promote “business stuff” on their pages. She sold bracelets and stuff. So, IDK. Anyway, I’ll get to work on it in a bit.
There is a different criteria for business names, group names etc. Even YouTubers have fan pages that use a username as opposed to a real name. Its mainly personal profile pages that have the restriction.
I have a business Facebook page.
The business pages have limited functionality, compared to regular Facebook.
I think maybe people can like you, but you can’t like other people?
I don’t know. I hadn’t been on Facebook for months/years and when I tried it recently they had made changes and I couldn’t get my business Facebook page to do anything. Could have been a script blocker, too.
But the answer to your question is, “Yes”.
Thanks @ibstubro.
It’s OK if I can’t like anybody because I don’t like anybody anyway. ~
Oh! BTW! Did you know you can italicize and bold on FB now? I discovered it as I was writing a longer post. It suggested I turn it into a “note.” I did (it looks an awful lot like my blog page on WordPress) and I discovered that.
It also said I could insert a link, but it didn’t seem to work.
I knew this was going to be a pain in the butt.
I logged out of my account and went to ‘create an account.” There was a link on that page that said, “Create a business page.” So I started there, got so far, then it told me I had to log in to FB to continue.
Well, if I logged back into to my account we’ll just be back where we started, with his page as a sub account of mine, which is not what I want because I have that now. I want a whole separate account.
So I went back to “create an account.” It’s not set up for a business, just for people. So I entered the first two words of his business name in the “first name” section, and the last two in the “last name” section.
Then it got to requiring a mobile number, and it refuses to accept any thing I enter, except my number. But my number creates a flag that I already have an account.
Any other number I enter says it can not be validated. Is there some throw away number I could use?
Anybody with some experience who can help me out here?
Never mind. For the future, you can’t set up an actual business account, only a business page under an existing personal account. However, all of the Realtor websites, and everyone else in the world I imagine, have geared their linking process to allow linking to specific pages while hiding the personal page that it’s set up under.
Create a page.
I have a business page and no personal account.
If it’s a page then you have to have an account of some kind to set it up under. I actually have 2 business pages tied to my personal account.
If it’s an actual, main account then I’m pretty sure you created an actual, personal account that looks like a business page. You just typed in “Golden”* as the first name, and “Rod Lighting” for the last name *(and the name has been changed to protect your innocence, @ibstubro. :D
Well, I have a business on Facebook.
It was exceedingly easy or it would not exist. lol
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