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I need help with what to do with this guy at my school. Can anybody help me!
Hi yes, so
There is this guy who is in two of my classes, I see him a lot and I talk to him quite a bit, or, he talks to me quite a bit as well, but there is a difficult catch to this situation; I am a gay male, he is convinced that he is straight, but no matter what he says, his actions don’t match his proclamation of he is straight (not gay). I know he is in denial, everything points to it, when we were first started talking and getting to know each other about 5 months ago, he did not say that he was straight as adamantly as he says it now, it is just the whole “distancer and pursuer” dilemma that makes him deny and push me away, then pull me back so much. He flirts with me. No matter how much he denies it and makes excuses for it. He does. And no tricks I learn from the Internet about persuasion or getting people to like you or getting them to do what you want, work on him because a,) this situation is too specific, b.) the world is dominated by heterosexual circumstances, so it never works bc he is in such denial, c.) I know, yes I could also be seen as in denial here too, but there are some odds that weigh to the favor of him being in denial, and it’s not just me, my psychologist, my mother, one of my teachers from last year, they all see it, but they don’t just see it in my favor, they do see the alternative as well, but it is more weighted towards the point of this question/whatever you wanna call it. He might not be 100% gay, but there is no denying that he is somewhat subconsciously attracted to me. He keeps saying the whole “IM NOT GAY” thing to me, but then keeps flirting with me and like whenever we talk in person, he cannot keep a straight face for long and keep from smiling at me, no matter what the topic. And when he smiles at me sometimes; it’s that kind of smile you do when you think someone is cute and have a little crush on them and are trying to get them notice you. Yeah, he does so many attention seeking behaviors around me. He wants my attention. And he does not act like he does around me when he’s around his other friends. Male or female. He has talked about his dick to me in the past so much. I know generally how big his dick is. He acts like the things I do are so weird or creepy or like he’s mad about them when we talk over text, but when we talk in person, he can’t help from laughing and smiling when we talk about stuff or giving me this look, that is semi flirtatious. I have so many examples of him flirting with me, enough to the point where I can tell it’s not just me miss interpreting it. So my question here is; any advice on what I should do??? I have an idea if something to do over the summer, but he said he was gonna be busy over the summer, a couple months ago, and then said “but yeah maybe with Rebeka and Britney (two of our friends), sure, and given the other the circumstances, he’s just kinda avoiding hanging out with me alone and making excuses. Another note; we on occasion will skype each other sometimes, which is like hanging out alone virtually, since it’s only us, and whenever we do that, he is always avoiding all my questions and smiling and like hiding whenever my mom walks passed/comes in to talk to me, he just kinda stares into the camera smiling at me sometimes. I have an idea for over the summer I can talk about if people actually answer and stuff, I know this is long but yeah, I really need some help.

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