Do you agree with Dr Richard Carrier, who says that Jesus Christ never existed?
Sorry but the video, I am supplying with this post is rather long. But if you have the patience to sit though a significant portion of this video, I think you should here the man out on what he has to say.
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14 Answers
@Rarebear Technically yes, but I’m specifically asking about Carrier’s particular views in this question.
Or to be more specific, this is a follow up question.
Well I don’t think that Jesus Christ ever existed, so I guess I agree with him.
But then I’m also a Buddhist who doesn’t believe that the Buddha, as such, ever existed ether.
Nope because faith, isn’t based on facts and if someone is going to allow their faith to be destroyed, then the person would have to bring up a whole village of people back to life from 2000 years ago. Or send me back 2000 years, but then I will probably think a freaky dream and we won’t even speak the same language.
There is no evidence, outside of the Bible, that that one particular person ever existed. It’s more likely that certain ideas and moral beliefs began to merge, and they invented one wise person to convey them all through.
It’s kinda like the way some people attribute quotes to famous people, whether they actually said them or not, to give the quote more weight.
One of my favorites is “Don’t believe everything you read on the internet.” ~ Abraham Lincoln.
“It’s kinda like the way some people attribute quotes to famous people, whether they actually said them or not, to give the quote more weight.”
Case in point: “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results” – Albert Einstein
When, actually, that particular quote does not appear anywhere until nearly 20 years after Albert Einstein died.
I never heard that attributed to Einstein, but I like the quote.
know that He did walk upon the Earth
and He still exists today and forever.
...have seen Him…talked with Him
many people have and continue to do so.
...Yogananda had many many long talks with Him
as he was writing “The Second Coming of Christ”
“The resurrection of the Christ within you”
...Many writers of ancient texts talk of Jesus
from Alice Bailey to Blavatsky.
the lost teachings of Jesus,
the Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ, talks of Him
going to different lands and explaining their Religion to them.
...anyway you can verify His existence….
so i only saw Him once on the Astral/Spiritual plane
it was a humbling and embarrassing meeting for me
He had some choice words for me
after He took away my voice for yelling at Him…
anyway that’s my experience
and i am not shoving it down anyones throat
but you asked
@babaji So how do you prove that you have seen and talked with Jesus? I don’t think you are forcing anything upon anyone. But I’m curious to what exactly your evidence is.
i don’t need to prove it to anyone
@babaji Very well, I will not press you in this any further.
I would be mad at someone who took my voice and punished me for yelling at them.
Da, I agree that Jesus Christ never existed. He was not mentioned by anyone, including authors of the Bible, until long after the Bible’s contradictory claims for his lifetime. If such a man had existed and did all the deeds the Bible claims for him, many people of all cultures involved would have written much about him. The Bible has many huge contradictions about him. The tale shows an evolution as time passed. The earliest accounts tell us little about his life or teaching. Then, we see the tale growing as time passed. Some additions contradict earlier tales. He cannot be both Messiah and son of God is a major flaw to which Christians are blind, but Judaism does not recognize him as the Messiah. This where Christianity splits from Judaism. Matthew and Luke give contradictory lineages from David to Joseph, but why even list this if Jesus is not the son of Joseph. Evidently, Jesus was the son of Joseph originally, until someone decided to add the virgin birth of the son of God tale that causes contradictions and a break in the flow of the narrative.
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