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Berserker's avatar

Has anyone here seen the movie "Begotten"?

Asked by Berserker (33553points) April 2nd, 2016

Saw this last night. I’ve heard it being called one of the most disturbing movies evarz. This 1991 movie is all in black and white, like really shoddy looking. This is done on purpose, and it has no dialogue at all, just sounds and sometimes music.
“Disturbing” is relative of course, especially as this is not the type of movie that usually falls under what most people consider disturbing. (it’s not slasher porn)

Well I’m curious as to how people interpret this, if anyone here has seen it. Had I not read about it, I don’t think I would have known this is about how God created the earth by kiling Himself. Basically the whole movie is these nomads dragging some convulsing guy around a rocky wasteland. Sometimes it’s hard to tell what’s going on, as it’s one weird scene after another and many of them just look like shapes and colors going apeshit.

Here is a trailer.

It goes a bit overboard, but does an excellent job of giving you an idea of what it looks like. And lol, “metaphysical splatter”, “makes Eraserhead look like Ernest Saves Christmas”, what.

Incidentally, the whole movie is on YouTube.


I’m not asking anyone to watch this mind, but it’s there if you’re interested.

I appreciated the movie and enjoyed the imagery even though I really didn’t get what the hell was hapening. Altough I liked it, I do think it was a little boring and it just kind of drags on after a while. I wouldn’t go as fa as saying this is revolutionary, or a masterpiece. Nor is it really that disturbing, but it certainly is unique.

Some people call it art, others a waste of time, some even call it horror. What I want to know is, if you have seen it, what did you think of it, and what did you think it was about?

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10 Answers

Mimishu1995's avatar

Not yet, but I know something about it. From a quick look it seems too abstract to me. It makes Eraserhead look more straightforward but maybe that’s because it’ve watched Eraserhead. It was confusing but not so scary. And I can understand a little of the message.

Berserker's avatar

Eraserhead is great, I love it, but this is supposed to be the movie to watch for those who think Eraserhead is “too comercial”. But yeah it is very abstract, especially if you go in there without any idea at all of what to expect.

ucme's avatar

Plays like a fork constantly scratching on a plate, makes my fucking teeth itch just watching the trailer.
Has echoes of the original Ring movie, but to have the entire thing shot in that way with no dialogue, not for me mate

Berserker's avatar

Certainly isn’t for everyone. I myself am not sure this was entirely for me, either. Good experience though, and part of my everlasting quest to watch the most fucked up shit I can find. :D

flutherother's avatar

I can see why it remains on YouTube, I can’t imagine anyone paying good money to watch it.

Berserker's avatar

Apparently the VHS version is extremely expensive, if only because it’s very rare, rather than good. Although the same can be said of any movie which was released in limited number on a now defunct machine.

ucme's avatar

@Berserker Haha, Killer Klowns from Outer Space, how’s that for fucked up shit :D

trailsillustrated's avatar

Watch “the witch” and come and tell us what you think. I had to stop it I couldn’t watch it more than about half-way. I hated “begotten” and “eraser head” saw them both as a kid.

Berserker's avatar

@ucme I love that movie lol. Those clowns actually are kinda freaky. Plus the inside of their spaceship is awesome.

@trailsillustrated Really…I have to watch this then. Do you mean the new 2016 release?

trailsillustrated's avatar

@Berserker I do. It’s pretty scary.

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