Meta Question

Mimishu1995's avatar

Is the Question for You not working again?

Asked by Mimishu1995 (23824points) April 3rd, 2016

Or is there simply no question that Fluther thinks will interest me?

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26 Answers

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

It’s not working for me.

jca's avatar

I never pay attention to it but I’m at 79 now. Will check it later.

ibstubro's avatar

I was just getting to ask this question when I manually opened “From People You Follow” and here it is.
@stanleybmanly asked a question that should have been front-and-center on my “For You” feed, as it was a user and topic I had saved.
As is this question, for that matter.

“Questions for you” is definitely not working.

jca's avatar

Mine’s been at 79 all morning.

Soubresaut's avatar

I had “questions for you” from the late afternoon yesterday (4-ish-6-ish pm Pacific Time, I don’t know exactly the times) but after those questions, nothing. That timeframe seems to align with @Mimishu1995‘s question…. does it align with anyone else? (I’m assuming a time-stopped-working might help determine why it stopped…? Unless someone already knows!)

jca's avatar

Mine’s still 79 12 hours later.

dxs's avatar

I got none today.

filmfann's avatar

Nothing new here, either.

NerdyKeith's avatar

Has not worked in a few days for me. But it’s ok, I’m just checking out the sections for new questions to answer.

ibstubro's avatar

Didn’t this start about the time the new blog post was posted to the Community feed? Or no?

longgone's avatar

[Mod says] I only just noticed this thread. I’ve contacted Phi, who was able to fix this last time around.

NerdyKeith's avatar

And now it’s working again. Well done to the moderators,

Mimishu1995's avatar

Not really. I haven’t seen anything yet.

jca's avatar

Mine was 79 the other day, then went down to 77 a day or two ago. It’s been at 77 since.

Soubresaut's avatar

I haven’t had anything, either

dammitjanetfromvegas's avatar

I would prefer if search worked. Questions for you is pretty useless with such little traffic here.

jca's avatar

Still at 77.

ibstubro's avatar

I reset my Questions for You to zero.
I’ll know if and when it’s fixed, and I’ll post here.

NerdyKeith's avatar

Actually I think what happened was, someone suggested a question for me amd that came up as one question. Then it just stopped all of a sudden.

But as @dammitjanetfromvegas has suggested, the search function should be a higher priority. There is usually no more than 10 questions in each section, unless Fluther manages to get a big boom in new members in the future.

ibstubro's avatar

If someone sends you a question, it will show up on your feed, regardless if the site is suggesting Q4U, @NerdyKeith.

Search is larger problem that’s original to the site. Search works decently on a desktop, it’s the mobile that never got developed, IMO.

NerdyKeith's avatar

@ibstubro Yes I have noticed that too. Also there is no direct way to go to your profile page on the mobile version of the site. You have to search for you username or find a question you posted, then click on your username from there.

ibstubro's avatar

I think the awards might have gone out with the Q4U, for what it’s worth.

ibstubro's avatar

Email notifications are down again, too, FYI.

longgone's avatar

We’re working on it. Hang in there!

ibstubro's avatar

The timing’s just a little bit off.

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