What do you think of the hostile and anti-atheist behaviour of this politician?
In May 2014, the Mayor of Nebraska organised a Faith and Freedom day which violated separation of state and church.
An atheist group Ohama Atheist simply voiced their concerns about this. One of the group’s members, Robert Fuller, said he gave his business card to Mayor Douglas Kindig and asked to speak with him later about his concerns, but the mayor indicated he wasn’t interested.
“Take me to fucking court because I don’t care,” Kindig allegedly told Fuller.
Not exactly the most diplomatic attitude I would say. The man does not deserve to be a mayor, too unprofessional and irrational.
He goes on to say
“Minorities are not going to run my city,” Kindig allegedly said.
Such arrogance and hatred is all I can see here
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13 Answers
Sounds about right for Nebraska. At least he isn’t pretending to care about all his constituents.
This is my shocked face.
You’re going to have question-fuel for decades if you point out every small-town mayor’s anti-atheism sentiment.
I more like focusing on the chips in their armor. Have you ever heard of the Satanic Temple? They’re an atheist group that doesn’t believe in a personal Satan, but do great things in the name of their religion for church-state separation issues.
Basically they troll the fuck out of local governments that overstep their bounds.
For example, when Orange County, FL (You know it as the place where Mickey Mouse lives) started allowing churches to distribute Bibles in schools, the Satanic Temple started distributing This coloring book!
The resulting uproar led to Orange County banning the distribution of _all_religious literature in schools. Which was the entire fucking point, anyway.
Of course, idiots never learn, so now the process has started all over again in Colorado
@Seek Fair point, however I have only a few more questions planned that concentrate on isolated incidents involving religious extremists (one of them will be of an individual from Ireland). Like yourself I’m not surprised by much of what such people say, but find it interesting to talk about their actions and opinions.
I have heard about this group quite a while ago actually. I say fair play to them, they deserve to get their word out there as much as any Christian does. I have heard about the satanist colouring book too, lol.
PS I have 111 questions on standby (they have all previously been posted on Yahoo Answers). Not much longer now haha!
What I love about the Satanic Temple is they actively do not want to get their word out. The best possible scenario is that their obvious trolling attempts shed light on the fact that other religions are getting privileges they are not supposed to be granted, and the whole shebang gets shut down.
The coloring book being distributed is only a half-win. Not a whole one.
@Seek Well yes, they are basically just another version of Pastafarians (in the way that they put forward their messages and ideas). Its totally trolling, and satire. But for those who can read between the lines, there is message to be made within it.
Obviously there is only one vista allowed in La Vista, Nebraska. How appropriate.
“Not exactly the most diplomatic attitude I would say. The man does not deserve to be a mayor, too unprofessional and irrational.”
You’re right. But he’d make a perfect Republican party candidate for president.
@Seek… I looked at your shocked face picture. What you been smokin’, man?
I wouldn’t call him anti-atheist. Why do you say that? From his perspective I would guess he interprets freedom of religion as him being able to practice his religion as he sees fit. I personally want separation of church and state, but even our Presidents say “God bless America” after speeches. They often invite clergy to speak, to swear them in, we still have religion in government at minimum symbolically.
He’s wrong in my opinion, but take a minute to understand the perspective of Christians who have been doing what they want in their communities, and now as more people move around the country and more groups and media are revealing practices that breach separation of church and state, some Christians feel like their is a secular movement to remove Christianity. Not just from government, but from the country and world. They feel under attack and I’ll say afraid.
But he is a representative of our government. When he is acting as the mayor, he can’t show preference for any one religion . He can do it as an individual, but not as a representative or through his office.
And hopefully he won’t win the next reelection. I think the quietness of the majority takes most politicians by surprise.
It didn’t violate the separation of Church and state, which by the way, is just something people made up. The Constitution does not call for that. Faith is something that can certainly be discussed, observed, and even encouraged by the American government.
@MollyMcGuire It’s just an easy and hearing-friendly rephrasing of the rather clunky wording, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof…””
But you are right. That easy phrase and those easy words were something people” made up, namely Thomas Jefferson.
He first coined the expression in a letter he wrote in 1802. He said …thus building a wall of separation between Church & State.” It was picked up by others. The founding fathers were adamant that that is exactly what the constitution calls for.
Don’t forget, most have them had come from Ye Olde England and had witnessed first hand the oppression, tyranny and abuses created by a church-run government.
^^^ I would like to plead that I used my phone to create that post, hence all the typos…but I’d be lying. sigh.
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