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Do people on Fluther have any interest in the primary election season?
In the US, people are engaged in the primary election season. At the end of this, people will be presented with their presidential candidates for the 2016 general election.
Let’s see…
We have a doddering socialist who might not live long enough to see the election
We have a woman who has accomplished little other than be married to a popular ex president
We have the junior senator from Texas who leans far enough to the right to make even some conservatives uncomfortable.
We have a billionaire real estate developer who will do anything at all to close a deal, which includes getting elected president.
We have an “aw shucks” midwestern governor who won’t admit he is beaten.
I am not that old, but I can not remember a more colorful menagerie of clowns and harlequins dancing on the political stage as I am seeing now.
And yet, the questions on Fluther seem to be increasingly banal.
Are presidential politics off the table on Fluther?
If so, why?
Using Fluther