Social Question

Dutchess_III's avatar

Are there any cultures in your own country that you have a very hard time identifying with, or understanding?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) April 8th, 2016

I don’t know what else to say….

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17 Answers

trolltoll's avatar

I am all for gun ownership, but I do not understand gun culture.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@trolltoll YW. “Fluther frowns upon text speak” ya know! :) BRB!)

zenvelo's avatar

Fundamentalism. I come from a family of devout believers, but our religion taught us to use our brains, encouraged scientific investigation, explore philosophy, build Universities (I am Catholic).

I’ve never understood how Fundamentalists can’t see the inherent contradiction inter beliefs; Fundamentalist Mormons confuse me even more.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

I have a hard time identifying with the far left

ucme's avatar

Just the drinking, loutish lad culture…bullshit that it is.

cookieman's avatar

I have a hard time identifying with the far right

trolltoll's avatar

@zenvelo if you can forgive the anti-theist slant, this video does a pretty good job explaining how normal people can come to have beliefs that seem completely crazy to other normal people.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Really interesting @trolltoll. It’s easy to put into perspective. All Christians can easily scoff at the notion of Zeus as a “real” god, can easily see the ridiculousness of Zeus coming to earth and taking a human wife and having a child with the human wife. “Ridiculous!” They say.
Or shake their heads at a “silly” Native American religion that says there was a mighty earthquake and humans arose, fully formed, from that. “Ridiculous!!”

Yet…their own religion allows for a version of both of those things and they believe it.

ragingloli's avatar

Skinhead NeoNazis.
Or as they are called in the colonies, ‘mainstream republicans’

ibstubro's avatar

The Gangsta culture.
I’m reasonably sure Gangstas would have just as hard of a time understanding my boring, middle-aged, middle-class. white-bread small-town life.

cazzie's avatar

(I’m not sure which country is mine anymore.)

JLeslie's avatar

I had trouble with this Q, because there are some cultures I can think of that I disapprove of, but I’m not sure I would day I don’t understand. Like gangs. Gangs that use violence. I’m so disgusted by this phenomenon, but I understand how young people may see it as a “family” and protection in a hostile environment. Also, neoNazi, skinheads, and KKK. A bunch of insecure people who somehow got through school not learning to treat everyone equally. Good God, how does that happen?

I could nitpick some little things among cultural groups. I don’t understand black people under the age of 30 not knowing how to say “ask” correctly. I’ll include that as part of a subculture, because it’s a group within the group.

I don’t understand Orthodox Jews who won’t visit a loved one in the hospital because they would need to use money or drive a car on the Sabbath. There probably are Orthodox Jews who break this rule, but plenty don’t. They’ll leave relatives in the hospital all weekend if the patient can’t get discharged early enough on a Friday. Maybe they use it as an excuse. NYC goes along with it, I don’t know if other cities do.

@cazzie In my opinion you can have more than one country.

dxs's avatar

I don’t understand the Bible belt. I’ve never been to the heart of it, but the outskirts were enough to have me running.
There are many cultures I don’t identify with because I can’t grow up in all of them, right?

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

I don’t understand east Canadian accents.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I literally can’t understand some very Deep South, like, Louisiana Cajun accents.

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