General Question

longgone's avatar

How do the people we vote for differ from the general population?

Asked by longgone (19874points) April 9th, 2016

Both in their positive aspects, as well as in negatives.

They are probably more extroverted, as a rule, and more determined. Are they more interested in status? Is this good? Are they bound to be more responsible and willing to work hard? What else?

This question was inspired by “Quiet” – an excellent book about introverts. I’m paraphrasing, but the author mentions an experiment done on new Harvard students. They have to choose items to take on a deserted island. Apparently, during this exercise, the list is regularly influenced by the loudest students, rather than those with the best ideas. That made me think.

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5 Answers

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

^^ I think that’s the case with most politicians. The sad thing is, it is rewarded behaviour and we’re doing the rewarding. It’s amazing and rare when one who is not sociopathic gets close enough to contend for the White House or a governorship. These are true statesmen with the country’s interest foremost in their minds. I think Bernie Sanders is one of those. And that’s why I’m voting for him.

Seek's avatar

“We’re doing the rewarding”

Funny, on my ballot I only get to choose between a couple of bowls of vomit. No one consults me on who to add to that ballot.

dxs's avatar

They have more money than us.

imrainmaker's avatar

Gone are the days when leaders used to have charisma. They were true leaders and lead common people by setting an example by their actions. Leaders these days are merely politicians who know how to play it.That’s all it takes.

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