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Tropical_Willie's avatar

Hellman's (Best Foods ) Mayonnaise or Kraft Miracle Whip on sandwiches?

Asked by Tropical_Willie (31621points) April 10th, 2016

Which do you prefer for making sandwiches or even deviled eggs? I like Hellman’s mayonnaise it is not a sweet as Miracle Whip.

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50 Answers

Coloma's avatar

I prefer real mayo but…I do love Miracle Whip to dip cabbage wedges in ( the lazy persons cole slaw haha ) and to make an american cheese sandwich. MW on toasted bread with american cheese. I have not had one of those sandwiches in decades but loved it as a kid.

ragingloli's avatar

Basilikum Pesto.

Jeruba's avatar

Sandwiches: Miracle Whip, because it’s what I grew up with. (My parents always called it “salad dressing.” The explosion of bottled salad dressing varieties was still a long way off in the future.) If the sandwich is for my husband, the mayo, same reason.

Egg salad, potato salad, tuna salad, etc.: about three parts Hellman’s/Best Foods mayo to one part Mir. Whip. I don’t let anyone see me mix them, but they know.

Jeruba's avatar

P.S. It seemed to depend on what people did during World War II. My parents bought the artificial substitute, which was Miracle Whip, got used to it, and kept using it afterward. My husband’s parents held out for the real thing, and because it wasn’t available in the market, his mother made her own until the commercial product came back.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

P.P.S. They say the real mayonnaise is healthier because it has less sugar & salt added (not good for diabetics and high blood pressure) and Miracle Whip ingredient list includes modified food starch, artificial color, high fructose corn syrup, and potassium sorbate.

stanleybmanly's avatar

When I was growing up, I couldn’t taste the difference in either on a sandwich. I don’t think I’ve had a jar of miracle whip in the refrigerator in my adult lifetime. And it has nothing to do with the taste or quality. The mayonnaise is just the familiar choice for the wife & myself, though now we opt for the olive or canola oil varieties.

kritiper's avatar

Mayo. Miracle Whip to just too sweet. (gag)

dappled_leaves's avatar

Miracle Whip. It’s zingy and creamy, not bland and oily.

dammitjanetfromvegas's avatar

Miracle Whip all the way.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

Any mayo or mayo-like substance is not fit for human consumption. If I am on fire in hell they will serve me sandwiches made with mayo.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

I have Best Foods in the fridge right now. It’s 8 months old.

Buttonstc's avatar

There is nothing better in this world than a real garden tomato sandwich made with real Mayonnaise.

Since real tomatoes are only available during a short time window, there’s no way I would ruin the experience by using anything other than real Mayo.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

^Now, I’m hungry.

NerdyKeith's avatar

I prefer Helmans and I think Mircle Whip is disguising (too much vinegar)

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Sandwich spread .

Brian1946's avatar

I don’t like sweet mayo either, but I prefer Follow Your Heart’s Organic Vegenaise.

Seek's avatar

Gag. Put mustard on your sandwiches like an adult.

johnpowell's avatar

For some reason I hate Best Foods on ham sandwiches but prefer Miracle Whip. But I am the opposite on chicken and turkey. Miracle Whip is gross on the white meats but Best Foods is preferred on them.

Edit :: Now that I think about it I don’t put cheese on chicken or turkey sandwiches. And if make a ham and swiss I put nothing on it. So I have narrowed it down to me only using Miracle Whip when cheddar cheese is involved which is only on ham.

janbb's avatar

I rarely use either on a sandwich – it’s either mustard, butter or plain. I use helman’s when making tuna salad.

filmfann's avatar

Best Foods.
There’s a funny line in What’s Up Tiger Lily referring to Miracle Whip. No links available.

Zaku's avatar

I tend to not particularly like mayo except in moderation and certain things. Sometimes on sandwiches. Certainly with tuna fish, though.

Trader Joe’s Organic Mayonnaise I find to be very good.

Hellman’s (Best Foods) is decent.

Miracle Whip and many/most Kraft concoctions seem to me to be frightening food parodies. Half a step above aerosol cheese.

si3tech's avatar

Miracle Whip Light.

Pachy's avatar

OMG, Hellman’s, for sure. I grew up on it. Mircacle Whip makes me gag.

Kardamom's avatar

I like regular mayonnaise. I can’t stand Miracle Whip. It has a sweet sugary taste, instead of a savory taste.

I mostly eat This though, because it is cholesterol free and tastes very similar to regular mayo.

ibstubro's avatar

I have been a die-hard Miracle Whip lover all my life. I was raised on the Tangy Zip!

That said, I’ve started developing a taste for mayo over the past year or so. Thanks to @jca, I even tried making grilled cheese with mayo instead of butter this week, and it was great. A little eggy punch.

Still, I prefer the Zip! in salads, like tuna and potato. They just seem bland to me otherwise.
For sandwiches, mayo plays nice with mustard!

marinelife's avatar

Helman’s. I can’t abide the sweet taste of Miracle Whip. I do like lemonaise though. And I like to add other flavors to mayonnaise, such as horseradish and mustard on roast beef sandwiches, sriracha sauce, etc.

nettodo's avatar

I’m a big mayo fan (as well as Just Mayo, which I guess is pushing the envelope, but it’s good!), so I say the Hellmans.

Brian1946's avatar

Shirley the Mayo Clinic has a recommendation on this. ;-)

ibstubro's avatar

Ah, I see the question actually specifies sandwiches.
Miracle Whip.
There’s little better than a warm summer tomato and Miracle Whip sandwich.

Helman’s, Blue cheese and onion isn’t too shabby, though.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@Brian1946 RIMSHOT and get the hook ;>)

JLeslie's avatar

Never ever do I want or put mayo smeared on bread for a sandwich, but if I use mayo for an ingredient in something like tuna salad it has to be Hellmann’s.

@Jeruba I can’t imagine Jewish people using Miracle Whip or Kraft. That might not just be a Jewish thing though, it might be a regional thing. Possibly, certain brands were more available in certain parts of the country before being widely distributed.

tedibear's avatar

Mayo, mayo, mayo, mayo, mayo, MAYO! Miracle Whip is a horrible, disgusting abomination.

Seek's avatar

Mayo is Satan’s lubricant.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

@Seek dare I ask what satan would need to lubricate?

si3tech's avatar

Grew up with Miracle Whip, Mom called it salad dressing. I loved the commercial where the guy runs to the local grocery to get more miracle whip and it’s late and he says (looking like he just lost his best friend) “they’re closed”.

si3tech's avatar

“A sandwich isn’t a sandwich without Miracle Whip!”

BellaB's avatar

this was worth reading just to nab that grilled cheese made with mayo idea. Definitely going to give that a try.

BellaB's avatar

well oddly – I had no bread – so I improvised. Took a simit, spread a thin layer of mayo on one side – laid some thinly sliced cheddar on top – put it in the toaster oven to grill.

Verdict = fantastic! nice tang from the mayo and it didn’t make the simit mushy

janbb's avatar


BellaB's avatar

Simit is the Turkish precursor of bagels. More crust, less dough. Super delicious.

ibstubro's avatar

Now you should try it with Miracle Whip, @BellaB.

I don’t understand why I didn’t think to try the grilled cheese with Whip??

BellaB's avatar

next time – got some olive oil Miracle Whip

ibstubro's avatar

I’m out of bread, and no Simit in sight. :-)

BellaB's avatar

That’s depressing @ibstubro but you could try making the simit. Maybe?

I’m about to try some thin flatbread with the ooMW and melted cheese.

ibstubro's avatar

I’m headed to Aldi
Who’s store brand is more of a Miracle than the Whip is!

NomoreY_A's avatar

Got to be Miracle Whip, mayo tastes nasty to me.

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